Class SnapshotStore

    • Constructor Detail

      • SnapshotStore

        public SnapshotStore()
    • Method Detail

      • context

        public ActorContext context()
        Description copied from interface: Actor
        Scala API: Stores the context for this actor, including self, and sender. It is implicit to support operations such as forward.

        WARNING: Only valid within the Actor itself, so do not close over it and publish it to other threads! is the Scala API. getContext returns a, which is the Java API of the actor context.

        Specified by:
        context in interface Actor
      • deleteAsync

        public final scala.concurrent.Future<scala.runtime.BoxedUnit> deleteAsync​(SnapshotMetadata metadata)
        Description copied from interface: SnapshotStore
        Plugin API: deletes the snapshot identified by metadata.

        This call is protected with a circuit-breaker.

        Specified by:
        deleteAsync in interface SnapshotStore
        metadata - snapshot metadata.
      • deleteAsync

        public final scala.concurrent.Future<scala.runtime.BoxedUnit> deleteAsync​(java.lang.String persistenceId,
                                                                                  SnapshotSelectionCriteria criteria)
        Description copied from interface: SnapshotStore
        Plugin API: deletes all snapshots matching criteria.

        This call is protected with a circuit-breaker.

        Specified by:
        deleteAsync in interface SnapshotStore
        persistenceId - id of the persistent actor.
        criteria - selection criteria for deleting.
      • loadAsync

        public final scala.concurrent.Future<scala.Option<SelectedSnapshot>> loadAsync​(java.lang.String persistenceId,
                                                                                       SnapshotSelectionCriteria criteria)
        Description copied from interface: SnapshotStore
        Plugin API: asynchronously loads a snapshot.

        If the future Option is None then all events will be replayed, i.e. there was no snapshot. If snapshot could not be loaded the Future should be completed with failure. That is important because events may have been deleted and just replaying the events might not result in a valid state.

        This call is protected with a circuit-breaker.

        Specified by:
        loadAsync in interface SnapshotStore
        persistenceId - id of the persistent actor.
        criteria - selection criteria for loading.
      • org$apache$pekko$actor$Actor$_setter_$context_$eq

        protected void org$apache$pekko$actor$Actor$_setter_$context_$eq​(ActorContext x$1)
        Description copied from interface: Actor
        Scala API: Stores the context for this actor, including self, and sender. It is implicit to support operations such as forward.

        WARNING: Only valid within the Actor itself, so do not close over it and publish it to other threads! is the Scala API. getContext returns a, which is the Java API of the actor context.

        Specified by:
        org$apache$pekko$actor$Actor$_setter_$context_$eq in interface Actor
      • org$apache$pekko$actor$Actor$_setter_$self_$eq

        protected final void org$apache$pekko$actor$Actor$_setter_$self_$eq​(ActorRef x$1)
        Description copied from interface: Actor
        The 'self' field holds the ActorRef for this actor.

        Can be used to send messages to itself:
         self ! message
        Specified by:
        org$apache$pekko$actor$Actor$_setter_$self_$eq in interface Actor
      • receiveSnapshotStore

        public final scala.PartialFunction<java.lang.Object,​scala.runtime.BoxedUnit> receiveSnapshotStore()
        Specified by:
        receiveSnapshotStore in interface SnapshotStore
      • saveAsync

        public final scala.concurrent.Future<scala.runtime.BoxedUnit> saveAsync​(SnapshotMetadata metadata,
                                                                                java.lang.Object snapshot)
        Description copied from interface: SnapshotStore
        Plugin API: asynchronously saves a snapshot.

        This call is protected with a circuit-breaker.

        Specified by:
        saveAsync in interface SnapshotStore
        metadata - snapshot metadata.
        snapshot - snapshot.
      • self

        public final ActorRef self()
        Description copied from interface: Actor
        The 'self' field holds the ActorRef for this actor.

        Can be used to send messages to itself:
         self ! message
        Specified by:
        self in interface Actor
      • doLoadAsync

        public abstract scala.concurrent.Future<java.util.Optional<SelectedSnapshot>> doLoadAsync​(java.lang.String persistenceId,
                                                                                                  SnapshotSelectionCriteria criteria)
        Java API, Plugin API: asynchronously loads a snapshot.
        persistenceId - id of the persistent actor.
        criteria - selection criteria for loading.
      • doSaveAsync

        public abstract scala.concurrent.Future<java.lang.Void> doSaveAsync​(SnapshotMetadata metadata,
                                                                            java.lang.Object snapshot)
        Java API, Plugin API: asynchronously saves a snapshot.
        metadata - snapshot metadata.
        snapshot - snapshot.
      • doDeleteAsync

        public abstract scala.concurrent.Future<java.lang.Void> doDeleteAsync​(SnapshotMetadata metadata)
        Java API, Plugin API: deletes the snapshot identified by `metadata`.
        metadata - snapshot metadata.
      • doDeleteAsync

        public abstract scala.concurrent.Future<java.lang.Void> doDeleteAsync​(java.lang.String persistenceId,
                                                                              SnapshotSelectionCriteria criteria)
        Java API, Plugin API: deletes all snapshots matching `criteria`.
        persistenceId - id of the persistent actor.
        criteria - selection criteria for deleting.