
object AmqpSource

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. AmqpSource
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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  1. Public
  2. Protected

Value Members

  1. def atMostOnceSource(settings: AmqpSourceSettings, bufferSize: Int): Source[ReadResult, NotUsed]

    Java API: Convenience for "at-most once delivery" semantics.

    Java API: Convenience for "at-most once delivery" semantics. Each message is acked to RabbitMQ before it is emitted downstream.

  2. def committableSource(settings: AmqpSourceSettings, bufferSize: Int): Source[CommittableReadResult, NotUsed]

    Java API: The committableSource makes it possible to commit (ack/nack) messages to RabbitMQ.

    Java API: The committableSource makes it possible to commit (ack/nack) messages to RabbitMQ. This is useful when "at-least once delivery" is desired, as each message will likely be delivered one time but in failure cases could be duplicated.

    If you commit the offset before processing the message you get "at-most once delivery" semantics, and for that there is a #atMostOnceSource.

    Compared to auto-commit, this gives exact control over when a message is considered consumed.