Durable state store plugin

The durable state plugin enables storing and loading key-value entries for durable state actors.


The durable_state table and durable_state_slice_idx index need to be created in the configured database, see schema definition in Creating the schema.

The durable_state_slice_idx index is only needed if the slice based queries are used.


To enable the journal plugin to be used by default, add the following line to your Pekko application.conf:

pekko.persistence.state.plugin = "pekko.persistence.r2dbc.state"

It can also be enabled with the durableStateStorePluginId for a specific DurableStateBehavior and multiple plugin configurations are supported.

See also Connection configuration.

Reference configuration

The following can be overridden in your application.conf for the journal specific settings:

sourcepekko.persistence.r2dbc {
  # Durable state store
  state {
    class = "org.apache.pekko.persistence.r2dbc.state.R2dbcDurableStateStoreProvider"

    table = "durable_state"

    # When this is enabled the updates verifies that the revision is +1 of
    # previous revision. There might be a small performance gain if
    # this is disabled.
    assert-single-writer = on


The journal supports deletes through hard deletes, which means the durable state store entries are actually deleted from the database. There is no materialized view with a copy of the state so make sure to not delete durable states too early if they are used from projections or queries.