Class TcpMessage

  • public class TcpMessage
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static Tcp.Command abort()
      An abort operation will not flush pending writes and will issue a TCP ABORT command to the O/S kernel which should result in a TCP_RST packet being sent to the peer.
      static Tcp.Command bind​(ActorRef handler, endpoint, int backlog)
      Open a listening socket without specifying options.
      static Tcp.Command bind​(ActorRef handler, endpoint, int backlog, java.lang.Iterable<Inet.SocketOption> options, boolean pullMode)
      The Bind message is send to the TCP manager actor, which is obtained via TcpExt.getManager() in order to bind to a listening socket.
      static Tcp.Command close()
      A normal close operation will first flush pending writes and then close the socket.
      static Tcp.Command confirmedClose()
      A confirmed close operation will flush pending writes and half-close the connection, waiting for the peer to close the other half.
      static Tcp.Command connect​( remoteAddress)
      Connect to the given remoteAddress without binding to a local address and without specifying options.
      static Tcp.Command connect​( remoteAddress, localAddress, java.lang.Iterable<Inet.SocketOption> options, java.time.Duration timeout, boolean pullMode)
      The Connect message is sent to the TCP manager actor, which is obtained via TcpExt.getManager().
      static Tcp.Command connect​( remoteAddress, localAddress, java.lang.Iterable<Inet.SocketOption> options, scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration timeout, boolean pullMode)
      The Connect message is sent to the TCP manager actor, which is obtained via TcpExt.getManager().
      static Tcp.NoAck noAck()
      Default Tcp.NoAck instance which is used when no acknowledgment information is explicitly provided.
      static Tcp.NoAck noAck​(java.lang.Object token)
      Each Tcp.WriteCommand can optionally request a positive acknowledgment to be sent to the commanding actor.
      static Tcp.Command register​(ActorRef handler)
      The same as register(handler, false, false).
      static Tcp.Command register​(ActorRef handler, boolean keepOpenOnPeerClosed, boolean useResumeWriting)
      This message must be sent to a TCP connection actor after receiving the Tcp.Connected message.
      static Tcp.Command resumeAccepting​(int batchSize)
      This message enables the accepting of the next connection if pull reading is enabled for connection actors.
      static Tcp.Command resumeReading()
      This command needs to be sent to the connection actor after a Tcp.SuspendReading command in order to resume reading from the socket.
      static Tcp.Command resumeWriting()
      When useResumeWriting is in effect as was indicated in the Tcp.Register message then this command needs to be sent to the connection actor in order to re-enable writing after a Tcp.CommandFailed event.
      static Tcp.Command suspendReading()
      Sending this command to the connection actor will disable reading from the TCP socket.
      static Tcp.Command unbind()
      In order to close down a listening socket, send this message to that socket&rsquo;s actor (that is the actor which previously had sent the Tcp.Bound message).
      static Tcp.Command write​(ByteString data)
      The same as write(data, noAck()).
      static Tcp.Command write​(ByteString data, Tcp.Event ack)
      Write data to the TCP connection.
      static Tcp.Command writeFile​(java.lang.String filePath, long position, long count, Tcp.Event ack)
      Write count bytes starting at position from file at filePath to the connection.
      static Tcp.Command writePath​(java.nio.file.Path filePath, long position, long count, Tcp.Event ack)
      Write count bytes starting at position from file at filePath to the connection.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • TcpMessage

        public TcpMessage()
    • Method Detail

      • connect

        public static Tcp.Command connect​( remoteAddress,
                                          java.lang.Iterable<Inet.SocketOption> options,
                                          scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration timeout,
                                          boolean pullMode)
        The Connect message is sent to the TCP manager actor, which is obtained via TcpExt.getManager(). Either the manager replies with a Tcp.CommandFailed or the actor handling the new connection replies with a Tcp.Connected message.

        remoteAddress - is the address to connect to
        localAddress - optionally specifies a specific address to bind to
        options - Please refer to TcpSO for a list of all supported options.
        timeout - is the desired connection timeout, null means "no timeout"
        pullMode - enables pull based reading from the connection
      • connect

        public static Tcp.Command connect​( remoteAddress,
                                          java.lang.Iterable<Inet.SocketOption> options,
                                          java.time.Duration timeout,
                                          boolean pullMode)
        The Connect message is sent to the TCP manager actor, which is obtained via TcpExt.getManager(). Either the manager replies with a Tcp.CommandFailed or the actor handling the new connection replies with a Tcp.Connected message.

        remoteAddress - is the address to connect to
        localAddress - optionally specifies a specific address to bind to
        options - Please refer to TcpSO for a list of all supported options.
        timeout - is the desired connection timeout, null means "no timeout"
        pullMode - enables pull based reading from the connection
      • connect

        public static Tcp.Command connect​( remoteAddress)
        Connect to the given remoteAddress without binding to a local address and without specifying options.
      • bind

        public static Tcp.Command bind​(ActorRef handler,
                                       int backlog,
                                       java.lang.Iterable<Inet.SocketOption> options,
                                       boolean pullMode)
        The Bind message is send to the TCP manager actor, which is obtained via TcpExt.getManager() in order to bind to a listening socket. The manager replies either with a Tcp.CommandFailed or the actor handling the listen socket replies with a Tcp.Bound message. If the local port is set to 0 in the Bind message, then the Tcp.Bound message should be inspected to find the actual port which was bound to.

        handler - The actor which will receive all incoming connection requests in the form of Tcp.Connected messages.

        endpoint - The socket address to bind to; use port zero for automatic assignment (i.e. an ephemeral port, see Tcp.Bound)

        backlog - This specifies the number of unaccepted connections the O/S kernel will hold for this port before refusing connections.

        options - Please refer to TcpSO for a list of all supported options.

        pullMode - enables pull based accepting and of connections and pull based reading from the accepted connections.
      • bind

        public static Tcp.Command bind​(ActorRef handler,
                                       int backlog)
        Open a listening socket without specifying options.
      • register

        public static Tcp.Command register​(ActorRef handler,
                                           boolean keepOpenOnPeerClosed,
                                           boolean useResumeWriting)
        This message must be sent to a TCP connection actor after receiving the Tcp.Connected message. The connection will not read any data from the socket until this message is received, because this message defines the actor which will receive all inbound data.

        handler - The actor which will receive all incoming data and which will be informed when the connection is closed.

        keepOpenOnPeerClosed - If this is set to true then the connection is not automatically closed when the peer closes its half, requiring an explicit Tcp.ConnectionClosed from our side when finished.

        useResumeWriting - If this is set to true then the connection actor will refuse all further writes after issuing a Tcp.CommandFailed notification until Tcp ResumeWriting is received. This can be used to implement NACK-based write backpressure.
      • register

        public static Tcp.Command register​(ActorRef handler)
        The same as register(handler, false, false).
      • unbind

        public static Tcp.Command unbind()
        In order to close down a listening socket, send this message to that socket&rsquo;s actor (that is the actor which previously had sent the Tcp.Bound message). The listener socket actor will reply with a Tcp.Unbound message.
      • close

        public static Tcp.Command close()
        A normal close operation will first flush pending writes and then close the socket. The sender of this command and the registered handler for incoming data will both be notified once the socket is closed using a Tcp.Closed message.
      • confirmedClose

        public static Tcp.Command confirmedClose()
        A confirmed close operation will flush pending writes and half-close the connection, waiting for the peer to close the other half. The sender of this command and the registered handler for incoming data will both be notified once the socket is closed using a Tcp.ConfirmedClosed message.
      • abort

        public static Tcp.Command abort()
        An abort operation will not flush pending writes and will issue a TCP ABORT command to the O/S kernel which should result in a TCP_RST packet being sent to the peer. The sender of this command and the registered handler for incoming data will both be notified once the socket is closed using a Tcp.Aborted message.
      • noAck

        public static Tcp.NoAck noAck​(java.lang.Object token)
        Each Tcp.WriteCommand can optionally request a positive acknowledgment to be sent to the commanding actor. If such notification is not desired the Tcp.SimpleWriteCommand.ack() must be set to an instance of this class. The token contained within can be used to recognize which write failed when receiving a Tcp.CommandFailed message.
      • noAck

        public static Tcp.NoAck noAck()
        Default Tcp.NoAck instance which is used when no acknowledgment information is explicitly provided. Its &ldquo;token&rdquo; is null.
      • write

        public static Tcp.Command write​(ByteString data,
                                        Tcp.Event ack)
        Write data to the TCP connection. If no ack is needed use the special NoAck object. The connection actor will reply with a Tcp.CommandFailed message if the write could not be enqueued. If Tcp.SimpleWriteCommand.wantsAck() returns true, the connection actor will reply with the supplied Tcp.SimpleWriteCommand.ack() token once the write has been successfully enqueued to the O/S kernel. Note that this does not in any way guarantee that the data will be or have been sent! Unfortunately there is no way to determine whether a particular write has been sent by the O/S.
      • writeFile

        public static Tcp.Command writeFile​(java.lang.String filePath,
                                            long position,
                                            long count,
                                            Tcp.Event ack)
        Write count bytes starting at position from file at filePath to the connection. The count must be &gt; 0. The connection actor will reply with a Tcp.CommandFailed message if the write could not be enqueued. If Tcp.SimpleWriteCommand.wantsAck() returns true, the connection actor will reply with the supplied Tcp.SimpleWriteCommand.ack() token once the write has been successfully enqueued to the O/S kernel. Note that this does not in any way guarantee that the data will be or have been sent! Unfortunately there is no way to determine whether a particular write has been sent by the O/S.
      • writePath

        public static Tcp.Command writePath​(java.nio.file.Path filePath,
                                            long position,
                                            long count,
                                            Tcp.Event ack)
        Write count bytes starting at position from file at filePath to the connection. The count must be &gt; 0. The connection actor will reply with a Tcp.CommandFailed message if the write could not be enqueued. If Tcp.SimpleWriteCommand.wantsAck() returns true, the connection actor will reply with the supplied Tcp.SimpleWriteCommand.ack() token once the write has been successfully enqueued to the O/S kernel. Note that this does not in any way guarantee that the data will be or have been sent! Unfortunately there is no way to determine whether a particular write has been sent by the O/S.
      • suspendReading

        public static Tcp.Command suspendReading()
        Sending this command to the connection actor will disable reading from the TCP socket. TCP flow-control will then propagate backpressure to the sender side as buffers fill up on either end. To re-enable reading send Tcp.ResumeReading.
      • resumeReading

        public static Tcp.Command resumeReading()
        This command needs to be sent to the connection actor after a Tcp.SuspendReading command in order to resume reading from the socket.
      • resumeAccepting

        public static Tcp.Command resumeAccepting​(int batchSize)
        This message enables the accepting of the next connection if pull reading is enabled for connection actors.
        batchSize - The number of connections to accept before waiting for the next resume command