
trait FoldLeft[In, T, Op] extends AnyRef

Linear Supertypes
Type Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. FoldLeft
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. by enhanceTuple
  2. by any2stringadd
  3. by StringFormat
  4. by Ensuring
  5. by ArrowAssoc
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. abstract type Out

Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract def apply(zero: In, tuple: T): Out

Concrete Value Members

  1. def append[S](value: S)(implicit ao: AppendOne[FoldLeft[In, T, Op], S]): AppendOne.Out

    Appends the given value to the tuple producing a tuple of arity n + 1.

    Appends the given value to the tuple producing a tuple of arity n + 1.

    This member is added by an implicit conversion from FoldLeft[In, T, Op] toTupleOps[FoldLeft[In, T, Op]] performed by method enhanceTuple in org.apache.pekko.http.scaladsl.server.util.TupleOps.This conversion will take place only if an implicit value of type Tuple[FoldLeft[In, T, Op]] is in scope.
    Definition Classes
  2. def foldLeft[In](zero: In)(op: BinaryPolyFunc)(implicit fold: FoldLeft[In, FoldLeft[In, T, Op], op.type]): Out

    Left-Folds over the tuple using the given binary poly-function.

    Left-Folds over the tuple using the given binary poly-function.

    This member is added by an implicit conversion from FoldLeft[In, T, Op] toTupleOps[FoldLeft[In, T, Op]] performed by method enhanceTuple in org.apache.pekko.http.scaladsl.server.util.TupleOps.This conversion will take place only if an implicit value of type Tuple[FoldLeft[In, T, Op]] is in scope.
    Definition Classes
  3. def join[S](suffixTuple: S)(implicit join: Join[FoldLeft[In, T, Op], S]): Join.Out

    Appends the given tuple to the underlying tuple producing a tuple of arity n + m.

    Appends the given tuple to the underlying tuple producing a tuple of arity n + m.

    This member is added by an implicit conversion from FoldLeft[In, T, Op] toTupleOps[FoldLeft[In, T, Op]] performed by method enhanceTuple in org.apache.pekko.http.scaladsl.server.util.TupleOps.This conversion will take place only if an implicit value of type Tuple[FoldLeft[In, T, Op]] is in scope.
    Definition Classes
  4. val tuple: FoldLeft[In, T, Op]
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from FoldLeft[In, T, Op] toTupleOps[FoldLeft[In, T, Op]] performed by method enhanceTuple in org.apache.pekko.http.scaladsl.server.util.TupleOps.This conversion will take place only if an implicit value of type Tuple[FoldLeft[In, T, Op]] is in scope.
    Definition Classes