
final class KafkaTestkitTestcontainersSettings extends AnyRef

  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. KafkaTestkitTestcontainersSettings
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Value Members

  1. val clusterStartTimeout: FiniteDuration
  2. val configureKafka: (Vector[PekkoConnectorsKafkaContainer]) => Unit
  3. val configureKafkaConsumer: Consumer[Collection[PekkoConnectorsKafkaContainer]]
  4. val configureSchemaRegistry: (GenericContainer[_]) => Unit
  5. val configureZooKeeper: (GenericContainer[_]) => Unit
  6. val configureZooKeeperConsumer: Consumer[GenericContainer[_]]
  7. val containerLogging: Boolean
  8. def getClusterStartTimeout(): Duration

    Java Api

  9. def getContainerLogging(): Boolean

    Java Api

  10. def getInternalTopicsReplicationFactor(): Int

    Java Api

  11. def getKafkaImage(): String

    Java Api

  12. def getKafkaImageTag(): String

    Java Api

  13. def getNumBrokers(): Int

    Java Api

  14. def getReadinessCheckTimeout(): Duration

    Java Api

  15. def getSchemaRegistry(): Boolean

    Java Api

  16. def getSchemaRegistryImage(): String

    Java Api

  17. def getSchemaRegistryImageTag(): String

    Java Api

  18. def getZooKeeperImage(): String

    Java Api

  19. def getZooKeeperImageTag(): String

    Java Api

  20. val internalTopicsReplicationFactor: Int
  21. val kafkaImage: String
  22. val kafkaImageTag: String
  23. val numBrokers: Int
  24. val readinessCheckTimeout: FiniteDuration
  25. val schemaRegistryImage: String
  26. val schemaRegistryImageTag: String
  27. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    KafkaTestkitTestcontainersSettings → AnyRef → Any
  28. val useSchemaRegistry: Boolean
  29. def withClusterStartTimeout(timeout: Duration): KafkaTestkitTestcontainersSettings

    Java Api

    Java Api

    Kafka cluster start up timeout

  30. def withClusterStartTimeout(timeout: FiniteDuration): KafkaTestkitTestcontainersSettings

    Kafka cluster start up timeout

  31. def withConfigureKafka(configureKafka: (Vector[PekkoConnectorsKafkaContainer]) => Unit): KafkaTestkitTestcontainersSettings

    Replaces the default Kafka testcontainers configuration logic

  32. def withConfigureKafkaConsumer(configureKafkaConsumer: Consumer[Collection[PekkoConnectorsKafkaContainer]]): KafkaTestkitTestcontainersSettings

    Java Api

    Java Api

    Replaces the default Kafka testcontainers configuration logic

  33. def withConfigureSchemaRegistry(configureSchemaRegistry: (GenericContainer[_]) => Unit): KafkaTestkitTestcontainersSettings

    Java Api Replaces the default schema registry testcontainers configuration logic

  34. def withConfigureZooKeeper(configureZooKeeper: (GenericContainer[_]) => Unit): KafkaTestkitTestcontainersSettings

    Replaces the default ZooKeeper testcontainers configuration logic

  35. def withConfigureZooKeeperConsumer(configureZooKeeperConsumer: Consumer[GenericContainer[_]]): KafkaTestkitTestcontainersSettings

    Java Api

    Java Api

    Replaces the default ZooKeeper testcontainers configuration logic

  36. def withContainerLogging(containerLogging: Boolean): KafkaTestkitTestcontainersSettings

    Stream container output to SLF4J logger(s).

  37. def withInternalTopicsReplicationFactor(internalTopicsReplicationFactor: Int): KafkaTestkitTestcontainersSettings

    Replaces the default internal Kafka topics replication factor

  38. def withKafkaImage(kafkaImage: String): KafkaTestkitTestcontainersSettings

    Sets the Kafka image

  39. def withKafkaImageTag(kafkaImageTag: String): KafkaTestkitTestcontainersSettings

    Sets the Kafka image tag

  40. def withNumBrokers(numBrokers: Int): KafkaTestkitTestcontainersSettings

    Replaces the default number of Kafka brokers

  41. def withReadinessCheckTimeout(timeout: Duration): KafkaTestkitTestcontainersSettings

    Java Api

    Java Api

    Kafka cluster readiness check timeout

  42. def withReadinessCheckTimeout(timeout: FiniteDuration): KafkaTestkitTestcontainersSettings

    Kafka cluster readiness check timeout

  43. def withSchemaRegistry(useSchemaRegistry: Boolean): KafkaTestkitTestcontainersSettings

    Use Schema Registry container.

  44. def withSchemaRegistryImage(schemaRegistryImage: String): KafkaTestkitTestcontainersSettings

    Sets the Schema Registry image

  45. def withSchemaRegistryImageTag(schemaRegistryImageTag: String): KafkaTestkitTestcontainersSettings

    Sets the Schema Registry image tag

  46. def withZooKeeperImage(zooKeeperImage: String): KafkaTestkitTestcontainersSettings

    Sets the ZooKeeper image

  47. def withZooKeeperImageTag(zooKeeperImageTag: String): KafkaTestkitTestcontainersSettings

    Sets the ZooKeeper image tag

  48. val zooKeeperImage: String
  49. val zooKeeperImageTag: String