Receptionist |
Register and discover actors that implement a service with a protocol defined by a ServiceKey .
Receptionist.Command |
The set of commands accepted by a Receptionist.
Receptionist.Deregister$ |
Remove association between the given and the given ServiceKey .
Receptionist.Deregistered$ |
Sent by the receptionist, available here for easier testing
Receptionist.Find$ |
Find message.
Receptionist.Listing$ |
Sent by the receptionist, available here for easier testing
Receptionist.Register$ |
Register message.
Receptionist.Registered$ |
Sent by the receptionist, available here for easier testing
Receptionist.Subscribe$ |
Subscribe message.
Receptionist$ |
A Receptionist is an entry point into an Actor hierarchy where select Actors
publish their identity together with the protocols that they implement.
ReceptionistSetup |
Can be used in when starting the ActorSystem
to replace the default implementation of the Receptionist extension.
ReceptionistSetup$ |
ServiceKey<T> |
A service key is an object that implements this trait for a given protocol
T, meaning that it signifies that the type T is the entry point into the
protocol spoken by that service (think of it as the set of first messages
that a client could send).
ServiceKey$ |