abstract class ScalaTestWithActorTestKit extends ActorTestKitBase with ScalaTestWithActorTestKitBase
A ScalaTest base class for the ActorTestKit, making it possible to have ScalaTest manage the lifecycle of the testkit. The testkit will be automatically shut down when the test completes or fails using ScalaTest's BeforeAndAfterAll trait. If a spec overrides afterAll it must call super.afterAll.
Note that ScalaTest is not provided as a transitive dependency of the testkit module but must be added explicitly to your project to use this.
By default config is loaded from application-test.conf
if that exists, otherwise
using default configuration from the reference.conf resources that ship with the Akka libraries.
The application.conf of your project is not used in this case.
A specific configuration can be passed as constructor parameter.
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- ScalaTestWithActorTestKit
- ScalaTestWithActorTestKitBase
- Eventually
- ScalaFutures
- Futures
- PatienceConfiguration
- AbstractPatienceConfiguration
- ScaledTimeSpans
- BeforeAndAfterAll
- SuiteMixin
- Matchers
- Explicitly
- MatcherWords
- ShouldVerb
- Tolerance
- TestSuite
- Suite
- Serializable
- Assertions
- TripleEquals
- TripleEqualsSupport
- ActorTestKitBase
- AnyRef
- Any
- by convertToAnyShouldWrapper
- by convertToEqualizer
- by convertToEqualizer
- by convertToEqualizer
- by any2stringadd
- by StringFormat
- by Ensuring
- by ArrowAssoc
- Hide All
- Show All
- Public
- Protected
Instance Constructors
- new ScalaTestWithActorTestKit(config: Config, settings: TestKitSettings)
Use a custom config for the actor system, and a custom pekko.actor.testkit.typed.TestKitSettings.
- new ScalaTestWithActorTestKit(config: Config)
Use a custom config for the actor system.
- new ScalaTestWithActorTestKit(config: String)
Use a custom config for the actor system.
- new ScalaTestWithActorTestKit(system: typed.ActorSystem[_])
Use a custom pekko.actor.typed.ActorSystem for the actor system.
- new ScalaTestWithActorTestKit()
Config loaded from
if that exists, otherwise using default configuration from the reference.conf resources that ship with the Akka libraries.Config loaded from
if that exists, otherwise using default configuration from the reference.conf resources that ship with the Akka libraries. The application.conf of your project is not used in this case. - new ScalaTestWithActorTestKit(testKit: ActorTestKit)
Type Members
- final class AWord extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- final class AnWord extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- sealed class AnyShouldWrapper[T] extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- class CheckingEqualizer[L] extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- TripleEqualsSupport
- sealed class Collected extends Serializable
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- class DecidedByEquality[A] extends Equality[A]
- Definition Classes
- Explicitly
- class DecidedWord extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Explicitly
- class DeterminedByEquivalence[T] extends Equivalence[T]
- Definition Classes
- Explicitly
- class DeterminedWord extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Explicitly
- class Equalizer[L] extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- TripleEqualsSupport
- trait FutureConcept[T] extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Futures
- final class HavePropertyMatcherGenerator extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- final class KeyWord extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- trait NoArgTest extends () => Outcome with TestData
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- TestSuite
- final case class PatienceConfig extends Product with Serializable
- Definition Classes
- AbstractPatienceConfiguration
- final class PlusOrMinusWrapper[T] extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Tolerance
- final class RegexWord extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- final class RegexWrapper extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- class ResultOfBeWordForAny[T] extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- sealed class ResultOfBeWordForCollectedAny[T] extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- final class ResultOfBeWordForCollectedArray[T] extends ResultOfBeWordForCollectedAny[Array[T]]
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- final class ResultOfCollectedAny[T] extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- final class ResultOfContainWordForCollectedAny[T] extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- final class ResultOfEndWithWordForCollectedString extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- final class ResultOfEndWithWordForString extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- final class ResultOfFullyMatchWordForCollectedString extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- final class ResultOfFullyMatchWordForString extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- final class ResultOfHaveWordForCollectedExtent[A] extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- final class ResultOfHaveWordForExtent[A] extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- final class ResultOfIncludeWordForCollectedString extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- final class ResultOfIncludeWordForString extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- final class ResultOfNotWordForCollectedAny[T] extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- final class ResultOfStartWithWordForCollectedString extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- final class ResultOfStartWithWordForString extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- final class StringShouldWrapper extends AnyShouldWrapper[String] with scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.StringShouldWrapperForVerb
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- trait StringShouldWrapperForVerb extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- ShouldVerb
- class TheAfterWord extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Explicitly
- final class TheSameInstanceAsPhrase extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- final class ValueWord extends AnyRef
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
Value Members
- final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- def !==[T](right: Spread[T]): TripleEqualsInvocationOnSpread[T]
- Definition Classes
- TripleEqualsSupport
- def !==(right: Null): TripleEqualsInvocation[Null]
- Definition Classes
- TripleEqualsSupport
- def !==[T](right: T): TripleEqualsInvocation[T]
- Definition Classes
- TripleEqualsSupport
- final def ##: Int
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- def +(other: String): String
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toany2stringadd[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method any2stringadd in scala.Predef.
- Definition Classes
- any2stringadd
- def ->[B](y: B): (ScalaTestWithActorTestKit, B)
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toArrowAssoc[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method ArrowAssoc in scala.Predef.
- Definition Classes
- ArrowAssoc
- Annotations
- @inline()
- def <[T](right: T)(implicit arg0: Ordering[T]): ResultOfLessThanComparison[T]
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- def <=[T](right: T)(implicit arg0: Ordering[T]): ResultOfLessThanOrEqualToComparison[T]
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- def ===[T](right: Spread[T]): TripleEqualsInvocationOnSpread[T]
- Definition Classes
- TripleEqualsSupport
- def ===(right: Null): TripleEqualsInvocation[Null]
- Definition Classes
- TripleEqualsSupport
- def ===[T](right: T): TripleEqualsInvocation[T]
- Definition Classes
- TripleEqualsSupport
- def >[T](right: T)(implicit arg0: Ordering[T]): ResultOfGreaterThanComparison[T]
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- def >=[T](right: T)(implicit arg0: Ordering[T]): ResultOfGreaterThanOrEqualToComparison[T]
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- def a[T](implicit arg0: ClassTag[T]): ResultOfATypeInvocation[T]
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- val a: AWord
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- val after: TheAfterWord
- Definition Classes
- Explicitly
- def afterAll(): Unit
Shuts down the ActorTestKit.
Shuts down the ActorTestKit. If override be sure to call super.afterAll or shut down the testkit explicitly with
.- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- ScalaTestWithActorTestKitBase → BeforeAndAfterAll
- def all(xs: String)(implicit collecting: Collecting[Char, String], prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position): ResultOfCollectedAny[Char]
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- def all[K, V, JMAP[k, v] <: Map[k, v]](xs: JMAP[K, V])(implicit collecting: Collecting[Entry[K, V], JMAP[K, V]], prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position): ResultOfCollectedAny[Entry[K, V]]
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- def all[K, V, MAP[k, v] <: GenMap[k, v]](xs: MAP[K, V])(implicit collecting: Collecting[(K, V), GenTraversable[(K, V)]], prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position): ResultOfCollectedAny[(K, V)]
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- def all[E, C[_]](xs: C[E])(implicit collecting: Collecting[E, C[E]], prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position): ResultOfCollectedAny[E]
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- def allElementsOf[R](elements: GenTraversable[R]): ResultOfAllElementsOfApplication
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- def allOf(firstEle: Any, secondEle: Any, remainingEles: Any*)(implicit pos: Position): ResultOfAllOfApplication
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- def an[T](implicit arg0: ClassTag[T]): ResultOfAnTypeInvocation[T]
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- val an: AnWord
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
- Definition Classes
- Any
- macro def assert(condition: Boolean, clue: Any)(implicit prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position): Assertion
- Definition Classes
- Assertions
- macro def assert(condition: Boolean)(implicit prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position): Assertion
- Definition Classes
- Assertions
- macro def assertCompiles(code: String)(implicit pos: Position): Assertion
- Definition Classes
- Assertions
- macro def assertDoesNotCompile(code: String)(implicit pos: Position): Assertion
- Definition Classes
- Assertions
- def assertResult(expected: Any)(actual: Any)(implicit prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position): Assertion
- Definition Classes
- Assertions
- def assertResult(expected: Any, clue: Any)(actual: Any)(implicit prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position): Assertion
- Definition Classes
- Assertions
- def assertThrows[T <: AnyRef](f: => Any)(implicit classTag: ClassTag[T], pos: Position): Assertion
- Definition Classes
- Assertions
- macro def assertTypeError(code: String)(implicit pos: Position): Assertion
- Definition Classes
- Assertions
- macro def assume(condition: Boolean, clue: Any)(implicit prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position): Assertion
- Definition Classes
- Assertions
- macro def assume(condition: Boolean)(implicit prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position): Assertion
- Definition Classes
- Assertions
- def atLeast(num: Int, xs: String)(implicit collecting: Collecting[Char, String], prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position): ResultOfCollectedAny[Char]
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- def atLeast[K, V, JMAP[k, v] <: Map[k, v]](num: Int, xs: JMAP[K, V])(implicit collecting: Collecting[Entry[K, V], JMAP[K, V]], prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position): ResultOfCollectedAny[Entry[K, V]]
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- def atLeast[K, V, MAP[k, v] <: GenMap[k, v]](num: Int, xs: MAP[K, V])(implicit collecting: Collecting[(K, V), GenTraversable[(K, V)]], prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position): ResultOfCollectedAny[(K, V)]
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- def atLeast[E, C[_]](num: Int, xs: C[E])(implicit collecting: Collecting[E, C[E]], prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position): ResultOfCollectedAny[E]
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- def atLeastOneElementOf(elements: GenTraversable[Any]): ResultOfAtLeastOneElementOfApplication
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- def atLeastOneOf(firstEle: Any, secondEle: Any, remainingEles: Any*)(implicit pos: Position): ResultOfAtLeastOneOfApplication
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- def atMost(num: Int, xs: String)(implicit collecting: Collecting[Char, String], prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position): ResultOfCollectedAny[Char]
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- def atMost[K, V, JMAP[k, v] <: Map[k, v]](num: Int, xs: JMAP[K, V])(implicit collecting: Collecting[Entry[K, V], JMAP[K, V]], prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position): ResultOfCollectedAny[Entry[K, V]]
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- def atMost[K, V, MAP[k, v] <: GenMap[k, v]](num: Int, xs: MAP[K, V])(implicit collecting: Collecting[(K, V), GenTraversable[(K, V)]], prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position): ResultOfCollectedAny[(K, V)]
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- def atMost[E, C[_]](num: Int, xs: C[E])(implicit collecting: Collecting[E, C[E]], prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position): ResultOfCollectedAny[E]
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- def atMostOneElementOf[R](elements: GenTraversable[R]): ResultOfAtMostOneElementOfApplication
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- def atMostOneOf(firstEle: Any, secondEle: Any, remainingEles: Any*)(implicit pos: Position): ResultOfAtMostOneOfApplication
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- val be: BeWord
- Definition Classes
- MatcherWords
- def beforeAll(): Unit
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- BeforeAndAfterAll
- def between(from: Int, upTo: Int, xs: String)(implicit collecting: Collecting[Char, String], prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position): ResultOfCollectedAny[Char]
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- def between[K, V, JMAP[k, v] <: Map[k, v]](from: Int, upTo: Int, xs: JMAP[K, V])(implicit collecting: Collecting[Entry[K, V], JMAP[K, V]], prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position): ResultOfCollectedAny[Entry[K, V]]
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- def between[E, C[_]](from: Int, upTo: Int, xs: C[E])(implicit collecting: Collecting[E, C[E]], prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position): ResultOfCollectedAny[E]
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- def cancel(cause: Throwable)(implicit pos: Position): Nothing
- Definition Classes
- Assertions
- def cancel(message: String, cause: Throwable)(implicit pos: Position): Nothing
- Definition Classes
- Assertions
- def cancel(message: String)(implicit pos: Position): Nothing
- Definition Classes
- Assertions
- def cancel()(implicit pos: Position): Nothing
- Definition Classes
- Assertions
- def clone(): AnyRef
- Attributes
- protected[lang]
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]) @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate() @native()
- val compile: CompileWord
- Definition Classes
- MatcherWords
- val contain: ContainWord
- Definition Classes
- MatcherWords
- def convertEquivalenceToAToBConstraint[A, B](equivalenceOfB: Equivalence[B])(implicit ev: <:<[A, B]): CanEqual[A, B]
- Definition Classes
- TripleEquals → TripleEqualsSupport
- def convertEquivalenceToBToAConstraint[A, B](equivalenceOfA: Equivalence[A])(implicit ev: <:<[B, A]): CanEqual[A, B]
- Definition Classes
- TripleEquals → TripleEqualsSupport
- implicit def convertNumericToPlusOrMinusWrapper[T](pivot: T)(implicit arg0: Numeric[T]): PlusOrMinusWrapper[T]
- Definition Classes
- Tolerance
- implicit def convertScalaFuture[T](scalaFuture: Future[T]): FutureConcept[T]
- Definition Classes
- ScalaFutures
- implicit def convertSymbolToHavePropertyMatcherGenerator(symbol: Symbol)(implicit prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position): HavePropertyMatcherGenerator
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- implicit def convertToAnyShouldWrapper[T](o: T)(implicit pos: Position, prettifier: Prettifier): AnyShouldWrapper[T]
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- def convertToCheckingEqualizer[T](left: T): CheckingEqualizer[T]
- Definition Classes
- TripleEquals → TripleEqualsSupport
- implicit def convertToEqualizer[T](left: T): Equalizer[T]
- Definition Classes
- TripleEquals → TripleEqualsSupport
- implicit def convertToRegexWrapper(o: Regex): RegexWrapper
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- implicit def convertToStringShouldWrapper(o: String)(implicit pos: Position, prettifier: Prettifier): StringShouldWrapper
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- implicit def convertToStringShouldWrapperForVerb(o: String)(implicit position: Position): StringShouldWrapperForVerb
- Definition Classes
- ShouldVerb
- def createDeadLetterProbe(): TestProbe[DeadLetter]
See corresponding method on ActorTestKit
See corresponding method on ActorTestKit
- Definition Classes
- ActorTestKitBase
- def createDroppedMessageProbe(): TestProbe[Dropped]
See corresponding method on ActorTestKit
See corresponding method on ActorTestKit
- Definition Classes
- ActorTestKitBase
- def createTestProbe[M](name: String): TestProbe[M]
See corresponding method on ActorTestKit
See corresponding method on ActorTestKit
- Definition Classes
- ActorTestKitBase
- def createTestProbe[M](): TestProbe[M]
See corresponding method on ActorTestKit
See corresponding method on ActorTestKit
- Definition Classes
- ActorTestKitBase
- def createUnhandledMessageProbe(): TestProbe[UnhandledMessage]
See corresponding method on ActorTestKit
See corresponding method on ActorTestKit
- Definition Classes
- ActorTestKitBase
- val decided: DecidedWord
- Definition Classes
- Explicitly
- def defaultEquality[A]: Equality[A]
- Definition Classes
- TripleEqualsSupport
- val defined: DefinedWord
- Definition Classes
- MatcherWords
- def definedAt[T](right: T): ResultOfDefinedAt[T]
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- val determined: DeterminedWord
- Definition Classes
- Explicitly
- val empty: EmptyWord
- Definition Classes
- MatcherWords
- val endWith: EndWithWord
- Definition Classes
- MatcherWords
- def ensuring(cond: (ScalaTestWithActorTestKit) => Boolean, msg: => Any): ScalaTestWithActorTestKit
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toEnsuring[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method Ensuring in scala.Predef.
- Definition Classes
- Ensuring
- def ensuring(cond: (ScalaTestWithActorTestKit) => Boolean): ScalaTestWithActorTestKit
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toEnsuring[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method Ensuring in scala.Predef.
- Definition Classes
- Ensuring
- def ensuring(cond: Boolean, msg: => Any): ScalaTestWithActorTestKit
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toEnsuring[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method Ensuring in scala.Predef.
- Definition Classes
- Ensuring
- def ensuring(cond: Boolean): ScalaTestWithActorTestKit
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toEnsuring[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method Ensuring in scala.Predef.
- Definition Classes
- Ensuring
- final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- def equal(o: Null): Matcher[AnyRef]
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- def equal[T](spread: Spread[T]): Matcher[T]
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- def equal(right: Any): MatcherFactory1[Any, Equality]
- Definition Classes
- MatcherWords
- def equals(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- def eventually[T](fun: => T)(implicit config: PatienceConfig, retrying: Retrying[T], pos: Position): T
- Definition Classes
- Eventually
- def eventually[T](interval: Interval)(fun: => T)(implicit config: PatienceConfig, retrying: Retrying[T], pos: Position): T
- Definition Classes
- Eventually
- def eventually[T](timeout: Timeout)(fun: => T)(implicit config: PatienceConfig, retrying: Retrying[T], pos: Position): T
- Definition Classes
- Eventually
- def eventually[T](timeout: Timeout, interval: Interval)(fun: => T)(implicit retrying: Retrying[T], pos: Position): T
- Definition Classes
- Eventually
- def every(xs: String)(implicit collecting: Collecting[Char, String], prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position): ResultOfCollectedAny[Char]
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- def every[K, V, JMAP[k, v] <: Map[k, v]](xs: JMAP[K, V])(implicit collecting: Collecting[Entry[K, V], JMAP[K, V]], prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position): ResultOfCollectedAny[Entry[K, V]]
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- def every[K, V, MAP[k, v] <: Map[k, v]](xs: MAP[K, V])(implicit collecting: Collecting[(K, V), GenTraversable[(K, V)]], prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position): ResultOfCollectedAny[(K, V)]
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- def every[E, C[_]](xs: C[E])(implicit collecting: Collecting[E, C[E]], prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position): ResultOfCollectedAny[E]
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- def exactly(num: Int, xs: String)(implicit collecting: Collecting[Char, String], prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position): ResultOfCollectedAny[Char]
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- def exactly[K, V, JMAP[k, v] <: Map[k, v]](num: Int, xs: JMAP[K, V])(implicit collecting: Collecting[Entry[K, V], JMAP[K, V]], prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position): ResultOfCollectedAny[Entry[K, V]]
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- def exactly[K, V, MAP[k, v] <: GenMap[k, v]](num: Int, xs: MAP[K, V])(implicit collecting: Collecting[(K, V), GenTraversable[(K, V)]], prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position): ResultOfCollectedAny[(K, V)]
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- def exactly[E, C[_]](num: Int, xs: C[E])(implicit collecting: Collecting[E, C[E]], prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position): ResultOfCollectedAny[E]
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- final def execute(testName: String, configMap: ConfigMap, color: Boolean, durations: Boolean, shortstacks: Boolean, fullstacks: Boolean, stats: Boolean): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Suite
- val exist: ExistWord
- Definition Classes
- MatcherWords
- def expectedTestCount(filter: Filter): Int
- Definition Classes
- Suite
- def fail(cause: Throwable)(implicit pos: Position): Nothing
- Definition Classes
- Assertions
- def fail(message: String, cause: Throwable)(implicit pos: Position): Nothing
- Definition Classes
- Assertions
- def fail(message: String)(implicit pos: Position): Nothing
- Definition Classes
- Assertions
- def fail()(implicit pos: Position): Nothing
- Definition Classes
- Assertions
- val fullyMatch: FullyMatchWord
- Definition Classes
- MatcherWords
- final def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyRef]
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- Annotations
- @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate() @native()
- def hashCode(): Int
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- Annotations
- @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate() @native()
- val have: HaveWord
- Definition Classes
- MatcherWords
- def inOrder(firstEle: Any, secondEle: Any, remainingEles: Any*)(implicit pos: Position): ResultOfInOrderApplication
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- def inOrderElementsOf[R](elements: GenTraversable[R]): ResultOfInOrderElementsOfApplication
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- def inOrderOnly[T](firstEle: Any, secondEle: Any, remainingEles: Any*)(implicit pos: Position): ResultOfInOrderOnlyApplication
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- val include: IncludeWord
- Definition Classes
- MatcherWords
- def intercept[T <: AnyRef](f: => Any)(implicit classTag: ClassTag[T], pos: Position): T
- Definition Classes
- Assertions
- def interval(value: Span): Interval
- Definition Classes
- PatienceConfiguration
- val invokeBeforeAllAndAfterAllEvenIfNoTestsAreExpected: Boolean
- Definition Classes
- BeforeAndAfterAll
- final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Any
- val key: KeyWord
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- val leftSideValue: ScalaTestWithActorTestKit
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.AnyShouldWrapper[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToAnyShouldWrapper in org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.
- Definition Classes
- AnyShouldWrapper
- val length: LengthWord
- Definition Classes
- MatcherWords
- def lowPriorityTypeCheckedConstraint[A, B](implicit equivalenceOfB: Equivalence[B], ev: <:<[A, B]): CanEqual[A, B]
- Definition Classes
- TripleEquals → TripleEqualsSupport
- val matchPattern: MatchPatternWord
- Definition Classes
- MatcherWords
- def message(expectedMessage: String): ResultOfMessageWordApplication
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- def nestedSuites: IndexedSeq[Suite]
- Definition Classes
- Suite
- def no(xs: String)(implicit collecting: Collecting[Char, String], prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position): ResultOfCollectedAny[Char]
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- def no[K, V, JMAP[k, v] <: Map[k, v]](xs: JMAP[K, V])(implicit collecting: Collecting[Entry[K, V], JMAP[K, V]], prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position): ResultOfCollectedAny[Entry[K, V]]
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- def no[E, C[_]](xs: C[E])(implicit collecting: Collecting[E, C[E]], prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position): ResultOfCollectedAny[E]
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- def noElementsOf(elements: GenTraversable[Any]): ResultOfNoElementsOfApplication
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- def noException(implicit pos: Position): NoExceptionWord
- Definition Classes
- MatcherWords
- def noneOf(firstEle: Any, secondEle: Any, remainingEles: Any*)(implicit pos: Position): ResultOfNoneOfApplication
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- val not: NotWord
- Definition Classes
- MatcherWords
- final def notify(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate() @native()
- final def notifyAll(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate() @native()
- def of[T](implicit ev: ClassTag[T]): ResultOfOfTypeInvocation[T]
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- def oneElementOf(elements: GenTraversable[Any]): ResultOfOneElementOfApplication
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- def oneOf(firstEle: Any, secondEle: Any, remainingEles: Any*)(implicit pos: Position): ResultOfOneOfApplication
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- def only(xs: Any*)(implicit pos: Position): ResultOfOnlyApplication
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- implicit val patience: PatienceConfig
from pekko.actor.testkit.typed.TestKitSettings#DefaultTimeout.PatienceConfig
from pekko.actor.testkit.typed.TestKitSettings#DefaultTimeout.DefaultTimeout
is dilated with pekko.actor.testkit.typed.TestKitSettings#TestTimeFactor, which means that the patience is also dilated.- Definition Classes
- ScalaTestWithActorTestKitBase
- implicit def patienceConfig: PatienceConfig
- Definition Classes
- PatienceConfiguration → AbstractPatienceConfiguration
- def pending: Assertion with PendingStatement
- Definition Classes
- Assertions
- def pendingUntilFixed(f: => Unit)(implicit pos: Position): Assertion with PendingStatement
- Definition Classes
- Assertions
- val pos: Position
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.AnyShouldWrapper[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToAnyShouldWrapper in org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.
- Definition Classes
- AnyShouldWrapper
- val prettifier: Prettifier
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.AnyShouldWrapper[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToAnyShouldWrapper in org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.
- Definition Classes
- AnyShouldWrapper
- val readable: ReadableWord
- Definition Classes
- MatcherWords
- val regex: RegexWord
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- def rerunner: Option[String]
- Definition Classes
- Suite
- def run(testName: Option[String], args: Args): scalatest.Status
- Definition Classes
- BeforeAndAfterAll → SuiteMixin
- def runNestedSuites(args: Args): scalatest.Status
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- Suite
- def runTest(testName: String, args: Args): scalatest.Status
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- TestSuite → Suite
- def runTests(testName: Option[String], args: Args): scalatest.Status
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- Suite
- final def scaled(span: Span): Span
- Definition Classes
- ScaledTimeSpans
- def serializationTestKit: SerializationTestKit
Additional testing utilities for serialization.
Additional testing utilities for serialization.
- Definition Classes
- ActorTestKitBase
- def should(endWithWord: EndWithWord)(implicit ev: <:<[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit, String]): scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.ResultOfEndWithWordForString
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.AnyShouldWrapper[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToAnyShouldWrapper in org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.
- Definition Classes
- AnyShouldWrapper
- def should(startWithWord: StartWithWord)(implicit ev: <:<[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit, String]): scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.ResultOfStartWithWordForString
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.AnyShouldWrapper[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToAnyShouldWrapper in org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.
- Definition Classes
- AnyShouldWrapper
- def should(includeWord: IncludeWord)(implicit ev: <:<[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit, String]): scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.ResultOfIncludeWordForString
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.AnyShouldWrapper[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToAnyShouldWrapper in org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.
- Definition Classes
- AnyShouldWrapper
- def should(notExist: ResultOfNotExist)(implicit existence: Existence[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]): Assertion
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.AnyShouldWrapper[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToAnyShouldWrapper in org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.
- Definition Classes
- AnyShouldWrapper
- def should(existWord: ExistWord)(implicit existence: Existence[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]): Assertion
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.AnyShouldWrapper[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToAnyShouldWrapper in org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.
- Definition Classes
- AnyShouldWrapper
- def should(containWord: ContainWord): ResultOfContainWord[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.AnyShouldWrapper[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToAnyShouldWrapper in org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.
- Definition Classes
- AnyShouldWrapper
- def should(haveWord: HaveWord): scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.ResultOfHaveWordForExtent[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.AnyShouldWrapper[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToAnyShouldWrapper in org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.
- Definition Classes
- AnyShouldWrapper
- def should(beWord: BeWord): scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.ResultOfBeWordForAny[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.AnyShouldWrapper[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToAnyShouldWrapper in org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.
- Definition Classes
- AnyShouldWrapper
- def should(inv: TripleEqualsInvocationOnSpread[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit])(implicit ev: Numeric[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]): Assertion
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.AnyShouldWrapper[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToAnyShouldWrapper in org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.
- Definition Classes
- AnyShouldWrapper
- def should[U](inv: TripleEqualsInvocation[U])(implicit constraint: CanEqual[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit, U]): Assertion
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.AnyShouldWrapper[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToAnyShouldWrapper in org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.
- Definition Classes
- AnyShouldWrapper
- def should(notWord: NotWord): ResultOfNotWordForAny[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.AnyShouldWrapper[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToAnyShouldWrapper in org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.
- Definition Classes
- AnyShouldWrapper
- def should[TYPECLASS1[_], TYPECLASS2[_]](rightMatcherFactory2: MatcherFactory2[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit, TYPECLASS1, TYPECLASS2])(implicit typeClass1: TYPECLASS1[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit], typeClass2: TYPECLASS2[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]): Assertion
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.AnyShouldWrapper[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToAnyShouldWrapper in org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.
- Definition Classes
- AnyShouldWrapper
- def should[TYPECLASS1[_]](rightMatcherFactory1: MatcherFactory1[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit, TYPECLASS1])(implicit typeClass1: TYPECLASS1[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]): Assertion
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.AnyShouldWrapper[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToAnyShouldWrapper in org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.
- Definition Classes
- AnyShouldWrapper
- def should(rightMatcherX1: Matcher[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]): Assertion
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.AnyShouldWrapper[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToAnyShouldWrapper in org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.
- Definition Classes
- AnyShouldWrapper
- def shouldBe[U >: T](resultOfAnWordApplication: ResultOfAnWordToBePropertyMatcherApplication[U])(implicit ev: <:<[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit, AnyRef]): Assertion
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.AnyShouldWrapper[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToAnyShouldWrapper in org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.
- Definition Classes
- AnyShouldWrapper
- def shouldBe[U >: T](resultOfAWordApplication: ResultOfAWordToBePropertyMatcherApplication[U])(implicit ev: <:<[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit, AnyRef]): Assertion
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.AnyShouldWrapper[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToAnyShouldWrapper in org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.
- Definition Classes
- AnyShouldWrapper
- def shouldBe(bePropertyMatcher: BePropertyMatcher[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit])(implicit ev: <:<[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit, AnyRef]): Assertion
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.AnyShouldWrapper[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToAnyShouldWrapper in org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.
- Definition Classes
- AnyShouldWrapper
- def shouldBe(resultOfAnWordApplication: ResultOfAnWordToSymbolApplication)(implicit toAnyRef: <:<[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit, AnyRef]): Assertion
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.AnyShouldWrapper[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToAnyShouldWrapper in org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.
- Definition Classes
- AnyShouldWrapper
- def shouldBe(resultOfAWordApplication: ResultOfAWordToSymbolApplication)(implicit toAnyRef: <:<[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit, AnyRef]): Assertion
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.AnyShouldWrapper[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToAnyShouldWrapper in org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.
- Definition Classes
- AnyShouldWrapper
- def shouldBe(symbol: Symbol)(implicit toAnyRef: <:<[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit, AnyRef]): Assertion
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.AnyShouldWrapper[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToAnyShouldWrapper in org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.
- Definition Classes
- AnyShouldWrapper
- def shouldBe(resultOfSameInstanceAsApplication: ResultOfTheSameInstanceAsApplication)(implicit toAnyRef: <:<[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit, AnyRef]): Assertion
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.AnyShouldWrapper[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToAnyShouldWrapper in org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.
- Definition Classes
- AnyShouldWrapper
- def shouldBe(right: Null)(implicit ev: <:<[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit, AnyRef]): Assertion
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.AnyShouldWrapper[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToAnyShouldWrapper in org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.
- Definition Classes
- AnyShouldWrapper
- def shouldBe(right: DefinedWord)(implicit definition: Definition[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]): Assertion
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.AnyShouldWrapper[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToAnyShouldWrapper in org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.
- Definition Classes
- AnyShouldWrapper
- def shouldBe(right: EmptyWord)(implicit emptiness: Emptiness[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]): Assertion
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.AnyShouldWrapper[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToAnyShouldWrapper in org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.
- Definition Classes
- AnyShouldWrapper
- def shouldBe(right: WritableWord)(implicit writability: Writability[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]): Assertion
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.AnyShouldWrapper[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToAnyShouldWrapper in org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.
- Definition Classes
- AnyShouldWrapper
- def shouldBe(right: ReadableWord)(implicit readability: Readability[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]): Assertion
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.AnyShouldWrapper[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToAnyShouldWrapper in org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.
- Definition Classes
- AnyShouldWrapper
- macro def shouldBe(anType: ResultOfAnTypeInvocation[_]): Assertion
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.AnyShouldWrapper[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToAnyShouldWrapper in org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.
- Definition Classes
- AnyShouldWrapper
- macro def shouldBe(aType: ResultOfATypeInvocation[_]): Assertion
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.AnyShouldWrapper[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToAnyShouldWrapper in org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.
- Definition Classes
- AnyShouldWrapper
- def shouldBe(right: SortedWord)(implicit sortable: Sortable[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]): Assertion
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.AnyShouldWrapper[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToAnyShouldWrapper in org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.
- Definition Classes
- AnyShouldWrapper
- def shouldBe(spread: Spread[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]): Assertion
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.AnyShouldWrapper[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToAnyShouldWrapper in org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.
- Definition Classes
- AnyShouldWrapper
- def shouldBe(beMatcher: BeMatcher[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]): Assertion
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.AnyShouldWrapper[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToAnyShouldWrapper in org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.
- Definition Classes
- AnyShouldWrapper
- def shouldBe(comparison: ResultOfGreaterThanOrEqualToComparison[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]): Assertion
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.AnyShouldWrapper[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToAnyShouldWrapper in org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.
- Definition Classes
- AnyShouldWrapper
- def shouldBe(comparison: ResultOfLessThanOrEqualToComparison[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]): Assertion
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.AnyShouldWrapper[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToAnyShouldWrapper in org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.
- Definition Classes
- AnyShouldWrapper
- def shouldBe(comparison: ResultOfGreaterThanComparison[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]): Assertion
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.AnyShouldWrapper[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToAnyShouldWrapper in org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.
- Definition Classes
- AnyShouldWrapper
- def shouldBe(comparison: ResultOfLessThanComparison[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]): Assertion
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.AnyShouldWrapper[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToAnyShouldWrapper in org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.
- Definition Classes
- AnyShouldWrapper
- def shouldBe(right: Any): Assertion
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.AnyShouldWrapper[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToAnyShouldWrapper in org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.
- Definition Classes
- AnyShouldWrapper
- def shouldEqual(right: Null)(implicit ev: <:<[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit, AnyRef]): Assertion
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.AnyShouldWrapper[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToAnyShouldWrapper in org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.
- Definition Classes
- AnyShouldWrapper
- def shouldEqual(spread: Spread[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]): Assertion
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.AnyShouldWrapper[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToAnyShouldWrapper in org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.
- Definition Classes
- AnyShouldWrapper
- def shouldEqual(right: Any)(implicit equality: Equality[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]): Assertion
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.AnyShouldWrapper[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToAnyShouldWrapper in org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.
- Definition Classes
- AnyShouldWrapper
- def shouldNot(includeWord: IncludeWord)(implicit ev: <:<[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit, String]): scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.ResultOfIncludeWordForString
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.AnyShouldWrapper[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToAnyShouldWrapper in org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.
- Definition Classes
- AnyShouldWrapper
- def shouldNot(endWithWord: EndWithWord)(implicit ev: <:<[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit, String]): scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.ResultOfEndWithWordForString
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.AnyShouldWrapper[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToAnyShouldWrapper in org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.
- Definition Classes
- AnyShouldWrapper
- def shouldNot(startWithWord: StartWithWord)(implicit ev: <:<[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit, String]): scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.ResultOfStartWithWordForString
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.AnyShouldWrapper[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToAnyShouldWrapper in org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.
- Definition Classes
- AnyShouldWrapper
- def shouldNot(existWord: ExistWord)(implicit existence: Existence[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]): Assertion
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.AnyShouldWrapper[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToAnyShouldWrapper in org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.
- Definition Classes
- AnyShouldWrapper
- def shouldNot(contain: ContainWord): ResultOfContainWord[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.AnyShouldWrapper[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToAnyShouldWrapper in org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.
- Definition Classes
- AnyShouldWrapper
- def shouldNot(haveWord: HaveWord): scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.ResultOfHaveWordForExtent[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.AnyShouldWrapper[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToAnyShouldWrapper in org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.
- Definition Classes
- AnyShouldWrapper
- def shouldNot[TYPECLASS1[_]](rightMatcherFactory1: MatcherFactory1[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit, TYPECLASS1])(implicit typeClass1: TYPECLASS1[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]): Assertion
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.AnyShouldWrapper[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToAnyShouldWrapper in org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.
- Definition Classes
- AnyShouldWrapper
- def shouldNot(rightMatcherX1: Matcher[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]): Assertion
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.AnyShouldWrapper[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToAnyShouldWrapper in org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.
- Definition Classes
- AnyShouldWrapper
- def shouldNot(beWord: BeWord): scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.ResultOfBeWordForAny[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.AnyShouldWrapper[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToAnyShouldWrapper in org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.
- Definition Classes
- AnyShouldWrapper
- val size: SizeWord
- Definition Classes
- MatcherWords
- val sorted: SortedWord
- Definition Classes
- MatcherWords
- def spanScaleFactor: Double
- Definition Classes
- ScaledTimeSpans
- def spawn[T](behavior: Behavior[T], name: String, props: typed.Props): typed.ActorRef[T]
See corresponding method on ActorTestKit
See corresponding method on ActorTestKit
- Definition Classes
- ActorTestKitBase
- def spawn[T](behavior: Behavior[T], props: typed.Props): typed.ActorRef[T]
See corresponding method on ActorTestKit
See corresponding method on ActorTestKit
- Definition Classes
- ActorTestKitBase
- def spawn[T](behavior: Behavior[T], name: String): typed.ActorRef[T]
See corresponding method on ActorTestKit
See corresponding method on ActorTestKit
- Definition Classes
- ActorTestKitBase
- def spawn[T](behavior: Behavior[T]): typed.ActorRef[T]
See corresponding method on ActorTestKit
See corresponding method on ActorTestKit
- Definition Classes
- ActorTestKitBase
- val startWith: StartWithWord
- Definition Classes
- MatcherWords
- final val succeed: Assertion
- Definition Classes
- Assertions
- def suiteId: String
- Definition Classes
- Suite
- def suiteName: String
- Definition Classes
- Suite
- final def synchronized[T0](arg0: => T0): T0
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- implicit def system: typed.ActorSystem[Nothing]
See corresponding method on ActorTestKit
See corresponding method on ActorTestKit
- Definition Classes
- ActorTestKitBase
- def tags: Map[String, Set[String]]
- Definition Classes
- Suite
- def testDataFor(testName: String, theConfigMap: ConfigMap): TestData
- Definition Classes
- Suite
- val testKit: ActorTestKit
- Definition Classes
- ScalaTestWithActorTestKit → ScalaTestWithActorTestKitBase → ActorTestKitBase
- implicit def testKitSettings: TestKitSettings
See corresponding method on ActorTestKit
See corresponding method on ActorTestKit
- Definition Classes
- ActorTestKitBase
- def testNames: Set[String]
- Definition Classes
- Suite
- def the[T](implicit arg0: ClassTag[T], pos: Position): ResultOfTheTypeInvocation[T]
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- def theSameElementsAs(xs: GenTraversable[_]): ResultOfTheSameElementsAsApplication
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- def theSameElementsInOrderAs(xs: GenTraversable[_]): ResultOfTheSameElementsInOrderAsApplication
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- val theSameInstanceAs: TheSameInstanceAsPhrase
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- def thrownBy(fun: => Any): ResultOfThrownByApplication
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- def timeout(value: Span): Timeout
- Definition Classes
- PatienceConfiguration
- implicit def timeout: Timeout
See corresponding method on ActorTestKit
See corresponding method on ActorTestKit
- Definition Classes
- ActorTestKitBase
- def toString(): String
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- val typeCheck: TypeCheckWord
- Definition Classes
- MatcherWords
- def typeCheckedConstraint[A, B](implicit equivalenceOfA: Equivalence[A], ev: <:<[B, A]): CanEqual[A, B]
- Definition Classes
- TripleEquals → TripleEqualsSupport
- implicit def unconstrainedEquality[A, B](implicit equalityOfA: Equality[A]): CanEqual[A, B]
- Definition Classes
- TripleEquals → TripleEqualsSupport
- val value: ValueWord
- Definition Classes
- Matchers
- final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException])
- final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException]) @native()
- final def wait(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException])
- final def whenReady[T, U](future: FutureConcept[T])(fun: (T) => U)(implicit config: PatienceConfig, pos: Position): U
- Definition Classes
- Futures
- final def whenReady[T, U](future: FutureConcept[T], interval: Interval)(fun: (T) => U)(implicit config: PatienceConfig, pos: Position): U
- Definition Classes
- Futures
- final def whenReady[T, U](future: FutureConcept[T], timeout: Timeout)(fun: (T) => U)(implicit config: PatienceConfig, pos: Position): U
- Definition Classes
- Futures
- final def whenReady[T, U](future: FutureConcept[T], timeout: Timeout, interval: Interval)(fun: (T) => U)(implicit config: PatienceConfig, pos: Position): U
- Definition Classes
- Futures
- def withClue[T](clue: Any)(fun: => T): T
- Definition Classes
- Assertions
- def withFixture(test: NoArgTest): Outcome
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- TestSuite
- val writable: WritableWord
- Definition Classes
- MatcherWords
Shadowed Implicit Value Members
- def !==(literalNull: Null): Boolean
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.Equalizer[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToEqualizer in org.scalactic.TripleEquals.
- Shadowing
- This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
To access this member you can use a type ascription:(scalaTestWithActorTestKit: scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.Equalizer[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]).!==(literalNull)
- Definition Classes
- Equalizer
- def !==(spread: Spread[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]): Boolean
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.Equalizer[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToEqualizer in org.scalactic.TripleEquals.
- Shadowing
- This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
To access this member you can use a type ascription:(scalaTestWithActorTestKit: scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.Equalizer[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]).!==(spread)
- Definition Classes
- Equalizer
- def !==(rightSide: Any)(implicit equality: Equality[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]): Boolean
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.Equalizer[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToEqualizer in org.scalactic.TripleEquals.
- Shadowing
- This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
To access this member you can use a type ascription:(scalaTestWithActorTestKit: scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.Equalizer[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]).!==(rightSide)(equality)
- Definition Classes
- Equalizer
- def !==(literalNull: Null): Boolean
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.Assertions.Equalizer[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToEqualizer in org.scalactic.TripleEquals.
- Shadowing
- This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
To access this member you can use a type ascription:(scalaTestWithActorTestKit: scalatest.Assertions.Equalizer[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]).!==(literalNull)
- Definition Classes
- Equalizer
- def !==(spread: Spread[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]): Boolean
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.Assertions.Equalizer[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToEqualizer in org.scalactic.TripleEquals.
- Shadowing
- This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
To access this member you can use a type ascription:(scalaTestWithActorTestKit: scalatest.Assertions.Equalizer[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]).!==(spread)
- Definition Classes
- Equalizer
- def !==(rightSide: Any)(implicit equality: Equality[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]): Boolean
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.Assertions.Equalizer[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToEqualizer in org.scalactic.TripleEquals.
- Shadowing
- This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
To access this member you can use a type ascription:(scalaTestWithActorTestKit: scalatest.Assertions.Equalizer[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]).!==(rightSide)(equality)
- Definition Classes
- Equalizer
- def !==(literalNull: Null): Boolean
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalactic.TripleEquals.Equalizer[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToEqualizer in org.scalactic.TripleEquals.
- Shadowing
- This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
To access this member you can use a type ascription:(scalaTestWithActorTestKit: scalactic.TripleEquals.Equalizer[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]).!==(literalNull)
- Definition Classes
- Equalizer
- def !==(spread: Spread[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]): Boolean
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalactic.TripleEquals.Equalizer[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToEqualizer in org.scalactic.TripleEquals.
- Shadowing
- This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
To access this member you can use a type ascription:(scalaTestWithActorTestKit: scalactic.TripleEquals.Equalizer[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]).!==(spread)
- Definition Classes
- Equalizer
- def !==(rightSide: Any)(implicit equality: Equality[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]): Boolean
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalactic.TripleEquals.Equalizer[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToEqualizer in org.scalactic.TripleEquals.
- Shadowing
- This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
To access this member you can use a type ascription:(scalaTestWithActorTestKit: scalactic.TripleEquals.Equalizer[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]).!==(rightSide)(equality)
- Definition Classes
- Equalizer
- def ===(literalNull: Null): Boolean
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.Equalizer[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToEqualizer in org.scalactic.TripleEquals.
- Shadowing
- This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
To access this member you can use a type ascription:(scalaTestWithActorTestKit: scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.Equalizer[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]).===(literalNull)
- Definition Classes
- Equalizer
- def ===(spread: Spread[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]): Boolean
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.Equalizer[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToEqualizer in org.scalactic.TripleEquals.
- Shadowing
- This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
To access this member you can use a type ascription:(scalaTestWithActorTestKit: scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.Equalizer[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]).===(spread)
- Definition Classes
- Equalizer
- def ===(rightSide: Any)(implicit equality: Equality[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]): Boolean
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.Equalizer[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToEqualizer in org.scalactic.TripleEquals.
- Shadowing
- This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
To access this member you can use a type ascription:(scalaTestWithActorTestKit: scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.Equalizer[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]).===(rightSide)(equality)
- Definition Classes
- Equalizer
- def ===(literalNull: Null): Boolean
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.Assertions.Equalizer[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToEqualizer in org.scalactic.TripleEquals.
- Shadowing
- This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
To access this member you can use a type ascription:(scalaTestWithActorTestKit: scalatest.Assertions.Equalizer[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]).===(literalNull)
- Definition Classes
- Equalizer
- def ===(spread: Spread[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]): Boolean
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.Assertions.Equalizer[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToEqualizer in org.scalactic.TripleEquals.
- Shadowing
- This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
To access this member you can use a type ascription:(scalaTestWithActorTestKit: scalatest.Assertions.Equalizer[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]).===(spread)
- Definition Classes
- Equalizer
- def ===(rightSide: Any)(implicit equality: Equality[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]): Boolean
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.Assertions.Equalizer[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToEqualizer in org.scalactic.TripleEquals.
- Shadowing
- This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
To access this member you can use a type ascription:(scalaTestWithActorTestKit: scalatest.Assertions.Equalizer[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]).===(rightSide)(equality)
- Definition Classes
- Equalizer
- def ===(literalNull: Null): Boolean
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalactic.TripleEquals.Equalizer[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToEqualizer in org.scalactic.TripleEquals.
- Shadowing
- This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
To access this member you can use a type ascription:(scalaTestWithActorTestKit: scalactic.TripleEquals.Equalizer[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]).===(literalNull)
- Definition Classes
- Equalizer
- def ===(spread: Spread[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]): Boolean
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalactic.TripleEquals.Equalizer[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToEqualizer in org.scalactic.TripleEquals.
- Shadowing
- This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
To access this member you can use a type ascription:(scalaTestWithActorTestKit: scalactic.TripleEquals.Equalizer[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]).===(spread)
- Definition Classes
- Equalizer
- def ===(rightSide: Any)(implicit equality: Equality[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]): Boolean
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalactic.TripleEquals.Equalizer[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToEqualizer in org.scalactic.TripleEquals.
- Shadowing
- This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this class.
To access this member you can use a type ascription:(scalaTestWithActorTestKit: scalactic.TripleEquals.Equalizer[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]).===(rightSide)(equality)
- Definition Classes
- Equalizer
- val leftSide: ScalaTestWithActorTestKit
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.Equalizer[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToEqualizer in org.scalactic.TripleEquals.
- Shadowing
- This implicitly inherited member is ambiguous. One or more implicitly inherited members have similar signatures, so calling this member may produce an ambiguous implicit conversion compiler error.
To access this member you can use a type ascription:(scalaTestWithActorTestKit: scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers.Equalizer[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]).leftSide
- Definition Classes
- Equalizer
- val leftSide: ScalaTestWithActorTestKit
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalatest.Assertions.Equalizer[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToEqualizer in org.scalactic.TripleEquals.
- Shadowing
- This implicitly inherited member is ambiguous. One or more implicitly inherited members have similar signatures, so calling this member may produce an ambiguous implicit conversion compiler error.
To access this member you can use a type ascription:(scalaTestWithActorTestKit: scalatest.Assertions.Equalizer[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]).leftSide
- Definition Classes
- Equalizer
- val leftSide: ScalaTestWithActorTestKit
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toscalactic.TripleEquals.Equalizer[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method convertToEqualizer in org.scalactic.TripleEquals.
- Shadowing
- This implicitly inherited member is ambiguous. One or more implicitly inherited members have similar signatures, so calling this member may produce an ambiguous implicit conversion compiler error.
To access this member you can use a type ascription:(scalaTestWithActorTestKit: scalactic.TripleEquals.Equalizer[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit]).leftSide
- Definition Classes
- Equalizer
Deprecated Value Members
- def conversionCheckedConstraint[A, B](implicit equivalenceOfA: Equivalence[A], cnv: (B) => A): CanEqual[A, B]
- Definition Classes
- TripleEquals → TripleEqualsSupport
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 3.1.0) The conversionCheckedConstraint method has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of ScalaTest. It is no longer needed now that the deprecation period of ConversionCheckedTripleEquals has expired. It will not be replaced.
- def convertEquivalenceToAToBConversionConstraint[A, B](equivalenceOfB: Equivalence[B])(implicit ev: (A) => B): CanEqual[A, B]
- Definition Classes
- TripleEquals → TripleEqualsSupport
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 3.1.0) The convertEquivalenceToAToBConversionConstraint method has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of ScalaTest. It is no longer needed now that the deprecation period of ConversionCheckedTripleEquals has expired. It will not be replaced.
- def convertEquivalenceToBToAConversionConstraint[A, B](equivalenceOfA: Equivalence[A])(implicit ev: (B) => A): CanEqual[A, B]
- Definition Classes
- TripleEquals → TripleEqualsSupport
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 3.1.0) The convertEquivalenceToBToAConversionConstraint method has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of ScalaTest. It is no longer needed now that the deprecation period of ConversionCheckedTripleEquals has expired. It will not be replaced.
- def finalize(): Unit
- Attributes
- protected[lang]
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.Throwable]) @Deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 9)
- def formatted(fmtstr: String): String
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toStringFormat[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method StringFormat in scala.Predef.
- Definition Classes
- StringFormat
- Annotations
- @deprecated @inline()
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.12.16) Use
instead ofvalue.formatted(formatString)
, or use thef""
string interpolator. In Java 15 and later,formatted
resolves to the new method in String which has reversed parameters.
- def lowPriorityConversionCheckedConstraint[A, B](implicit equivalenceOfB: Equivalence[B], cnv: (A) => B): CanEqual[A, B]
- Definition Classes
- TripleEquals → TripleEqualsSupport
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 3.1.0) The lowPriorityConversionCheckedConstraint method has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of ScalaTest. It is no longer needed now that the deprecation period of ConversionCheckedTripleEquals has expired. It will not be replaced.
- val styleName: String
- Definition Classes
- Suite
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 3.1.0) The styleName lifecycle method has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of ScalaTest with no replacement.
- def →[B](y: B): (ScalaTestWithActorTestKit, B)
- Implicit
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ScalaTestWithActorTestKit toArrowAssoc[ScalaTestWithActorTestKit] performed by method ArrowAssoc in scala.Predef.
- Definition Classes
- ArrowAssoc
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.13.0) Use
instead. If you still wish to display it as one character, consider using a font with programming ligatures such as Fira Code.