


trait UpgradeToWebSocket extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader with WebSocketUpgrade

A virtual header that WebSocket requests will contain. Use UpgradeToWebSocket.handleMessagesWith to create a WebSocket handshake response and handle the WebSocket message stream with the given handler.

This low-level API is expected to be replaced by an Attribute in the future.

In any case, you might want to use handleWebSocketMessages instead as documented at

@Deprecated @deprecated

(Since version Akka HTTP 10.2.0) use the WebSocketUpgrade attribute instead

Linear Supertypes
WebSocketUpgrade, scaladsl.model.HttpHeader, ToStringRenderable, Renderable, HttpHeader, AnyRef, Any
Known Subclasses
Type Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. UpgradeToWebSocket
  2. WebSocketUpgrade
  3. HttpHeader
  4. ToStringRenderable
  5. Renderable
  6. HttpHeader
  7. AnyRef
  8. Any
  1. by any2stringadd
  2. by StringFormat
  3. by Ensuring
  4. by ArrowAssoc
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract def getRequestedProtocols(): Iterable[String]

    Returns the sequence of protocols the client accepts.

    Returns the sequence of protocols the client accepts.


    Definition Classes
  2. abstract def handleMessagesWith(inSink: Graph[SinkShape[Message], _], outSource: Graph[SourceShape[Message], _], subprotocol: String): HttpResponse

    Returns a response that can be used to answer a WebSocket handshake request.

    Returns a response that can be used to answer a WebSocket handshake request. The connection will afterwards use the given inSink to handle WebSocket messages from the client and the given outSource to send messages to the client.

    The given subprotocol must be one of the ones offered by the client.

    Definition Classes
  3. abstract def handleMessagesWith(inSink: Graph[SinkShape[Message], _], outSource: Graph[SourceShape[Message], _]): HttpResponse

    Returns a response that can be used to answer a WebSocket handshake request.

    Returns a response that can be used to answer a WebSocket handshake request. The connection will afterwards use the given inSink to handle WebSocket messages from the client and the given outSource to send messages to the client.

    Definition Classes
  4. abstract def handleMessagesWith(handlerFlow: Graph[FlowShape[Message, Message], _], subprotocol: String): HttpResponse

    Returns a response that can be used to answer a WebSocket handshake request.

    Returns a response that can be used to answer a WebSocket handshake request. The connection will afterwards use the given handlerFlow to handle WebSocket messages from the client. The given subprotocol must be one of the ones offered by the client.

    Definition Classes
  5. abstract def handleMessagesWith(handlerFlow: Graph[FlowShape[Message, Message], _]): HttpResponse

    Returns a response that can be used to answer a WebSocket handshake request.

    Returns a response that can be used to answer a WebSocket handshake request. The connection will afterwards use the given handlerFlow to handle WebSocket messages from the client.

    Definition Classes
  6. abstract def lowercaseName(): String

    Returns the lower-cased name of the header.

    Returns the lower-cased name of the header.

    Definition Classes
  7. abstract def name(): String

    Returns the name of the header.

    Returns the name of the header.

    Definition Classes
  8. abstract def renderInRequests(): Boolean

    Returns true if and only if the header is to be rendered in requests.

    Returns true if and only if the header is to be rendered in requests.

    Definition Classes
  9. abstract def renderInResponses(): Boolean

    Returns true if and only if the header is to be rendered in responses.

    Returns true if and only if the header is to be rendered in responses.

    Definition Classes
  10. abstract def value(): String

    Returns the String representation of the value of the header.

    Returns the String representation of the value of the header.

    Definition Classes

Concrete Value Members

  1. def is(nameInLowerCase: String): Boolean

    Returns true if and only if nameInLowerCase.equals(lowercaseName()).

    Returns true if and only if nameInLowerCase.equals(lowercaseName()).

    Definition Classes
  2. def isNot(nameInLowerCase: String): Boolean

    Returns !is(nameInLowerCase).

    Returns !is(nameInLowerCase).

    Definition Classes
  3. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    ToStringRenderable → AnyRef → Any
  4. def unsafeToString: String
    Definition Classes