Class BootstrapSetup

  • public final class BootstrapSetup
    extends Setup
    • Constructor Detail

      • BootstrapSetup

        public BootstrapSetup()
    • Method Detail

      • apply

        public static BootstrapSetup apply​(scala.Option<java.lang.ClassLoader> classLoader,
                                           scala.Option<com.typesafe.config.Config> config,
                                           scala.Option<scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext> defaultExecutionContext)
        Scala API: Create bootstrap settings needed for starting the actor system

      • apply

        public static BootstrapSetup apply​(com.typesafe.config.Config config)
        Scala API: Short for using custom config but keeping default classloader and default execution context
      • create

        public static BootstrapSetup create​(java.util.Optional<java.lang.ClassLoader> classLoader,
                                            java.util.Optional<com.typesafe.config.Config> config,
                                            java.util.Optional<scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext> defaultExecutionContext)
        Java API: Create bootstrap settings needed for starting the actor system

      • create

        public static BootstrapSetup create​(com.typesafe.config.Config config)
        Java API: Short for using custom config but keeping default classloader and default execution context
      • create

        public static BootstrapSetup create()
        Java API: Construct a bootstrap settings with default values. Note that passing that to the actor system is the same as not passing any BootstrapSetup at all. You can use the returned instance to derive one that has other values than defaults using the various with-methods.
      • classLoader

        public scala.Option<java.lang.ClassLoader> classLoader()
      • config

        public scala.Option<com.typesafe.config.Config> config()
      • defaultExecutionContext

        public scala.Option<scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext> defaultExecutionContext()
      • withClassloader

        public BootstrapSetup withClassloader​(java.lang.ClassLoader classLoader)
      • withConfig

        public BootstrapSetup withConfig​(com.typesafe.config.Config config)
      • withDefaultExecutionContext

        public BootstrapSetup withDefaultExecutionContext​(scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext executionContext)