
class WSProbe extends AnyRef

A WSProbe is a probe that implements a Flow[Message, Message, Unit] for testing websocket code.

Requesting elements is handled automatically.

Linear Supertypes
Type Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. WSProbe
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. by any2stringadd
  2. by StringFormat
  3. by Ensuring
  4. by ArrowAssoc
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Instance Constructors

  1. new WSProbe(delegate: scaladsl.testkit.WSProbe)

Value Members

  1. def expectCompletion(): Unit

    Expect completion on the input side of the flow.

  2. def expectMessage(bytes: ByteString): Unit

    Expect a binary message on the input side of the flow and compares its payload with the given one.

    Expect a binary message on the input side of the flow and compares its payload with the given one. If the received message is streamed its contents are collected and then asserted against the given ByteString.

  3. def expectMessage(text: String): Unit

    Expect a text message on the input side of the flow and compares its payload with the given one.

    Expect a text message on the input side of the flow and compares its payload with the given one. If the received message is streamed its contents are collected and then asserted against the given String.

  4. def expectMessage(): Message

    Expect a message on the input side of the flow.

  5. def expectNoMessage(max: FiniteDuration): Unit

    Expect no message on the input side of the flow for the given maximum duration.

  6. def expectNoMessage(): Unit

    Expect no message on the input side of the flow.

  7. def flow: Flow[Message, Message, NotUsed]
  8. def sendCompletion(): Unit

    Complete the output side of the flow.

  9. def sendMessage(bytes: ByteString): Unit

    Send a binary message containing the given bytes out of the flow.

  10. def sendMessage(text: String): Unit

    Send a text message containing the given string out of the flow.

  11. def sendMessage(message: Message): Unit

    Send the given messages out of the flow.