
trait KafkaTestKit extends AnyRef

Common functions for scaladsl and javadsl Testkit.

Mixed-in in both, scaladsl and javadsl classes, therefore API should be usable from both - Scala and Java.

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. KafkaTestKit
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract def bootstrapServers: String
  2. abstract def log: Logger
  3. abstract def system: ActorSystem

Concrete Value Members

  1. val DefaultKey: String
  2. val StringDeserializer: StringDeserializer
  3. val StringSerializer: StringSerializer
  4. def adminClient: Admin

    Access to the Kafka Admin client

  5. def cleanUpAdminClient(): Unit

    Close internal admin client instances.

  6. def committerDefaults: CommitterSettings
  7. def consumerDefaults[K, V](keyDeserializer: Deserializer[K], valueDeserializer: Deserializer[V]): ConsumerSettings[K, V]
  8. def consumerDefaults: ConsumerSettings[String, String]
  9. def createGroupId(suffix: Int): String

    Return a unique group id with a given suffix.

  10. def createGroupId(): String

    Return a unique group id with a default suffix.

  11. def createTopic(suffix: Int, partitions: Int, replication: Int, config: Map[String, String]): String

    Java Api

    Java Api

    Create a topic with given suffix, partition number, replication factor, and topic configuration.

    This method will block and return only when the topic has been successfully created.

  12. def createTopic(suffix: Int, partitions: Int, replication: Int, config: Map[String, String]): String

    Create a topic with given suffix, partition number, replication factor, and topic configuration.

    Create a topic with given suffix, partition number, replication factor, and topic configuration.

    This method will block and return only when the topic has been successfully created.

  13. def createTopic(suffix: Int, partitions: Int, replication: Int): String

    Create a topic with given suffix, partition number, replication factor, and no topic configuration.

    Create a topic with given suffix, partition number, replication factor, and no topic configuration.

    This method will block and return only when the topic has been successfully created.

  14. def createTopic(suffix: Int, partitions: Int): String

    Create a topic with a given suffix, partition number, a replication factor of one, and no topic configuration.

    Create a topic with a given suffix, partition number, a replication factor of one, and no topic configuration.

    This method will block and return only when the topic has been successfully created.

  15. def createTopic(suffix: Int): String

    Create a topic with a given suffix, single partitions, a replication factor of one, and no topic configuration.

    Create a topic with a given suffix, single partitions, a replication factor of one, and no topic configuration.

    This method will block and return only when the topic has been successfully created.

  16. def createTopic(): String

    Create a topic with a default suffix, single partition, a replication factor of one, and no topic configuration.

    Create a topic with a default suffix, single partition, a replication factor of one, and no topic configuration.

    This method will block and return only when the topic has been successfully created.

  17. def createTopicName(suffix: Int): String

    Return a unique topic name.

  18. def createTransactionalId(suffix: Int): String

    Return a unique transactional id with a given suffix.

  19. def createTransactionalId(): String

    Return a unique transactional id with a default suffix.

  20. def producerDefaults[K, V](keySerializer: Serializer[K], valueSerializer: Serializer[V]): ProducerSettings[K, V]
  21. def producerDefaults: ProducerSettings[String, String]
  22. def setUpAdminClient(): Unit

    Create internal admin clients.

    Create internal admin clients. Gives access to adminClient, be sure to call cleanUpAdminClient after the tests are done.

  23. val settings: KafkaTestkitSettings
  24. def sleepMillis(ms: Long, msg: String): Unit
  25. def sleepSeconds(s: Int, msg: String): Unit