Interface Pool

    • Method Detail

      • nrOfInstances

        int nrOfInstances​(ActorSystem sys)
        Initial number of routee instances
      • usePoolDispatcher

        boolean usePoolDispatcher()
        Use a dedicated dispatcher for the routees of the pool. The dispatcher is defined in 'pool-dispatcher' configuration property in the deployment section of the router.
      • enrichWithPoolDispatcher

        Props enrichWithPoolDispatcher​(Props routeeProps,
                                       ActorContext context)
      • resizer

        scala.Option<Resizer> resizer()
        Pool with dynamically resizable number of routees return the pekko.routing.Resizer to use. The resizer is invoked once when the router is created, before any messages can be sent to it. Resize is also triggered when messages are sent to the routees, and the resizer is invoked asynchronously, i.e. not necessarily before the message has been sent.
      • supervisorStrategy

        SupervisorStrategy supervisorStrategy()
        SupervisorStrategy for the head actor, i.e. for supervising the routees of the pool.
      • props

        Props props​(Props routeeProps) for a pool router based on the settings defined by this instance and the supplied for the routees created by the router.
      • stopRouterWhenAllRouteesRemoved

        boolean stopRouterWhenAllRouteesRemoved()
        Specify that this router should stop itself when all routees have terminated (been removed). By Default it is true, unless a resizer is used.
        Specified by:
        stopRouterWhenAllRouteesRemoved in interface RouterConfig
      • createRouterActor

        org.apache.pekko.routing.RouterActor createRouterActor()
        Specified by:
        createRouterActor in interface RouterConfig