Query Plugin
It implements the following Persistence Queries:
- eventsByPersistenceId, currentEventsByPersistenceId
- eventsByTag, currentEventsByTag
- persistenceIds, currentPersistenceIds
See API details in CassandraReadJournal
and eventsByTag documentation.
Persistence Query usage example to obtain a stream with all events tagged with “someTag” with Persistence Query:
val queries = PersistenceQuery(system).readJournalFor[CassandraReadJournal](CassandraReadJournal.Identifier)
queries.eventsByTag("someTag", Offset.noOffset)
The default settings can be changed with the configuration properties defined in reference.conf.
Query configuration is under pekko.persistence.cassandra.query
Events by tag configuration is under pekko.persistence.cassandra.events-by-tag
and shared by journal
and query
If using events by tag query it is important to set the first time bucket