Projection Settings
A Projection is a background process that continuously consume event envelopes from a Source
. Therefore, in case of failures, it is automatically restarted. This is done by automatically wrapping the Source
with a RestartSource with backoff on failures.
By default, the backoff configuration defined in the reference configuration is used. Those values can be overriden in the application.conf
file or programatically as shown below.
sourceimport org.apache.pekko
import pekko.projection.ProjectionId
import pekko.projection.cassandra.scaladsl.CassandraProjection
val projection =
projectionId = ProjectionId("shopping-carts", "carts-1"),
handler = () => new ShoppingCartHandler)
.withRestartBackoff(minBackoff = 10.seconds, maxBackoff = 60.seconds, randomFactor = 0.5)
.withSaveOffset(100, 500.millis)
sourceimport org.apache.pekko.projection.cassandra.javadsl.CassandraProjection;
import org.apache.pekko.projection.Projection;
import org.apache.pekko.projection.ProjectionId;
int saveOffsetAfterEnvelopes = 100;
Duration saveOffsetAfterDuration = Duration.ofMillis(500);
Projection<EventEnvelope<ShoppingCart.Event>> projection =
ProjectionId.of("shopping-carts", "carts-1"),
Duration.ofSeconds(10), /*minBackoff*/
Duration.ofSeconds(60), /*maxBackoff*/
0.5 /*randomFactor*/)
.withSaveOffset(saveOffsetAfterEnvelopes, saveOffsetAfterDuration);
source# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# This defines the default configuration for pekko-projection-core.
# Make your edits/overrides in your application.conf.
pekko.projection {
# The configuration to use to restart the projection after an underlying streams failure
# The Pekko streams restart source is used to facilitate this behaviour
# See the streams documentation for more details
restart-backoff {
min-backoff = 3s
max-backoff = 30s
random-factor = 0.2
# -1 will not cap the amount of restarts
# 0 will disable restarts
max-restarts = -1
pekko.projection {
# The strategy to use to recover from unhandled exceptions without causing the projection to fail
recovery-strategy {
# fail - If the first attempt to invoke the handler fails it will immediately give up and fail the stream.
# skip - If the first attempt to invoke the handler fails it will immediately give up, discard the element and
# continue with next.
# retry-and-fail - If the first attempt to invoke the handler fails it will retry invoking the handler with the
# same envelope this number of `retries` with the `delay` between each attempt. It will give up
# and fail the stream if all attempts fail.
# retry-and-skip - If the first attempt to invoke the handler fails it will retry invoking the handler with the
# same envelope this number of `retries` with the `delay` between each attempt. It will give up,
# discard the element and continue with next if all attempts fail.
strategy = fail
# The number of times to retry handler function
# This is only applicable to `retry-and-fail` and `retry-and-skip` recovery strategies
retries = 5
# The delay between retry attempts
# Only applicable to `retry-and-fail` and `retry-and-skip` recovery strategies
retry-delay = 1 s
pekko.projection {
at-least-once {
save-offset-after-envelopes = 100
save-offset-after-duration = 500 ms
grouped {
group-after-envelopes = 20
group-after-duration = 500 ms
management {
# timeout for the operations in ProjectionManagement
operation-timeout = 10 s
# timeout for individual management requests, they are retried in case of timeout until the operation-timeout
ask-timeout = 3 s
pekko {
actor {
serializers {
pekko-projection = "org.apache.pekko.projection.internal.ProjectionSerializer"
serialization-identifiers {
"org.apache.pekko.projection.internal.ProjectionSerializer" = 1558148900
serialization-bindings {
"org.apache.pekko.projection.ProjectionBehavior$Internal$ProjectionManagementCommand" = pekko-projection
"org.apache.pekko.projection.ProjectionBehavior$Internal$CurrentOffset" = pekko-projection