Class AbstractActor

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractActor

        public AbstractActor()
    • Method Detail

      • emptyBehavior

        public static final AbstractActor.Receive emptyBehavior()
        emptyBehavior is a Receive-expression that matches no messages at all, ever.
      • context

        public ActorContext context()
        Description copied from interface: Actor
        Scala API: Stores the context for this actor, including self, and sender. It is implicit to support operations such as forward.

        WARNING: Only valid within the Actor itself, so do not close over it and publish it to other threads! is the Scala API. getContext returns a, which is the Java API of the actor context.

        Specified by:
        context in interface Actor
      • self

        public final ActorRef self()
        Description copied from interface: Actor
        The 'self' field holds the ActorRef for this actor.

        Can be used to send messages to itself:
         self ! message
        Specified by:
        self in interface Actor
      • org$apache$pekko$actor$Actor$_setter_$context_$eq

        protected void org$apache$pekko$actor$Actor$_setter_$context_$eq​(ActorContext x$1)
        Description copied from interface: Actor
        Scala API: Stores the context for this actor, including self, and sender. It is implicit to support operations such as forward.

        WARNING: Only valid within the Actor itself, so do not close over it and publish it to other threads! is the Scala API. getContext returns a, which is the Java API of the actor context.

        Specified by:
        org$apache$pekko$actor$Actor$_setter_$context_$eq in interface Actor
      • org$apache$pekko$actor$Actor$_setter_$self_$eq

        protected final void org$apache$pekko$actor$Actor$_setter_$self_$eq​(ActorRef x$1)
        Description copied from interface: Actor
        The 'self' field holds the ActorRef for this actor.

        Can be used to send messages to itself:
         self ! message
        Specified by:
        org$apache$pekko$actor$Actor$_setter_$self_$eq in interface Actor
      • getContext

        public AbstractActor.ActorContext getContext()
        Returns this AbstractActor's ActorContext The ActorContext is not thread safe so do not expose it outside of the AbstractActor.
      • getSelf

        public ActorRef getSelf()
        Returns the ActorRef for this actor.

        Same as self().

      • getSender

        public ActorRef getSender()
        The reference sender Actor of the currently processed message. This is always a legal destination to send to, even if there is no logical recipient for the reply, in which case it will be sent to the dead letter mailbox.

        Same as sender().

        WARNING: Only valid within the Actor itself, so do not close over it and publish it to other threads!

      • preStart

        public void preStart()
                      throws java.lang.Exception
        User overridable callback.

        Is called when an Actor is started. Actor are automatically started asynchronously when created. Empty default implementation.
        Specified by:
        preStart in interface Actor
      • postStop

        public void postStop()
                      throws java.lang.Exception
        User overridable callback.

        Is called asynchronously after getContext().stop() is invoked. Empty default implementation.
        Specified by:
        postStop in interface Actor
      • preRestart

        public void preRestart​(java.lang.Throwable reason,
                               scala.Option<java.lang.Object> message)
                        throws java.lang.Exception
        Override preRestart with message parameter with Optional type instead. Since Akka 2.5.0.
        Description copied from interface: Actor
        Scala API: User overridable callback: '''By default it disposes of all children and then calls postStop().'''
        Specified by:
        preRestart in interface Actor
        reason - the Throwable that caused the restart to happen
        message - optionally the current message the actor processed when failing, if applicable

        Is called on a crashed Actor right BEFORE it is restarted to allow clean up of resources before Actor is terminated.
      • preRestart

        public void preRestart​(java.lang.Throwable reason,
                               java.util.Optional<java.lang.Object> message)
                        throws java.lang.Exception
        User overridable callback: '''By default it disposes of all children and then calls postStop().'''

        Is called on a crashed Actor right BEFORE it is restarted to allow clean up of resources before Actor is terminated.
      • postRestart

        public void postRestart​(java.lang.Throwable reason)
                         throws java.lang.Exception
        User overridable callback: By default it calls preStart().

        Is called right AFTER restart on the newly created Actor to allow reinitialization after an Actor crash.
        Specified by:
        postRestart in interface Actor
        reason - the Throwable that caused the restart to happen

        Is called right AFTER restart on the newly created Actor to allow reinitialization after an Actor crash.
      • createReceive

        public abstract AbstractActor.Receive createReceive()
        An actor has to define its initial receive behavior by implementing the createReceive method.
      • receive

        public scala.PartialFunction<java.lang.Object,​scala.runtime.BoxedUnit> receive()
        Description copied from interface: Actor
        Scala API: This defines the initial actor behavior, it must return a partial function with the actor logic.
        Specified by:
        receive in interface Actor
      • receiveBuilder

        public final ReceiveBuilder receiveBuilder()
        Convenience factory of the ReceiveBuilder. Creates a new empty ReceiveBuilder.