
object MqttFlow

Java API

MQTT flow factory.

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. MqttFlow
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Value Members

  1. def atLeastOnce(settings: MqttConnectionSettings, subscriptions: MqttSubscriptions, bufferSize: Int, defaultQos: MqttQoS): Flow[MqttMessage, MqttMessageWithAck, CompletionStage[Done]]

    Create a flow to send messages to MQTT AND subscribe to MQTT messages with a commit handle to acknowledge message reception.

    Create a flow to send messages to MQTT AND subscribe to MQTT messages with a commit handle to acknowledge message reception.

    The materialized value completes on successful connection to the MQTT broker.


    max number of messages read from MQTT before back-pressure applies


    Quality of service level applied for messages not specifying a message specific value

  2. def atLeastOnceWithAck(settings: MqttConnectionSettings, subscriptions: MqttSubscriptions, bufferSize: Int, defaultQos: MqttQoS): Flow[MqttMessageWithAck, MqttMessageWithAck, CompletionStage[Done]]

    Create a flow to send messages to MQTT , send acknowledge AND subscribe to MQTT messages with a commit handle to acknowledge message reception.

    Create a flow to send messages to MQTT , send acknowledge AND subscribe to MQTT messages with a commit handle to acknowledge message reception.

    The materialized value completes on successful connection to the MQTT broker.


    max number of messages read from MQTT before back-pressure applies


    Quality of service level applied for messages not specifying a message specific value

  3. def atMostOnce(settings: MqttConnectionSettings, subscriptions: MqttSubscriptions, bufferSize: Int, defaultQos: MqttQoS): Flow[MqttMessage, MqttMessage, CompletionStage[Done]]

    Create a flow to send messages to MQTT AND subscribe to MQTT messages (without a commit handle).

    Create a flow to send messages to MQTT AND subscribe to MQTT messages (without a commit handle).

    The materialized value completes on successful connection to the MQTT broker.


    max number of messages read from MQTT before back-pressure applies


    Quality of service level applied for messages not specifying a message specific value