Package org.apache.pekko.util
Class CompactByteString
- java.lang.Object
- org.apache.pekko.util.ByteString
- org.apache.pekko.util.CompactByteString
- All Implemented Interfaces:
- Direct Known Subclasses:
public abstract class CompactByteString extends ByteString implements
A compact ByteString.The ByteString is guarantied to be contiguous in memory and to use only as much memory as required for its contents.
- See Also:
- Serialized Form
Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.apache.pekko.util.ByteString
ByteString.ByteString1, ByteString.ByteString1$, ByteString.ByteString1C, ByteString.ByteString1C$, ByteString.ByteStrings, ByteString.ByteStrings$, ByteString.Companion, ByteString.Companion$
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface scala.Function1
scala.Function1.UnliftOps<A extends java.lang.Object,B extends java.lang.Object>, scala.Function1.UnliftOps$
Constructor Summary
Constructors Constructor Description CompactByteString()
Method Summary
All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Modifier and Type Method Description static CompactByteString
apply(byte[] bytes)
Creates a new CompactByteString by copying a byte array.static CompactByteString
apply(java.lang.String string)
Creates a new CompactByteString by encoding a String as UTF-8.static CompactByteString
apply(java.lang.String string, java.lang.String charset)
Creates a new CompactByteString by encoding a String with a charset.static CompactByteString
apply(java.lang.String string, java.nio.charset.Charset charset)
Creates a new CompactByteString by encoding a String with a charset.static CompactByteString
apply(java.nio.ByteBuffer bytes)
Creates a new CompactByteString by copying bytes from a ByteBuffer.static CompactByteString
apply(scala.collection.immutable.Seq<java.lang.Object> bytes)
Creates a new CompactByteString by copying bytes.static <T> CompactByteString
apply(scala.collection.immutable.Seq<T> bytes, scala.math.Integral<T> num)
Creates a new CompactByteString by converting from integral numbers to bytes.static CompactByteString
apply(scala.collection.IterableOnce<java.lang.Object> bytes)
Creates a new CompactByteString by traversing bytes.CompactByteString
Create a new ByteString with all contents compacted into a single, full byte array.static CompactByteString
static CompactByteString
fromArray(byte[] array, int offset, int length)
Creates a new CompactByteString by copying length bytes starting at offset from an Array.boolean
Check whether this ByteString is compact in memory.-
Methods inherited from class org.apache.pekko.util.ByteString
$plus$plus, apply, asByteBuffer, asByteBuffers, className, concat, copyToArray, copyToArray, copyToBuffer, createBuilder, decodeBase64, decodeString, decodeString, drop, dropRight, dropWhile, empty, emptyByteString, encodeBase64, foreach, fromArray, fromArrayUnsafe, fromArrayUnsafe, fromByteBuffer, fromInts, fromInts, fromSpecific, fromString, fromString, fromString, getByteBuffers, grouped, head, indexOf, indexWhere, init, isEmpty, iterator, last, map, mapI, newBuilder, newSpecificBuilder, slice, span, splitAt, tail, take, takeRight, takeWhile, toArray, toArray, toArrayUnsafe, toByteBuffer, toString, UTF_8, utf8String
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface scala.Function1
apply, apply$mcDD$sp, apply$mcDF$sp, apply$mcDI$sp, apply$mcDJ$sp, apply$mcFD$sp, apply$mcFF$sp, apply$mcFI$sp, apply$mcFJ$sp, apply$mcID$sp, apply$mcIF$sp, apply$mcII$sp, apply$mcIJ$sp, apply$mcJD$sp, apply$mcJF$sp, apply$mcJI$sp, apply$mcJJ$sp, apply$mcVD$sp, apply$mcVF$sp, apply$mcVI$sp, apply$mcVJ$sp, apply$mcZD$sp, apply$mcZF$sp, apply$mcZI$sp, apply$mcZJ$sp, compose
Methods inherited from interface scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq
applyPreferredMaxLength, canEqual, iterableFactory, sameElements, toIndexedSeq
Methods inherited from interface scala.collection.IndexedSeqOps
foldRight, headOption, knownSize, lengthCompare, lengthCompare, map, prepended, reverse, reversed, reverseIterator, search, search, stepper, view, view
Methods inherited from interface scala.collection.Iterable
coll, collectionClassName, lazyZip, seq, toIterable
Methods inherited from interface scala.collection.IterableOnceOps
$colon$bslash, $div$colon, addString, addString, addString, aggregate, collectFirst, copyToArray, copyToBuffer, corresponds, count, exists, find, fold, foldLeft, forall, hasDefiniteSize, max, maxBy, maxByOption, maxOption, min, minBy, minByOption, minOption, mkString, mkString, mkString, nonEmpty, product, reduce, reduceLeft, reduceLeftOption, reduceOption, reduceRight, reduceRightOption, sum, to, toBuffer, toIterator, toList, toMap, toSet, toStream, toVector
Methods inherited from interface scala.collection.IterableOps
$plus$plus, companion, groupBy, groupMap, groupMapReduce, inits, isTraversableAgain, lastOption, repr, scan, scanRight, sizeIs, sliding, sliding, tails, toTraversable, transpose, withFilter, zipAll
Methods inherited from interface scala.PartialFunction
andThen, andThen, applyOrElse, compose, elementWise, isDefinedAt, lift, orElse, runWith, unapply
Methods inherited from interface scala.collection.SeqOps
$colon$plus, $colon$plus$plus, $plus$colon, $plus$plus$colon, combinations, concat, contains, containsSlice, corresponds, distinct, endsWith, findLast, indexOf, indexOfSlice, indexOfSlice, indexWhere, indices, isDefinedAt, lastIndexOf, lastIndexOf$default$2, lastIndexOfSlice, lastIndexOfSlice, lastIndexWhere, lastIndexWhere, length, lengthIs, occCounts, permutations, prefixLength, reverseMap, scala$collection$SeqOps$$toGenericSeq, segmentLength, segmentLength, size, sizeCompare, sizeCompare, sortBy, sortWith, startsWith, startsWith$default$2, union
Methods inherited from interface scala.collection.StrictOptimizedIterableOps
collect, filter, filterImpl, filterNot, flatMap, flatten, map, partition, partitionMap, scanLeft, strictOptimizedCollect, strictOptimizedConcat, strictOptimizedFlatMap, strictOptimizedFlatten, strictOptimizedMap, strictOptimizedZip, tapEach, unzip, unzip3, zip, zipWithIndex
Method Detail
public static CompactByteString apply(byte[] bytes)
Creates a new CompactByteString by copying a byte array.
public static CompactByteString apply(scala.collection.immutable.Seq<java.lang.Object> bytes)
Creates a new CompactByteString by copying bytes.
public static CompactByteString apply(scala.collection.IterableOnce<java.lang.Object> bytes)
Creates a new CompactByteString by traversing bytes.
public static <T> CompactByteString apply(scala.collection.immutable.Seq<T> bytes, scala.math.Integral<T> num)
Creates a new CompactByteString by converting from integral numbers to bytes.
public static CompactByteString apply(java.nio.ByteBuffer bytes)
Creates a new CompactByteString by copying bytes from a ByteBuffer.
public static CompactByteString apply(java.lang.String string)
Creates a new CompactByteString by encoding a String as UTF-8.
public static CompactByteString apply(java.lang.String string, java.lang.String charset)
Creates a new CompactByteString by encoding a String with a charset.
public static CompactByteString apply(java.lang.String string, java.nio.charset.Charset charset)
Creates a new CompactByteString by encoding a String with a charset.
public static CompactByteString fromArray(byte[] array, int offset, int length)
Creates a new CompactByteString by copying length bytes starting at offset from an Array.
public static CompactByteString empty()
public boolean isCompact()
Description copied from class:ByteString
Check whether this ByteString is compact in memory. If the ByteString is compact, it might, however, not be represented by an object that takes full advantage of that fact. Use compact to get such an object.- Specified by:
in classByteString
public CompactByteString compact()
Description copied from class:ByteString
Create a new ByteString with all contents compacted into a single, full byte array. If isCompact returns true, compact is an O(1) operation, but might return a different object with an optimized implementation.- Specified by:
in classByteString