
final class Builder[+Mat] extends AnyRef

Self Type
Linear Supertypes
Type Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. Builder
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. by any2stringadd
  2. by StringFormat
  3. by Ensuring
  4. by ArrowAssoc
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Instance Constructors

  1. new Builder()(implicit delegate: scaladsl.GraphDSL.Builder[Mat])

Type Members

  1. final class ForwardOps[T] extends AnyRef
  2. final class ReverseOps[T] extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. def add[S <: Shape](graph: Graph[S, _]): S

    Import a graph into this module, performing a deep copy, discarding its materialized value and returning the copied Ports that are now to be connected.

  2. def from[I, O](j: UniformFanOutShape[I, O]): ForwardOps[O]
  3. def from[I, O](j: UniformFanInShape[I, O]): ForwardOps[O]
  4. def from[I, O](f: FlowShape[I, O]): ForwardOps[O]
  5. def from[T](src: SourceShape[T]): ForwardOps[T]
  6. def from[T](out: Outlet[T]): ForwardOps[T]
  7. def materializedValue: Outlet[Mat]

    Returns an Outlet that gives access to the materialized value of this graph.

    Returns an Outlet that gives access to the materialized value of this graph. Once the graph is materialized this outlet will emit exactly one element which is the materialized value. It is possible to expose this outlet as an externally accessible outlet of a Source, Sink, Flow or BidiFlow.

    It is possible to call this method multiple times to get multiple Outlet instances if necessary. All of the outlets will emit the materialized value.

    Be careful to not to feed the result of this outlet to a operator that produces the materialized value itself (for example to a Sink#fold that contributes to the materialized value) since that might lead to an unresolvable dependency cycle.


    The outlet that will emit the materialized value.

  8. def to[I, O](j: UniformFanOutShape[I, O]): ReverseOps[I]
  9. def to[I, O](j: UniformFanInShape[I, O]): ReverseOps[I]
  10. def to[I, O](f: FlowShape[I, O]): ReverseOps[I]
  11. def to[T](dst: SinkShape[T]): ReverseOps[T]
  12. def to[T](in: Inlet[T]): ReverseOps[T]