Interface StashSupport

    • Method Detail

      • actorCell actorCell()
      • clearStash

        scala.collection.immutable.Vector<Envelope> clearStash()

        Clears the stash and and returns all envelopes that have not been unstashed.

      • enqueueFirst

        void enqueueFirst​(Envelope envelope)
        Enqueues envelope at the first position in the mailbox. If the message contained in the envelope is a Terminated message, it will be ensured that it can be re-received by the actor.
      • org$apache$pekko$actor$StashSupport$_setter_$mailbox_$eq

        void org$apache$pekko$actor$StashSupport$_setter_$mailbox_$eq​(DequeBasedMessageQueueSemantics x$1)
      • prepend

        void prepend​(scala.collection.immutable.Seq<Envelope> others)
        Prepends others to this stash. This method is optimized for a large stash and small others.
      • stash

        void stash()
        Adds the current message (the message that the actor received last) to the actor's stash.

        Throws: - in case of a stash capacity violation
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the same message is stashed more than once
      • theStash_$eq

        void theStash_$eq​(scala.collection.immutable.Vector<Envelope> x$1)
      • unstash

        void unstash()
        Prepends the oldest message in the stash to the mailbox, and then removes that message from the stash.

        Messages from the stash are enqueued to the mailbox until the capacity of the mailbox (if any) has been reached. In case a bounded mailbox overflows, a MessageQueueAppendFailedException is thrown.

        The unstashed message is guaranteed to be removed from the stash regardless if the unstash() call successfully returns or throws an exception.

      • unstashAll

        void unstashAll()
        Prepends all messages in the stash to the mailbox, and then clears the stash.

        Messages from the stash are enqueued to the mailbox until the capacity of the mailbox (if any) has been reached. In case a bounded mailbox overflows, a MessageQueueAppendFailedException is thrown.

        The stash is guaranteed to be empty after calling unstashAll().

      • unstashAll

        void unstashAll​(scala.Function1<java.lang.Object,​java.lang.Object> filterPredicate)

        Prepends selected messages in the stash, applying filterPredicate, to the mailbox, and then clears the stash.

        Messages from the stash are enqueued to the mailbox until the capacity of the mailbox (if any) has been reached. In case a bounded mailbox overflows, a MessageQueueAppendFailedException is thrown.

        The stash is guaranteed to be empty after calling unstashAll(Any => Boolean).

        filterPredicate - only stashed messages selected by this predicate are prepended to the mailbox.