
object DynamoDb

Factory of DynamoDb Pekko Stream operators.

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. DynamoDb
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Value Members

  1. def flow[In <: DynamoDbRequest, Out <: DynamoDbResponse](parallelism: Int)(implicit client: DynamoDbAsyncClient, operation: DynamoDbOp[In, Out]): Flow[In, Out, NotUsed]

    Create a Flow that emits a response for every request to DynamoDB.

    Create a Flow that emits a response for every request to DynamoDB.


    maximum number of in-flight requests at any given time

  2. def flowPaginated[In <: DynamoDbRequest, Out <: DynamoDbResponse]()(implicit client: DynamoDbAsyncClient, operation: DynamoDbPaginatedOp[In, Out, _]): Flow[In, Out, NotUsed]

    Sends requests to DynamoDB and emits the paginated responses.

    Sends requests to DynamoDB and emits the paginated responses.

    Pagination is available for BatchGetItem, ListTables, Query and Scan requests.

  3. def flowWithContext[In <: DynamoDbRequest, Out <: DynamoDbResponse, Ctx](parallelism: Int)(implicit client: DynamoDbAsyncClient, operation: DynamoDbOp[In, Out]): FlowWithContext[In, Ctx, Try[Out], Ctx, NotUsed]

    Create a FlowWithContext that emits a response for every request to DynamoDB.

    Create a FlowWithContext that emits a response for every request to DynamoDB. A successful response is wrapped in scala.util.Success and a failed response is wrapped in scala.util.Failure.

    The context is merely passed through to the emitted element.


    context (or pass-through)


    maximum number of in-flight requests at any given time

  4. def single[In <: DynamoDbRequest, Out <: DynamoDbResponse](request: In)(implicit client: DynamoDbAsyncClient, operation: DynamoDbOp[In, Out], system: ClassicActorSystemProvider): Future[Out]

    Create a Future that will be completed with a response to a given request.

    Create a Future that will be completed with a response to a given request.

  5. def source[In <: DynamoDbRequest, Out <: DynamoDbResponse](request: In)(implicit client: DynamoDbAsyncClient, operation: DynamoDbPaginatedOp[In, Out, _]): Source[Out, NotUsed]

    Create a Source that will emit potentially multiple responses for a given request.