Source Code
Pekko uses Git and is hosted at Github apache/pekko.
Releases Repository
All Pekko releases are published via Sonatype to Maven Central, see
Snapshots Repository
Snapshot builds are available at All Pekko modules that belong to the same build have the same version.
The use of Pekko SNAPSHOTs, nightlies and milestone releases is discouraged unless you know what you are doing.
sbt definition of snapshot repository
Make sure that you add the repository to the sbt resolvers:
resolvers += "Apache Pekko Snapshots" at ""
Define the library dependencies with the complete version (you can find the available versions here). For example:
libraryDependencies += "org.apache.pekko" %% "pekko-remote" % "0.0.0+...-SNAPSHOT"
Maven definition of snapshot repository
Make sure that you add the repository to the Maven repositories in pom.xml:
Define the library dependencies with the timestamp as version. For example: