final class JmsConsumerSettings extends JmsSettings

  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. JmsConsumerSettings
  2. JmsSettings
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Value Members

  1. val ackTimeout: Duration
  2. val acknowledgeMode: Option[AcknowledgeMode]
  3. val bufferSize: Int
  4. val connectionFactory: ConnectionFactory
    Definition Classes
  5. val connectionRetrySettings: ConnectionRetrySettings
    Definition Classes
  6. val connectionStatusSubscriptionTimeout: FiniteDuration
    Definition Classes
  7. val credentials: Option[Credentials]
    Definition Classes
  8. val destination: Option[Destination]
    Definition Classes
  9. val failStreamOnAckTimeout: Boolean
  10. val maxAckInterval: Option[FiniteDuration]
  11. val maxPendingAcks: Int
  12. val selector: Option[String]
  13. val sessionCount: Int
    Definition Classes
  14. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    JmsConsumerSettings → AnyRef → Any
  15. def withAckTimeout(value: Duration): JmsConsumerSettings

    Java API: Timeout for acknowledge.

    Java API: Timeout for acknowledge. (Used by TX consumers.)

  16. def withAckTimeout(value: Duration): JmsConsumerSettings

    Timeout for acknowledge.

    Timeout for acknowledge. (Used by TX consumers.)

  17. def withAcknowledgeMode(value: AcknowledgeMode): JmsConsumerSettings

    Set an explicit acknowledge mode.

    Set an explicit acknowledge mode. (Consumers have specific defaults.)

  18. def withBufferSize(value: Int): JmsConsumerSettings

    Buffer size for maximum number for messages read from JMS when there is no demand.

  19. def withConnectionFactory(value: ConnectionFactory): JmsConsumerSettings

    Factory to use for creating JMS connections.

  20. def withConnectionRetrySettings(value: ConnectionRetrySettings): JmsConsumerSettings

    Configure connection retrying.

  21. def withConnectionStatusSubscriptionTimeout(value: Duration): JmsConsumerSettings

    Java API: Timeout for connection status subscriber

  22. def withConnectionStatusSubscriptionTimeout(value: FiniteDuration): JmsConsumerSettings

    Timeout for connection status subscriber

  23. def withCredentials(value: Credentials): JmsConsumerSettings

    Set JMS broker credentials.

  24. def withDestination(value: Destination): JmsConsumerSettings

    Set a JMS to subscribe to.

    Set a JMS to subscribe to. Allows for custom handling with CustomDestination.

  25. def withDurableTopic(name: String, subscriberName: String): JmsConsumerSettings

    Set a durable topic name to listen to, with a unique subscriber name.

  26. def withFailStreamOnAckTimeout(value: Boolean): JmsConsumerSettings

    For use with transactions, if true the stream fails if Pekko Connectors rolls back the transaction when ackTimeout is hit.

  27. def withMaxAckInterval(value: Duration): JmsConsumerSettings

    Java API: Max interval before sending queued acknowledges back to the broker.

    Java API: Max interval before sending queued acknowledges back to the broker. (Used by AckSources.)

  28. def withMaxAckInterval(value: FiniteDuration): JmsConsumerSettings

    Max interval before sending queued acknowledges back to the broker.

    Max interval before sending queued acknowledges back to the broker. (Used by AckSources.)

  29. def withMaxPendingAcks(value: Int): JmsConsumerSettings

    Max number of acks queued by AckSource before they are sent to broker.

    Max number of acks queued by AckSource before they are sent to broker. (Unless MaxAckInterval is specified)

  30. def withQueue(name: String): JmsConsumerSettings

    Set a queue name to read from.

  31. def withSelector(value: String): JmsConsumerSettings

    JMS selector expression.

    JMS selector expression.

    See also

  32. def withSessionCount(value: Int): JmsConsumerSettings

    Number of parallel sessions to use for receiving JMS messages.

  33. def withTopic(name: String): JmsConsumerSettings

    Set a topic name to listen to.