Class MessageSerializer

  • public class MessageSerializer
    extends java.lang.Object

    MessageSerializer is a helper for serializing and deserialize messages

    • Constructor Detail

      • MessageSerializer

        public MessageSerializer()
    • Method Detail

      • deserialize

        public static java.lang.Object deserialize​(ExtendedActorSystem system,
                                                   WireFormats.SerializedMessage messageProtocol)
        Uses Pekko Serialization for the specified ActorSystem to transform the given MessageProtocol to a message
      • serialize

        public static WireFormats.SerializedMessage serialize​(ExtendedActorSystem system,
                                                              java.lang.Object message)
        Uses Pekko Serialization for the specified ActorSystem to transform the given message to a MessageProtocol Throws NotSerializableException if serializer was not configured for the message type. Throws MessageSerializer.SerializationException if exception was thrown from toBinary of the serializer.
      • serializeForArtery

        public static void serializeForArtery​(Serialization serialization,
                                              OutboundEnvelope outboundEnvelope,
                                              HeaderBuilder headerBuilder,
                                              org.apache.pekko.remote.artery.EnvelopeBuffer envelope)
      • deserializeForArtery

        public static java.lang.Object deserializeForArtery​(ExtendedActorSystem system,
                                                            long originUid,
                                                            Serialization serialization,
                                                            int serializer,
                                                            java.lang.String classManifest,
                                                            org.apache.pekko.remote.artery.EnvelopeBuffer envelope)