Migration Guides

Apache Pekko Persistence R2DBC 1.0.0 is based on Akka Persistence R2DBC 0.7.7.

Migration to Apache Pekko

These migration notes are designed for users migrating from Akka Persistence R2DBC 0.7.7 to Persistence R2DBC 1.0 and assume a basic level of Akka experience. Please feel free to submit an issue or a patch if you feel like the notes can be improved.

One of the main differences is that the database tables used by pekko-projection-r2dbc have been renamed to remove the akka prefixes (PR71).

The table names that pekko-projection-r2dbc expects to find can be changed using configuration settngs.

Users migrating from Akka who want to reuse the pre-existing tables could set a config like:

pekko.projection.r2dbc.offset-store {
    offset-table = "akka_projection_offset_store"
    timestamp-offset-table = "akka_projection_timestamp_offset_store"
    management-table = "akka_projection_management"