
abstract class HttpApp extends Directives

DEPRECATED, consider instead

Bootstrap trait for Http Server. It helps booting up an pekko-http server by only defining the desired routes. It offers additional hooks to modify the default behavior.


(Since version Akka HTTP 10.2.0) HttpApp this doesn't reflect the latest APIs

Type Hierarchy
  1. Grouped
  2. Alphabetic
  3. By Inheritance
  1. HttpApp
  2. Directives
  3. AttributeDirectives
  4. FramedEntityStreamingDirectives
  5. WebSocketDirectives
  6. SecurityDirectives
  7. SchemeDirectives
  8. RouteDirectives
  9. RespondWithDirectives
  10. RangeDirectives
  11. PathDirectives
  12. ImplicitPathMatcherConstruction
  13. PathMatchers
  14. TimeoutDirectives
  15. ParameterDirectives
  16. ParameterDirectivesInstances
  17. MiscDirectives
  18. MethodDirectives
  19. MarshallingDirectives
  20. HostDirectives
  21. HeaderDirectives
  22. FutureDirectives
  23. FormFieldDirectives
  24. ToNameReceptacleEnhancements
  25. FormFieldDirectivesInstances
  26. FileUploadDirectives
  27. FileAndResourceDirectives
  28. ExecutionDirectives
  29. CodingDirectives
  30. DebuggingDirectives
  31. CookieDirectives
  32. CacheConditionDirectives
  33. BasicDirectives
  34. RouteConcatenation
  35. AnyRef
  36. Any
  1. by any2stringadd
  2. by StringFormat
  3. by Ensuring
  4. by ArrowAssoc
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Instance Constructors

  1. new HttpApp()

Type Members

  1. type AsyncAuthenticator[T] = (Credentials) => Future[Option[T]]

    Definition Classes
  2. type AsyncAuthenticatorPF[T] = PartialFunction[Credentials, Future[T]]

    Definition Classes
  3. type AuthenticationResult[+T] = Either[HttpChallenge, T]

    The result of an HTTP authentication attempt is either the user object or an HttpChallenge to present to the browser.

    The result of an HTTP authentication attempt is either the user object or an HttpChallenge to present to the browser.

    Definition Classes
  4. type Authenticator[T] = (Credentials) => Option[T]

    Definition Classes
  5. type AuthenticatorPF[T] = PartialFunction[Credentials, T]

    Definition Classes
  6. type RequestToSourceUnmarshaller[T] = Unmarshaller[HttpRequest, Source[T, NotUsed]]
  7. abstract class NumberMatcher[T] extends PathMatcher1[T]

    Definition Classes

Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract def routes: Route

    Override to implement the routes that will be served by this http server.

    Override to implement the routes that will be served by this http server.


Concrete Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##: Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. def +(other: String): String
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from HttpApp toany2stringadd[HttpApp] performed by method any2stringadd in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
  4. def ->[B](y: B): (HttpApp, B)
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from HttpApp toArrowAssoc[HttpApp] performed by method ArrowAssoc in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
  5. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  6. val DoubleNumber: PathMatcher1[Double]

    A PathMatcher that matches and extracts a Double value.

    A PathMatcher that matches and extracts a Double value. The matched string representation is the pure decimal, optionally signed form of a double value, i.e. without exponent.

    Definition Classes
  7. val JavaUUID: PathMatcher1[UUID]

    A PathMatcher that matches and extracts a java.util.UUID instance.

    A PathMatcher that matches and extracts a java.util.UUID instance.

    Definition Classes
  8. val Neutral: PathMatcher0

    A PathMatcher that always matches, doesn't consume anything and extracts nothing.

    A PathMatcher that always matches, doesn't consume anything and extracts nothing. Serves mainly as a neutral element in PathMatcher composition.

    Definition Classes
  9. def Segments(min: Int, max: Int): PathMatcher1[List[String]]

    A PathMatcher that matches between min and max (both inclusively) path segments (separated by slashes) as a List[String].

    A PathMatcher that matches between min and max (both inclusively) path segments (separated by slashes) as a List[String]. If there are more than count segments present the remaining ones will be left unmatched. If the path has a trailing slash this slash will *not* be matched.

    Definition Classes
  10. def Segments(count: Int): PathMatcher1[List[String]]

    A PathMatcher that matches the given number of path segments (separated by slashes) as a List[String].

    A PathMatcher that matches the given number of path segments (separated by slashes) as a List[String]. If there are more than count segments present the remaining ones will be left unmatched. If the path has a trailing slash this slash will *not* be matched.

    Definition Classes
  11. val Segments: PathMatcher1[List[String]]

    A PathMatcher that matches up to 128 remaining segments as a List[String].

    A PathMatcher that matches up to 128 remaining segments as a List[String]. This can also be no segments resulting in the empty list. If the path has a trailing slash this slash will *not* be matched.

    Definition Classes
  12. def _defaultClassLoader: ClassLoader
    Definition Classes
  13. implicit def _enhanceRouteWithConcatenation(route: Route): RouteWithConcatenation

    Definition Classes
  14. implicit def _regex2PathMatcher(regex: Regex): PathMatcher1[String]

    Creates a PathMatcher that consumes (a prefix of) the first path segment if the path begins with a segment (a prefix of) which matches the given regex.

    Creates a PathMatcher that consumes (a prefix of) the first path segment if the path begins with a segment (a prefix of) which matches the given regex. Extracts either the complete match (if the regex doesn't contain a capture group) or the capture group (if the regex contains exactly one). If the regex contains more than one capture group the method throws an IllegalArgumentException.

    Definition Classes
  15. implicit def _segmentStringToPathMatcher(segment: String): PathMatcher0

    Creates a PathMatcher that consumes (a prefix of) the first path segment (if the path begins with a segment).

    Creates a PathMatcher that consumes (a prefix of) the first path segment (if the path begins with a segment).

    Definition Classes
  16. implicit def _string2NR(string: String): NameReceptacle[String]
    Definition Classes
  17. implicit def _stringExtractionPair2PathMatcher[T](tuple: (String, T)): PathMatcher1[T]

    Creates a PathMatcher that consumes (a prefix of) the first path segment (if the path begins with a segment) and extracts a given value.

    Creates a PathMatcher that consumes (a prefix of) the first path segment (if the path begins with a segment) and extracts a given value.

    Definition Classes
  18. implicit def _stringNameOptionReceptacle2PathMatcher(nr: NameOptionReceptacle[String]): PathMatcher0

  19. implicit def _symbol2NR(symbol: Symbol): NameReceptacle[String]
    Definition Classes
  20. implicit def _valueMap2PathMatcher[T](valueMap: Map[String, T]): PathMatcher1[T]

    Creates a PathMatcher from the given Map of path segments (prefixes) to extracted values.

    Creates a PathMatcher from the given Map of path segments (prefixes) to extracted values. If the unmatched path starts with a segment having one of the maps keys as a prefix the matcher consumes this path segment (prefix) and extracts the corresponding map value. For keys sharing a common prefix the longest matching prefix is selected.

    Definition Classes
  21. def as[T](implicit um: FromRequestUnmarshaller[T]): FromRequestUnmarshaller[T]

    Returns the in-scope FromRequestUnmarshaller for the given type.

    Returns the in-scope FromRequestUnmarshaller for the given type.

    Definition Classes
  22. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  23. final def asSourceOf[T](support: EntityStreamingSupport)(implicit um: FromByteStringUnmarshaller[T]): RequestToSourceUnmarshaller[T]

    Extracts entity as of elements of type T.

    Extracts entity as of elements of type T. This is achieved by applying the implicitly provided (in the following order):

    - 1st: chunk-up the incoming ByteStrings by applying the Content-Type-aware framing - 2nd: apply the Unmarshaller (from ByteString to T) for each of the respective "chunks" (e.g. for each JSON element contained within an array).

    The request will be rejected with an pekko.http.scaladsl.server.UnsupportedRequestContentTypeRejection if its ContentType is not supported by the used framing or unmarshaller.

    Cancelling extracted closes the connection abruptly (same as cancelling the entity.dataBytes).

    See also MiscDirectives.withoutSizeLimit as you may want to allow streaming infinite streams of data in this route. By default the uploaded data is limited by the pekko.http.parsing.max-content-length.

    Definition Classes
  24. final def asSourceOf[T](implicit um: FromByteStringUnmarshaller[T], support: EntityStreamingSupport): RequestToSourceUnmarshaller[T]

    Extracts entity as of elements of type T.

    Extracts entity as of elements of type T. This is achieved by applying the implicitly provided (in the following order):

    - 1st: chunk-up the incoming ByteStrings by applying the Content-Type-aware framing - 2nd: apply the Unmarshaller (from ByteString to T) for each of the respective "chunks" (e.g. for each JSON element contained within an array).

    The request will be rejected with an pekko.http.scaladsl.server.UnsupportedRequestContentTypeRejection if its ContentType is not supported by the used framing or unmarshaller.

    Cancelling extracted closes the connection abruptly (same as cancelling the entity.dataBytes).

    See also MiscDirectives.withoutSizeLimit as you may want to allow streaming infinite streams of data in this route. By default the uploaded data is limited by the pekko.http.parsing.max-content-length.

    Definition Classes
  25. def attribute[T](key: AttributeKey[T]): Directive1[T]

    Extracts a request attribute value for the given key.

    Extracts a request attribute value for the given key.

    Definition Classes
  26. def authenticateBasic[T](realm: String, authenticator: Authenticator[T]): AuthenticationDirective[T]

    Wraps the inner route with Http Basic authentication support using a given Authenticator[T].

    Wraps the inner route with Http Basic authentication support using a given Authenticator[T]. The given authenticator determines whether the credentials in the request are valid and, if so, which user object to supply to the inner route.

    Definition Classes
  27. def authenticateBasicAsync[T](realm: String, authenticator: AsyncAuthenticator[T]): AuthenticationDirective[T]

    Wraps the inner route with Http Basic authentication support.

    Wraps the inner route with Http Basic authentication support. The given authenticator determines whether the credentials in the request are valid and, if so, which user object to supply to the inner route.

    Definition Classes
  28. def authenticateBasicPF[T](realm: String, authenticator: AuthenticatorPF[T]): AuthenticationDirective[T]

    A directive that wraps the inner route with Http Basic authentication support.

    A directive that wraps the inner route with Http Basic authentication support. The given authenticator determines whether the credentials in the request are valid and, if so, which user object to supply to the inner route.

    Definition Classes
  29. def authenticateBasicPFAsync[T](realm: String, authenticator: AsyncAuthenticatorPF[T]): AuthenticationDirective[T]

    A directive that wraps the inner route with Http Basic authentication support.

    A directive that wraps the inner route with Http Basic authentication support. The given authenticator determines whether the credentials in the request are valid and, if so, which user object to supply to the inner route.

    Definition Classes
  30. def authenticateOAuth2[T](realm: String, authenticator: Authenticator[T]): AuthenticationDirective[T]

    A directive that wraps the inner route with OAuth2 Bearer Token authentication support.

    A directive that wraps the inner route with OAuth2 Bearer Token authentication support. The given authenticator determines whether the credentials in the request are valid and, if so, which user object to supply to the inner route.

    Definition Classes
  31. def authenticateOAuth2Async[T](realm: String, authenticator: AsyncAuthenticator[T]): AuthenticationDirective[T]

    A directive that wraps the inner route with OAuth2 Bearer Token authentication support.

    A directive that wraps the inner route with OAuth2 Bearer Token authentication support. The given authenticator determines whether the credentials in the request are valid and, if so, which user object to supply to the inner route.

    Definition Classes
  32. def authenticateOAuth2PF[T](realm: String, authenticator: AuthenticatorPF[T]): AuthenticationDirective[T]

    A directive that wraps the inner route with OAuth2 Bearer Token authentication support.

    A directive that wraps the inner route with OAuth2 Bearer Token authentication support. The given authenticator determines whether the credentials in the request are valid and, if so, which user object to supply to the inner route.

    Definition Classes
  33. def authenticateOAuth2PFAsync[T](realm: String, authenticator: AsyncAuthenticatorPF[T]): AuthenticationDirective[T]

    A directive that wraps the inner route with OAuth2 Bearer Token authentication support.

    A directive that wraps the inner route with OAuth2 Bearer Token authentication support. The given authenticator determines whether the credentials in the request are valid and, if so, which user object to supply to the inner route.

    Definition Classes
  34. def authenticateOrRejectWithChallenge[C <: HttpCredentials, T](authenticator: (Option[C]) => Future[AuthenticationResult[T]])(implicit arg0: ClassTag[C]): AuthenticationDirective[T]

    Lifts an authenticator function into a directive.

    Lifts an authenticator function into a directive. Same as authenticateOrRejectWithChallenge but only applies the authenticator function with a certain type of credentials.

    Definition Classes
  35. def authenticateOrRejectWithChallenge[T](authenticator: (Option[HttpCredentials]) => Future[AuthenticationResult[T]]): AuthenticationDirective[T]

    Lifts an authenticator function into a directive.

    Lifts an authenticator function into a directive. The authenticator function gets passed in credentials from the Authorization header of the request. If the function returns Right(user) the user object is provided to the inner route. If the function returns Left(challenge) the request is rejected with an AuthenticationFailedRejection that contains this challenge to be added to the response.

    Definition Classes
  36. def authorize(check: (RequestContext) => Boolean): Directive0

    Applies the given authorization check to the request.

    Applies the given authorization check to the request. If the check fails the route is rejected with an AuthorizationFailedRejection.

    Definition Classes
  37. def authorize(check: => Boolean): Directive0

    Applies the given authorization check to the request.

    Applies the given authorization check to the request. If the check fails the route is rejected with an AuthorizationFailedRejection.

    Definition Classes
  38. def authorizeAsync(check: (RequestContext) => Future[Boolean]): Directive0

    Asynchronous version of authorize.

    Asynchronous version of authorize. If the Future fails or is completed with false authorization fails and the route is rejected with an AuthorizationFailedRejection.

    Definition Classes
  39. def authorizeAsync(check: => Future[Boolean]): Directive0

    Asynchronous version of authorize.

    Asynchronous version of authorize. If the Future fails or is completed with false authorization fails and the route is rejected with an AuthorizationFailedRejection.

    Definition Classes
  40. def binding(): Try[ServerBinding]

    It tries to retrieve the ServerBinding if the server has been successfully started.

    It tries to retrieve the ServerBinding if the server has been successfully started. It fails otherwise. You can use this method to attempt to retrieve the ServerBinding at any point in time to, for example, stop the server due to unexpected circumstances.

  41. def cancelRejection(rejection: Rejection): Directive0

    Adds a TransformationRejection cancelling all rejections equal to the given one to the list of rejections potentially coming back from the inner route.

    Adds a TransformationRejection cancelling all rejections equal to the given one to the list of rejections potentially coming back from the inner route.

    Definition Classes
  42. def cancelRejections(cancelFilter: (Rejection) => Boolean): Directive0

    Adds a TransformationRejection cancelling all rejections for which the given filter function returns true to the list of rejections potentially coming back from the inner route.

    Adds a TransformationRejection cancelling all rejections for which the given filter function returns true to the list of rejections potentially coming back from the inner route.

    Definition Classes
  43. def cancelRejections(classes: Class[_]*): Directive0

    Adds a TransformationRejection cancelling all rejections of one of the given classes to the list of rejections potentially coming back from the inner route.

    Adds a TransformationRejection cancelling all rejections of one of the given classes to the list of rejections potentially coming back from the inner route.

    Definition Classes
  44. def checkSameOrigin(allowed: Default): Directive0

    Checks that request comes from the same origin.

    Checks that request comes from the same origin. Extracts the Origin header value and verifies that allowed range contains the obtained value. In the case of absent of the Origin header rejects with MissingHeaderRejection. If the origin value is not in the allowed range rejects with an InvalidOriginRejection and StatusCodes.Forbidden status.

    Definition Classes
  45. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]) @native()
  46. def complete[T](status: StatusCode, headers: Seq[HttpHeader], v: => T)(implicit m: ToEntityMarshaller[T]): StandardRoute

    Completes the request using the given arguments.

    Completes the request using the given arguments.

    Definition Classes
  47. def complete[T](status: StatusCode, v: => T)(implicit m: ToEntityMarshaller[T]): StandardRoute

    Completes the request using the given arguments.

    Completes the request using the given arguments.

    Definition Classes
  48. def complete(m: => ToResponseMarshallable): StandardRoute

    Completes the request using the given arguments.

    Completes the request using the given arguments.

    Definition Classes
  49. def completeOrRecoverWith(magnet: CompleteOrRecoverWithMagnet): Directive1[Throwable]

    "Unwraps" a Future[T] and runs the inner route when the future has failed with the future's failure exception as an extraction of type Throwable.

    "Unwraps" a Future[T] and runs the inner route when the future has failed with the future's failure exception as an extraction of type Throwable. If the future succeeds the request is completed using the values marshaller (This directive therefore requires a marshaller for the futures type to be implicitly available.)

    Definition Classes
  50. def completeWith[T](marshaller: ToResponseMarshaller[T])(inner: ((T) => Unit) => Unit): Route

    Uses the marshaller for the given type to produce a completion function that is passed to its inner function.

    Uses the marshaller for the given type to produce a completion function that is passed to its inner function. You can use it do decouple marshaller resolution from request completion.

    Definition Classes
  51. def concat(routes: Route*): Route

    Tries the supplied routes in sequence, returning the result of the first route that doesn't reject the request.

    Tries the supplied routes in sequence, returning the result of the first route that doesn't reject the request. This is an alternative to direct usage of the infix ~ operator. The ~ can be prone to programmer error, because if it is omitted, the program will still be syntactically correct, but will not actually attempt to match multiple routes, as intended.


    subroutes to concatenate


    the concatenated route

    Definition Classes
  52. def conditional(eTag: Option[EntityTag], lastModified: Option[DateTime]): Directive0

    Wraps its inner route with support for Conditional Requests as defined by

    Wraps its inner route with support for Conditional Requests as defined by

    In particular the algorithm defined by is implemented by this directive.

    Note: if you want to combine this directive with withRangeSupport(...) you need to put it on the *outside* of the withRangeSupport(...) directive, i.e. withRangeSupport(...) must be on a deeper level in your route structure in order to function correctly.

    Definition Classes
  53. def conditional(eTag: EntityTag, lastModified: DateTime): Directive0

    Wraps its inner route with support for Conditional Requests as defined by

    Wraps its inner route with support for Conditional Requests as defined by

    In particular the algorithm defined by is implemented by this directive.

    Note: if you want to combine this directive with withRangeSupport(...) you need to put it on the *outside* of the withRangeSupport(...) directive, i.e. withRangeSupport(...) must be on a deeper level in your route structure in order to function correctly.

    Definition Classes
  54. def conditional(lastModified: DateTime): Directive0

    Wraps its inner route with support for Conditional Requests as defined by

    Wraps its inner route with support for Conditional Requests as defined by

    In particular the algorithm defined by is implemented by this directive.

    Note: if you want to combine this directive with withRangeSupport(...) you need to put it on the *outside* of the withRangeSupport(...) directive, i.e. withRangeSupport(...) must be on a deeper level in your route structure in order to function correctly.

    Definition Classes
  55. def conditional(eTag: EntityTag): Directive0

    Wraps its inner route with support for Conditional Requests as defined by

    Wraps its inner route with support for Conditional Requests as defined by

    In particular the algorithm defined by is implemented by this directive.

    Note: if you want to combine this directive with withRangeSupport(...) you need to put it on the *outside* of the withRangeSupport(...) directive, i.e. withRangeSupport(...) must be on a deeper level in your route structure in order to function correctly.

    Definition Classes
  56. def cookie(name: String): Directive1[HttpCookiePair]

    Extracts the HttpCookiePair with the given name.

    Extracts the HttpCookiePair with the given name. If the cookie is not present the request is rejected with a respective MissingCookieRejection.

    Definition Classes
  57. def decodeRequest: Directive0

    Decompresses the incoming request if it is gzip or deflate compressed.

    Decompresses the incoming request if it is gzip or deflate compressed. Uncompressed requests are passed through untouched. If the request encoded with another encoding the request is rejected with an UnsupportedRequestEncodingRejection.

    Definition Classes
  58. def decodeRequestWith(decoders: Decoder*): Directive0

    Decodes the incoming request if it is encoded with one of the given encoders.

    Decodes the incoming request if it is encoded with one of the given encoders. If the request encoding doesn't match one of the given encoders the request is rejected with an UnsupportedRequestEncodingRejection. If no decoders are given the default encoders (Gzip, Deflate, NoCoding) are used.

    Definition Classes
  59. def decodeRequestWith(decoder: Decoder): Directive0

    Decodes the incoming request using the given Decoder.

    Decodes the incoming request using the given Decoder. If the request encoding doesn't match the request is rejected with an UnsupportedRequestEncodingRejection.

    Definition Classes
  60. def delete: Directive0

    Rejects all non-DELETE requests.

    Rejects all non-DELETE requests.

    Definition Classes
  61. def deleteCookie(name: String, domain: String = "", path: String = ""): Directive0

    Adds a Set-Cookie response header expiring the cookie with the given properties.

    Adds a Set-Cookie response header expiring the cookie with the given properties.

    Definition Classes
  62. def deleteCookie(first: HttpCookie, more: HttpCookie*): Directive0

    Adds a Set-Cookie response header expiring the given cookies.

    Adds a Set-Cookie response header expiring the given cookies.

    Definition Classes
  63. def encodeResponse: Directive0

    Encodes the response with the encoding that is requested by the client via the Accept- Encoding header.

    Encodes the response with the encoding that is requested by the client via the Accept- Encoding header. The response encoding is determined by the rules specified in

    If the Accept-Encoding header is missing or empty or specifies an encoding other than identity, gzip or deflate then no encoding is used.

    Definition Classes
  64. def encodeResponseWith(first: Encoder, more: Encoder*): Directive0

    Encodes the response with the encoding that is requested by the client via the Accept- Encoding header.

    Encodes the response with the encoding that is requested by the client via the Accept- Encoding header. The response encoding is determined by the rules specified in

    If the Accept-Encoding header is missing then the response is encoded using the first encoder.

    If the Accept-Encoding header is empty and NoCoding is part of the encoders then no response encoding is used. Otherwise the request is rejected.

    Definition Classes
  65. def ensuring(cond: (HttpApp) => Boolean, msg: => Any): HttpApp
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from HttpApp toEnsuring[HttpApp] performed by method Ensuring in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
  66. def ensuring(cond: (HttpApp) => Boolean): HttpApp
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from HttpApp toEnsuring[HttpApp] performed by method Ensuring in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
  67. def ensuring(cond: Boolean, msg: => Any): HttpApp
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from HttpApp toEnsuring[HttpApp] performed by method Ensuring in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
  68. def ensuring(cond: Boolean): HttpApp
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from HttpApp toEnsuring[HttpApp] performed by method Ensuring in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
  69. def entity[T](um: FromRequestUnmarshaller[T]): Directive1[T]

    Unmarshalls the requests entity to the given type passes it to its inner Route.

    Unmarshalls the requests entity to the given type passes it to its inner Route. If there is a problem with unmarshalling the request is rejected with the Rejection produced by the unmarshaller.

    Definition Classes
  70. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  71. def equals(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  72. def extract[T](f: (RequestContext) => T): Directive1[T]

    Extracts a single value using the given function.

    Extracts a single value using the given function.

    Definition Classes
  73. def extractActorSystem: Directive1[ActorSystem]

    Extracts the if the available Materializer is an

    Extracts the if the available Materializer is an Otherwise throws an exception as it won't be able to extract the system from arbitrary materializers.

    Definition Classes
  74. def extractClientIP: Directive1[RemoteAddress]

    Extracts the client's IP from either the X-Forwarded-For, Remote-Address, X-Real-IP header or pekko.http.scaladsl.model.AttributeKeys.remoteAddress attribute (in that order of priority).

    Extracts the client's IP from either the X-Forwarded-For, Remote-Address, X-Real-IP header or pekko.http.scaladsl.model.AttributeKeys.remoteAddress attribute (in that order of priority).

    Definition Classes
  75. def extractCredentials: Directive1[Option[HttpCredentials]]

    Extracts the potentially present HttpCredentials provided with the request's Authorization header.

    Extracts the potentially present HttpCredentials provided with the request's Authorization header.

    Definition Classes
  76. def extractDataBytes: Directive1[Source[ByteString, Any]]

    Extracts the entities dataBytes from the pekko.http.scaladsl.server.RequestContext.

    Definition Classes
  77. def extractExecutionContext: Directive1[ExecutionContextExecutor]

    Extracts the scala.concurrent.ExecutionContextExecutor from the pekko.http.scaladsl.server.RequestContext.

  78. def extractHost: Directive1[String]

    Extracts the hostname part of the Host request header value.

    Extracts the hostname part of the Host request header value.

    Definition Classes
  79. def extractLog: Directive1[LoggingAdapter]

    Extracts the pekko.event.LoggingAdapter from the pekko.http.scaladsl.server.RequestContext.

  80. def extractMatchedPath: Directive1[Path]

    Extracts the already matched path from the RequestContext.

    Extracts the already matched path from the RequestContext.

    Definition Classes
  81. def extractMaterializer: Directive1[Materializer]

    Extracts the from the pekko.http.scaladsl.server.RequestContext.

  82. def extractMethod: Directive1[HttpMethod]

    Extracts the request method.

    Extracts the request method.

    Definition Classes
  83. def extractOfferedWsProtocols: Directive1[Seq[String]]

    Extract the list of WebSocket subprotocols as offered by the client in the Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header if this is a WebSocket request.

    Extract the list of WebSocket subprotocols as offered by the client in the Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header if this is a WebSocket request. Rejects with an ExpectedWebSocketRequestRejection, otherwise.

    Definition Classes
  84. def extractParserSettings: Directive1[ParserSettings]

    Extracts the pekko.http.scaladsl.settings.ParserSettings from the pekko.http.scaladsl.server.RequestContext.

  85. def extractRequest: Directive1[HttpRequest]

    Extracts the current HttpRequest instance.

    Extracts the current HttpRequest instance.

    Definition Classes
  86. def extractRequestContext: Directive1[RequestContext]

    Extracts the pekko.http.scaladsl.server.RequestContext itself.

    Definition Classes
  87. def extractRequestEntity: Directive1[RequestEntity]

    Extracts the pekko.http.scaladsl.model.RequestEntity from the pekko.http.scaladsl.server.RequestContext.

  88. def extractRequestTimeout: Directive1[Duration]

    Return the currently set request timeout.

    Return the currently set request timeout.

    Note that this may be changed in inner directives.

    Definition Classes
  89. def extractScheme: Directive1[String]

    Extracts the Uri scheme from the request.

    Extracts the Uri scheme from the request.

    Definition Classes
  90. def extractSettings: Directive1[RoutingSettings]

    Extracts the RoutingSettings from the pekko.http.scaladsl.server.RequestContext.

    Extracts the RoutingSettings from the pekko.http.scaladsl.server.RequestContext.

    Definition Classes
  91. def extractStrictEntity(timeout: FiniteDuration, maxBytes: Long): Directive1[Strict]

    WARNING: This will read the entire request entity into memory and effectively disable streaming.

    WARNING: This will read the entire request entity into memory and effectively disable streaming.

    To help protect against excessive memory use, the request will be aborted if the request is larger than allowed by the pekko.http.parsing.max-to-strict-bytes configuration setting.

    Converts the HttpEntity from the pekko.http.scaladsl.server.RequestContext into an pekko.http.scaladsl.model.HttpEntity.Strict and extracts it, or fails the route if unable to drain the entire request body within the timeout.


    The directive is failed if the stream isn't completed after the given timeout.

    Definition Classes
  92. def extractStrictEntity(timeout: FiniteDuration): Directive1[Strict]

    WARNING: This will read the entire request entity into memory and effectively disable streaming.

    WARNING: This will read the entire request entity into memory and effectively disable streaming.

    To help protect against excessive memory use, the request will be aborted if the request is larger than allowed by the pekko.http.parsing.max-to-strict-bytes configuration setting.

    Converts the HttpEntity from the pekko.http.scaladsl.server.RequestContext into an pekko.http.scaladsl.model.HttpEntity.Strict and extracts it, or fails the route if unable to drain the entire request body within the timeout.


    The directive is failed if the stream isn't completed after the given timeout.

    Definition Classes
  93. def extractUnmatchedPath: Directive1[Path]

    Extracts the yet unmatched path from the RequestContext.

    Extracts the yet unmatched path from the RequestContext.

    Definition Classes
  94. def extractUri: Directive1[Uri]

    Extracts the complete request URI.

    Extracts the complete request URI.

    Definition Classes
  95. def extractWebSocketUpgrade: Directive1[WebSocketUpgrade]

    Extract the WebSocketUpgrade attribute if this is a WebSocket request.

    Extract the WebSocketUpgrade attribute if this is a WebSocket request. Rejects with an ExpectedWebSocketRequestRejection, otherwise.

    Definition Classes
  96. def failWith(error: Throwable): StandardRoute

    Bubbles the given error up the response chain, where it is dealt with by the closest handleExceptions directive and its ExceptionHandler.

    Bubbles the given error up the response chain, where it is dealt with by the closest handleExceptions directive and its ExceptionHandler.

    Definition Classes
  97. def fileUpload(fieldName: String): Directive1[(FileInfo, Source[ByteString, Any])]

    Collects each body part that is a multipart file as a tuple containing metadata and a Source for streaming the file contents somewhere.

    Collects each body part that is a multipart file as a tuple containing metadata and a Source for streaming the file contents somewhere. If there is no such field the request will be rejected, if there are multiple file parts with the same name, the first one will be used and the subsequent ones ignored.

    Definition Classes
  98. def fileUploadAll(fieldName: String): Directive1[Seq[(FileInfo, Source[ByteString, Any])]]

    Collects each body part that is a multipart file as a tuple containing metadata and a Source for streaming the file contents somewhere.

    Collects each body part that is a multipart file as a tuple containing metadata and a Source for streaming the file contents somewhere. If there is no such field the request will be rejected. Files are buffered into temporary files on disk so in-memory buffers don't overflow. The temporary files are cleaned up once materialized, or on exit if the stream is not consumed.

    Definition Classes
  99. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  100. def formField(pdef1: FieldSpec, pdef2: FieldSpec, pdef3: FieldSpec, pdef4: FieldSpec, pdef5: FieldSpec, pdef6: FieldSpec, pdef7: FieldSpec, pdef8: FieldSpec, pdef9: FieldSpec, pdef10: FieldSpec, pdef11: FieldSpec, pdef12: FieldSpec, pdef13: FieldSpec, pdef14: FieldSpec, pdef15: FieldSpec, pdef16: FieldSpec, pdef17: FieldSpec, pdef18: FieldSpec, pdef19: FieldSpec, pdef20: FieldSpec, pdef21: FieldSpec, pdef22: FieldSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  101. def formField(pdef1: FieldSpec, pdef2: FieldSpec, pdef3: FieldSpec, pdef4: FieldSpec, pdef5: FieldSpec, pdef6: FieldSpec, pdef7: FieldSpec, pdef8: FieldSpec, pdef9: FieldSpec, pdef10: FieldSpec, pdef11: FieldSpec, pdef12: FieldSpec, pdef13: FieldSpec, pdef14: FieldSpec, pdef15: FieldSpec, pdef16: FieldSpec, pdef17: FieldSpec, pdef18: FieldSpec, pdef19: FieldSpec, pdef20: FieldSpec, pdef21: FieldSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  102. def formField(pdef1: FieldSpec, pdef2: FieldSpec, pdef3: FieldSpec, pdef4: FieldSpec, pdef5: FieldSpec, pdef6: FieldSpec, pdef7: FieldSpec, pdef8: FieldSpec, pdef9: FieldSpec, pdef10: FieldSpec, pdef11: FieldSpec, pdef12: FieldSpec, pdef13: FieldSpec, pdef14: FieldSpec, pdef15: FieldSpec, pdef16: FieldSpec, pdef17: FieldSpec, pdef18: FieldSpec, pdef19: FieldSpec, pdef20: FieldSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  103. def formField(pdef1: FieldSpec, pdef2: FieldSpec, pdef3: FieldSpec, pdef4: FieldSpec, pdef5: FieldSpec, pdef6: FieldSpec, pdef7: FieldSpec, pdef8: FieldSpec, pdef9: FieldSpec, pdef10: FieldSpec, pdef11: FieldSpec, pdef12: FieldSpec, pdef13: FieldSpec, pdef14: FieldSpec, pdef15: FieldSpec, pdef16: FieldSpec, pdef17: FieldSpec, pdef18: FieldSpec, pdef19: FieldSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  104. def formField(pdef1: FieldSpec, pdef2: FieldSpec, pdef3: FieldSpec, pdef4: FieldSpec, pdef5: FieldSpec, pdef6: FieldSpec, pdef7: FieldSpec, pdef8: FieldSpec, pdef9: FieldSpec, pdef10: FieldSpec, pdef11: FieldSpec, pdef12: FieldSpec, pdef13: FieldSpec, pdef14: FieldSpec, pdef15: FieldSpec, pdef16: FieldSpec, pdef17: FieldSpec, pdef18: FieldSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  105. def formField(pdef1: FieldSpec, pdef2: FieldSpec, pdef3: FieldSpec, pdef4: FieldSpec, pdef5: FieldSpec, pdef6: FieldSpec, pdef7: FieldSpec, pdef8: FieldSpec, pdef9: FieldSpec, pdef10: FieldSpec, pdef11: FieldSpec, pdef12: FieldSpec, pdef13: FieldSpec, pdef14: FieldSpec, pdef15: FieldSpec, pdef16: FieldSpec, pdef17: FieldSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  106. def formField(pdef1: FieldSpec, pdef2: FieldSpec, pdef3: FieldSpec, pdef4: FieldSpec, pdef5: FieldSpec, pdef6: FieldSpec, pdef7: FieldSpec, pdef8: FieldSpec, pdef9: FieldSpec, pdef10: FieldSpec, pdef11: FieldSpec, pdef12: FieldSpec, pdef13: FieldSpec, pdef14: FieldSpec, pdef15: FieldSpec, pdef16: FieldSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  107. def formField(pdef1: FieldSpec, pdef2: FieldSpec, pdef3: FieldSpec, pdef4: FieldSpec, pdef5: FieldSpec, pdef6: FieldSpec, pdef7: FieldSpec, pdef8: FieldSpec, pdef9: FieldSpec, pdef10: FieldSpec, pdef11: FieldSpec, pdef12: FieldSpec, pdef13: FieldSpec, pdef14: FieldSpec, pdef15: FieldSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  108. def formField(pdef1: FieldSpec, pdef2: FieldSpec, pdef3: FieldSpec, pdef4: FieldSpec, pdef5: FieldSpec, pdef6: FieldSpec, pdef7: FieldSpec, pdef8: FieldSpec, pdef9: FieldSpec, pdef10: FieldSpec, pdef11: FieldSpec, pdef12: FieldSpec, pdef13: FieldSpec, pdef14: FieldSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  109. def formField(pdef1: FieldSpec, pdef2: FieldSpec, pdef3: FieldSpec, pdef4: FieldSpec, pdef5: FieldSpec, pdef6: FieldSpec, pdef7: FieldSpec, pdef8: FieldSpec, pdef9: FieldSpec, pdef10: FieldSpec, pdef11: FieldSpec, pdef12: FieldSpec, pdef13: FieldSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  110. def formField(pdef1: FieldSpec, pdef2: FieldSpec, pdef3: FieldSpec, pdef4: FieldSpec, pdef5: FieldSpec, pdef6: FieldSpec, pdef7: FieldSpec, pdef8: FieldSpec, pdef9: FieldSpec, pdef10: FieldSpec, pdef11: FieldSpec, pdef12: FieldSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  111. def formField(pdef1: FieldSpec, pdef2: FieldSpec, pdef3: FieldSpec, pdef4: FieldSpec, pdef5: FieldSpec, pdef6: FieldSpec, pdef7: FieldSpec, pdef8: FieldSpec, pdef9: FieldSpec, pdef10: FieldSpec, pdef11: FieldSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  112. def formField(pdef1: FieldSpec, pdef2: FieldSpec, pdef3: FieldSpec, pdef4: FieldSpec, pdef5: FieldSpec, pdef6: FieldSpec, pdef7: FieldSpec, pdef8: FieldSpec, pdef9: FieldSpec, pdef10: FieldSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  113. def formField(pdef1: FieldSpec, pdef2: FieldSpec, pdef3: FieldSpec, pdef4: FieldSpec, pdef5: FieldSpec, pdef6: FieldSpec, pdef7: FieldSpec, pdef8: FieldSpec, pdef9: FieldSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  114. def formField(pdef1: FieldSpec, pdef2: FieldSpec, pdef3: FieldSpec, pdef4: FieldSpec, pdef5: FieldSpec, pdef6: FieldSpec, pdef7: FieldSpec, pdef8: FieldSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  115. def formField(pdef1: FieldSpec, pdef2: FieldSpec, pdef3: FieldSpec, pdef4: FieldSpec, pdef5: FieldSpec, pdef6: FieldSpec, pdef7: FieldSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  116. def formField(pdef1: FieldSpec, pdef2: FieldSpec, pdef3: FieldSpec, pdef4: FieldSpec, pdef5: FieldSpec, pdef6: FieldSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  117. def formField(pdef1: FieldSpec, pdef2: FieldSpec, pdef3: FieldSpec, pdef4: FieldSpec, pdef5: FieldSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  118. def formField(pdef1: FieldSpec, pdef2: FieldSpec, pdef3: FieldSpec, pdef4: FieldSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  119. def formField(pdef1: FieldSpec, pdef2: FieldSpec, pdef3: FieldSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  120. def formField(pdef1: FieldSpec, pdef2: FieldSpec): Directive[(Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  121. def formField(pdef1: FieldSpec): Directive[(Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  122. def formFieldMap: Directive1[Map[String, String]]

    Extracts HTTP form fields from the request as a Map[String, String].

    Extracts HTTP form fields from the request as a Map[String, String].

    Definition Classes
  123. def formFieldMultiMap: Directive1[Map[String, List[String]]]

    Extracts HTTP form fields from the request as a Map[String, List[String]].

    Extracts HTTP form fields from the request as a Map[String, List[String]].

    Definition Classes
  124. def formFieldSeq: Directive1[Seq[(String, String)]]

    Extracts HTTP form fields from the request as a Seq[(String, String)].

    Extracts HTTP form fields from the request as a Seq[(String, String)].

    Definition Classes
  125. def formFields(pdef1: FieldSpec, pdef2: FieldSpec, pdef3: FieldSpec, pdef4: FieldSpec, pdef5: FieldSpec, pdef6: FieldSpec, pdef7: FieldSpec, pdef8: FieldSpec, pdef9: FieldSpec, pdef10: FieldSpec, pdef11: FieldSpec, pdef12: FieldSpec, pdef13: FieldSpec, pdef14: FieldSpec, pdef15: FieldSpec, pdef16: FieldSpec, pdef17: FieldSpec, pdef18: FieldSpec, pdef19: FieldSpec, pdef20: FieldSpec, pdef21: FieldSpec, pdef22: FieldSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  126. def formFields(pdef1: FieldSpec, pdef2: FieldSpec, pdef3: FieldSpec, pdef4: FieldSpec, pdef5: FieldSpec, pdef6: FieldSpec, pdef7: FieldSpec, pdef8: FieldSpec, pdef9: FieldSpec, pdef10: FieldSpec, pdef11: FieldSpec, pdef12: FieldSpec, pdef13: FieldSpec, pdef14: FieldSpec, pdef15: FieldSpec, pdef16: FieldSpec, pdef17: FieldSpec, pdef18: FieldSpec, pdef19: FieldSpec, pdef20: FieldSpec, pdef21: FieldSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  127. def formFields(pdef1: FieldSpec, pdef2: FieldSpec, pdef3: FieldSpec, pdef4: FieldSpec, pdef5: FieldSpec, pdef6: FieldSpec, pdef7: FieldSpec, pdef8: FieldSpec, pdef9: FieldSpec, pdef10: FieldSpec, pdef11: FieldSpec, pdef12: FieldSpec, pdef13: FieldSpec, pdef14: FieldSpec, pdef15: FieldSpec, pdef16: FieldSpec, pdef17: FieldSpec, pdef18: FieldSpec, pdef19: FieldSpec, pdef20: FieldSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  128. def formFields(pdef1: FieldSpec, pdef2: FieldSpec, pdef3: FieldSpec, pdef4: FieldSpec, pdef5: FieldSpec, pdef6: FieldSpec, pdef7: FieldSpec, pdef8: FieldSpec, pdef9: FieldSpec, pdef10: FieldSpec, pdef11: FieldSpec, pdef12: FieldSpec, pdef13: FieldSpec, pdef14: FieldSpec, pdef15: FieldSpec, pdef16: FieldSpec, pdef17: FieldSpec, pdef18: FieldSpec, pdef19: FieldSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  129. def formFields(pdef1: FieldSpec, pdef2: FieldSpec, pdef3: FieldSpec, pdef4: FieldSpec, pdef5: FieldSpec, pdef6: FieldSpec, pdef7: FieldSpec, pdef8: FieldSpec, pdef9: FieldSpec, pdef10: FieldSpec, pdef11: FieldSpec, pdef12: FieldSpec, pdef13: FieldSpec, pdef14: FieldSpec, pdef15: FieldSpec, pdef16: FieldSpec, pdef17: FieldSpec, pdef18: FieldSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  130. def formFields(pdef1: FieldSpec, pdef2: FieldSpec, pdef3: FieldSpec, pdef4: FieldSpec, pdef5: FieldSpec, pdef6: FieldSpec, pdef7: FieldSpec, pdef8: FieldSpec, pdef9: FieldSpec, pdef10: FieldSpec, pdef11: FieldSpec, pdef12: FieldSpec, pdef13: FieldSpec, pdef14: FieldSpec, pdef15: FieldSpec, pdef16: FieldSpec, pdef17: FieldSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  131. def formFields(pdef1: FieldSpec, pdef2: FieldSpec, pdef3: FieldSpec, pdef4: FieldSpec, pdef5: FieldSpec, pdef6: FieldSpec, pdef7: FieldSpec, pdef8: FieldSpec, pdef9: FieldSpec, pdef10: FieldSpec, pdef11: FieldSpec, pdef12: FieldSpec, pdef13: FieldSpec, pdef14: FieldSpec, pdef15: FieldSpec, pdef16: FieldSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  132. def formFields(pdef1: FieldSpec, pdef2: FieldSpec, pdef3: FieldSpec, pdef4: FieldSpec, pdef5: FieldSpec, pdef6: FieldSpec, pdef7: FieldSpec, pdef8: FieldSpec, pdef9: FieldSpec, pdef10: FieldSpec, pdef11: FieldSpec, pdef12: FieldSpec, pdef13: FieldSpec, pdef14: FieldSpec, pdef15: FieldSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  133. def formFields(pdef1: FieldSpec, pdef2: FieldSpec, pdef3: FieldSpec, pdef4: FieldSpec, pdef5: FieldSpec, pdef6: FieldSpec, pdef7: FieldSpec, pdef8: FieldSpec, pdef9: FieldSpec, pdef10: FieldSpec, pdef11: FieldSpec, pdef12: FieldSpec, pdef13: FieldSpec, pdef14: FieldSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  134. def formFields(pdef1: FieldSpec, pdef2: FieldSpec, pdef3: FieldSpec, pdef4: FieldSpec, pdef5: FieldSpec, pdef6: FieldSpec, pdef7: FieldSpec, pdef8: FieldSpec, pdef9: FieldSpec, pdef10: FieldSpec, pdef11: FieldSpec, pdef12: FieldSpec, pdef13: FieldSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  135. def formFields(pdef1: FieldSpec, pdef2: FieldSpec, pdef3: FieldSpec, pdef4: FieldSpec, pdef5: FieldSpec, pdef6: FieldSpec, pdef7: FieldSpec, pdef8: FieldSpec, pdef9: FieldSpec, pdef10: FieldSpec, pdef11: FieldSpec, pdef12: FieldSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  136. def formFields(pdef1: FieldSpec, pdef2: FieldSpec, pdef3: FieldSpec, pdef4: FieldSpec, pdef5: FieldSpec, pdef6: FieldSpec, pdef7: FieldSpec, pdef8: FieldSpec, pdef9: FieldSpec, pdef10: FieldSpec, pdef11: FieldSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  137. def formFields(pdef1: FieldSpec, pdef2: FieldSpec, pdef3: FieldSpec, pdef4: FieldSpec, pdef5: FieldSpec, pdef6: FieldSpec, pdef7: FieldSpec, pdef8: FieldSpec, pdef9: FieldSpec, pdef10: FieldSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  138. def formFields(pdef1: FieldSpec, pdef2: FieldSpec, pdef3: FieldSpec, pdef4: FieldSpec, pdef5: FieldSpec, pdef6: FieldSpec, pdef7: FieldSpec, pdef8: FieldSpec, pdef9: FieldSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  139. def formFields(pdef1: FieldSpec, pdef2: FieldSpec, pdef3: FieldSpec, pdef4: FieldSpec, pdef5: FieldSpec, pdef6: FieldSpec, pdef7: FieldSpec, pdef8: FieldSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  140. def formFields(pdef1: FieldSpec, pdef2: FieldSpec, pdef3: FieldSpec, pdef4: FieldSpec, pdef5: FieldSpec, pdef6: FieldSpec, pdef7: FieldSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  141. def formFields(pdef1: FieldSpec, pdef2: FieldSpec, pdef3: FieldSpec, pdef4: FieldSpec, pdef5: FieldSpec, pdef6: FieldSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  142. def formFields(pdef1: FieldSpec, pdef2: FieldSpec, pdef3: FieldSpec, pdef4: FieldSpec, pdef5: FieldSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  143. def formFields(pdef1: FieldSpec, pdef2: FieldSpec, pdef3: FieldSpec, pdef4: FieldSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  144. def formFields(pdef1: FieldSpec, pdef2: FieldSpec, pdef3: FieldSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  145. def formFields(pdef1: FieldSpec, pdef2: FieldSpec): Directive[(Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  146. def formFields(pdef1: FieldSpec): Directive[(Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  147. def get: Directive0

    Rejects all non-GET requests.

    Rejects all non-GET requests.

    Definition Classes
  148. final def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyRef]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  149. def getFromBrowseableDirectories(directories: String*)(implicit renderer: DirectoryRenderer, resolver: ContentTypeResolver): Route

    Serves the content of the given directories as a file system browser, i.e.

    Serves the content of the given directories as a file system browser, i.e. files are sent and directories served as browseable listings.

    Definition Classes
  150. def getFromBrowseableDirectory(directory: String)(implicit renderer: DirectoryRenderer, resolver: ContentTypeResolver): Route

    Same as getFromBrowseableDirectories with only one directory.

    Same as getFromBrowseableDirectories with only one directory.

    Definition Classes
  151. def getFromDirectory(directoryName: String)(implicit resolver: ContentTypeResolver): Route

    Completes GET requests with the content of a file underneath the given directory.

    Completes GET requests with the content of a file underneath the given directory. If the file cannot be read the Route rejects the request.

    Definition Classes
  152. def getFromFile(file: File, contentType: ContentType): Route

    Completes GET requests with the content of the given file.

    Completes GET requests with the content of the given file. If the file cannot be found or read the request is rejected.

    Definition Classes
  153. def getFromFile(file: File)(implicit resolver: ContentTypeResolver): Route

    Completes GET requests with the content of the given file.

    Completes GET requests with the content of the given file. If the file cannot be found or read the request is rejected.

    Definition Classes
  154. def getFromFile(fileName: String)(implicit resolver: ContentTypeResolver): Route

    Completes GET requests with the content of the given file.

    Completes GET requests with the content of the given file. If the file cannot be found or read the request is rejected.

    Definition Classes
  155. def getFromResource(resourceName: String, contentType: ContentType, classLoader: ClassLoader = _defaultClassLoader): Route

    Completes GET requests with the content of the given resource.

    Completes GET requests with the content of the given resource. If the resource is a directory or cannot be found or read the Route rejects the request.

    Definition Classes
  156. def getFromResource(resourceName: String)(implicit resolver: ContentTypeResolver): Route

    Completes GET requests with the content of the given class-path resource.

    Completes GET requests with the content of the given class-path resource. If the resource cannot be found or read the Route rejects the request.

    Definition Classes
  157. def getFromResourceDirectory(directoryName: String, classLoader: ClassLoader = _defaultClassLoader)(implicit resolver: ContentTypeResolver): Route

    Same as "getFromDirectory" except that the file is not fetched from the file system but rather from a "resource directory".

    Same as "getFromDirectory" except that the file is not fetched from the file system but rather from a "resource directory". If the requested resource is itself a directory or cannot be found or read the Route rejects the request.

    Definition Classes
  158. def handle(handler: PartialFunction[HttpRequest, Future[HttpResponse]], rejections: Seq[Rejection]): StandardRoute

    Handle the request using an asynchronous partial function.

    Handle the request using an asynchronous partial function.

    This directive can be used to include external components request processing components defined as PartialFunction (like those provided by pekko-grpc) into a routing tree defined as routes.


    The list of rejections to reject with if the handler is not defined for a request.

    Definition Classes
  159. def handle(handler: PartialFunction[HttpRequest, Future[HttpResponse]]): StandardRoute

    Handle the request using an asynchronous partial function.

    Handle the request using an asynchronous partial function.

    This directive can be used to include external components request processing components defined as PartialFunction (like those provided by pekko-grpc) into a routing tree defined as routes.

    When the partial function is not defined for a request, the request is rejected with an empty list of rejections which is equivalent to a "Not Found" rejection.

    Definition Classes
  160. def handle(handler: (HttpRequest) => Future[HttpResponse]): StandardRoute

    Handle the request using a function.

    Handle the request using a function.

    Definition Classes
  161. def handleExceptions(handler: ExceptionHandler): Directive0

    Transforms exceptions thrown during evaluation of its inner route using the given pekko.http.scaladsl.server.ExceptionHandler.

    Transforms exceptions thrown during evaluation of its inner route using the given pekko.http.scaladsl.server.ExceptionHandler.

    Definition Classes
  162. def handleRejections(handler: RejectionHandler): Directive0

    Transforms rejections produced by its inner route using the given pekko.http.scaladsl.server.RejectionHandler.

    Transforms rejections produced by its inner route using the given pekko.http.scaladsl.server.RejectionHandler.

    Definition Classes
  163. def handleSync(handler: PartialFunction[HttpRequest, HttpResponse], rejections: Seq[Rejection]): StandardRoute

    Handle the request using a synchronous partial function.

    Handle the request using a synchronous partial function.

    This directive can be used to include external components request processing components defined as PartialFunction (like those provided by pekko-grpc) into a routing tree defined as routes.


    The list of rejections to reject with if the handler is not defined for a request.

    Definition Classes
  164. def handleSync(handler: PartialFunction[HttpRequest, HttpResponse]): StandardRoute

    Handle the request using a synchronous partial function.

    Handle the request using a synchronous partial function.

    This directive can be used to include external components request processing components defined as PartialFunction (like those provided by pekko-grpc) into a routing tree defined as routes.

    When the partial function is not defined for a request, the request is rejected with an empty list of rejections which is equivalent to a "Not Found" rejection.

    Definition Classes
  165. def handleSync(handler: (HttpRequest) => HttpResponse): StandardRoute

    Handle the request using a function.

    Handle the request using a function.

    Definition Classes
  166. def handleWebSocketMessages(handler: Flow[Message, Message, Any]): Route

    Handles WebSocket requests with the given handler and rejects other requests with an ExpectedWebSocketRequestRejection.

    Handles WebSocket requests with the given handler and rejects other requests with an ExpectedWebSocketRequestRejection.

    Definition Classes
  167. def handleWebSocketMessagesForOptionalProtocol(handler: Flow[Message, Message, Any], subprotocol: Option[String]): Route

    Handles WebSocket requests with the given handler and rejects other requests with an ExpectedWebSocketRequestRejection.

    Handles WebSocket requests with the given handler and rejects other requests with an ExpectedWebSocketRequestRejection.

    If the subprotocol parameter is None any WebSocket request is accepted. If the subprotocol parameter is Some(protocol) a WebSocket request is only accepted if the list of subprotocols supported by the client (as announced in the WebSocket request) contains protocol. If the client did not offer the protocol in question the request is rejected with an UnsupportedWebSocketSubprotocolRejection rejection.

    To support several subprotocols you may chain several handleWebSocketMessagesForOptionalProtocol routes.

    Definition Classes
  168. def handleWebSocketMessagesForProtocol(handler: Flow[Message, Message, Any], subprotocol: String): Route

    Handles WebSocket requests with the given handler if the given subprotocol is offered in the request and rejects other requests with an ExpectedWebSocketRequestRejection or an UnsupportedWebSocketSubprotocolRejection.

    Handles WebSocket requests with the given handler if the given subprotocol is offered in the request and rejects other requests with an ExpectedWebSocketRequestRejection or an UnsupportedWebSocketSubprotocolRejection.

    Definition Classes
  169. def handleWith[A, B](f: (A) => B)(implicit um: FromRequestUnmarshaller[A], m: ToResponseMarshaller[B]): Route

    Completes the request using the given function.

    Completes the request using the given function. The input to the function is produced with the in-scope entity unmarshaller and the result value of the function is marshalled with the in-scope marshaller.

    Definition Classes
  170. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  171. def head: Directive0

    Rejects all non-HEAD requests.

    Rejects all non-HEAD requests.

    Definition Classes
  172. def headerValue[T](f: (HttpHeader) => Option[T]): Directive1[T]

    Extracts an HTTP header value using the given function.

    Extracts an HTTP header value using the given function. If the function result is undefined for all headers the request is rejected with an empty rejection set. If the given function throws an exception the request is rejected with a pekko.http.scaladsl.server.MalformedHeaderRejection.

    Definition Classes
  173. def headerValueByName(headerName: String): Directive1[String]

    Extracts the value of the HTTP request header with the given name.

    Extracts the value of the HTTP request header with the given name. If no header with a matching name is found the request is rejected with a pekko.http.scaladsl.server.MissingHeaderRejection.

    Definition Classes
  174. def headerValueByType[T](magnet: HeaderMagnet[T]): Directive1[T]

    Extracts the first HTTP request header of the given type.

    Extracts the first HTTP request header of the given type. If no header with a matching type is found the request is rejected with a pekko.http.scaladsl.server.MissingHeaderRejection.

    Custom headers will only be matched by this directive if they extend ModeledCustomHeader and provide a companion extending ModeledCustomHeaderCompanion.

    Definition Classes
  175. def headerValuePF[T](pf: PartialFunction[HttpHeader, T]): Directive1[T]

    Extracts an HTTP header value using the given partial function.

    Extracts an HTTP header value using the given partial function. If the function is undefined for all headers the request is rejected with an empty rejection set.

    Definition Classes
  176. def host(regex: Regex): Directive1[String]

    Rejects all requests with a host name that doesn't have a prefix matching the given regular expression.

    Rejects all requests with a host name that doesn't have a prefix matching the given regular expression. For all matching requests the prefix string matching the regex is extracted and passed to the inner route. If the regex contains a capturing group only the string matched by this group is extracted. If the regex contains more than one capturing group an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.

    Definition Classes
  177. def host(predicate: (String) => Boolean): Directive0

    Rejects all requests for whose host name the given predicate function returns false.

    Rejects all requests for whose host name the given predicate function returns false.

    Definition Classes
  178. def host(hostNames: String*): Directive0

    Rejects all requests with a host name different from the given ones.

    Rejects all requests with a host name different from the given ones.

    Definition Classes
  179. def ignoreTrailingSlash: Directive0

    Tries to match the inner route and if it fails with an empty rejection, it tries it again adding (or removing) the trailing slash on the given path.

    Tries to match the inner route and if it fails with an empty rejection, it tries it again adding (or removing) the trailing slash on the given path.

    Definition Classes
  180. def instanceOf[T](implicit m: ToResponseMarshaller[T]): ToResponseMarshaller[T]

    Returns the in-scope Marshaller for the given type.

    Returns the in-scope Marshaller for the given type.

    Definition Classes
  181. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  182. def listDirectoryContents(directories: String*)(implicit renderer: DirectoryRenderer): Route

    Completes GET requests with a unified listing of the contents of all given directories.

    Completes GET requests with a unified listing of the contents of all given directories. The actual rendering of the directory contents is performed by the in-scope Marshaller[DirectoryListing].

    Definition Classes
  183. def logRequest(magnet: LoggingMagnet[(HttpRequest) => Unit]): Directive0

    Produces a log entry for every incoming request.

    Produces a log entry for every incoming request.

    Definition Classes
  184. def logRequestResult(magnet: LoggingMagnet[(HttpRequest) => (RouteResult) => Unit]): Directive0

    Produces a log entry for every incoming request and RouteResult.

    Produces a log entry for every incoming request and RouteResult.

    Definition Classes
  185. def logResult(magnet: LoggingMagnet[(RouteResult) => Unit]): Directive0

    Produces a log entry for every RouteResult.

    Produces a log entry for every RouteResult.

    Definition Classes
  186. def mapInnerRoute(f: (Route) => Route): Directive0

    Definition Classes
  187. def mapRejections(f: (Seq[Rejection]) => Seq[Rejection]): Directive0

    Definition Classes
  188. def mapRequest(f: (HttpRequest) => HttpRequest): Directive0

    Definition Classes
  189. def mapRequestContext(f: (RequestContext) => RequestContext): Directive0

    Definition Classes
  190. def mapResponse(f: (HttpResponse) => HttpResponse): Directive0

    Definition Classes
  191. def mapResponseEntity(f: (ResponseEntity) => ResponseEntity): Directive0

    Definition Classes
  192. def mapResponseHeaders(f: (Seq[HttpHeader]) => Seq[HttpHeader]): Directive0

    Definition Classes
  193. def mapRouteResult(f: (RouteResult) => RouteResult): Directive0

    Definition Classes
  194. def mapRouteResultFuture(f: (Future[RouteResult]) => Future[RouteResult]): Directive0

    Definition Classes
  195. def mapRouteResultPF(f: PartialFunction[RouteResult, RouteResult]): Directive0

    Definition Classes
  196. def mapRouteResultWith(f: (RouteResult) => Future[RouteResult]): Directive0

    Definition Classes
  197. def mapRouteResultWithPF(f: PartialFunction[RouteResult, Future[RouteResult]]): Directive0

    Definition Classes
  198. def mapSettings(f: (RoutingSettings) => RoutingSettings): Directive0

    Runs the inner route with settings mapped by the given function.

    Runs the inner route with settings mapped by the given function.

    Definition Classes
  199. def mapUnmatchedPath(f: (Path) => Path): Directive0

    Transforms the unmatchedPath of the RequestContext using the given function.

    Transforms the unmatchedPath of the RequestContext using the given function.

    Definition Classes
  200. def method(httpMethod: HttpMethod): Directive0

    Rejects all requests whose HTTP method does not match the given one.

    Rejects all requests whose HTTP method does not match the given one.

    Definition Classes
  201. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  202. def not(self: PathMatcher[_]): PathMatcher0
    Definition Classes
  203. def nothingMatcher[L](implicit arg0: Tuple[L]): PathMatcher[L]

    A PathMatcher that never matches anything.

    A PathMatcher that never matches anything.

    Definition Classes
  204. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  205. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  206. def onComplete[T](future: => Future[T]): Directive1[Try[T]]

    "Unwraps" a Future[T] and runs the inner route after future completion with the future's value as an extraction of type Try[T].

    "Unwraps" a Future[T] and runs the inner route after future completion with the future's value as an extraction of type Try[T].

    Definition Classes
  207. def onCompleteWithBreaker[T](breaker: CircuitBreaker)(future: => Future[T]): Directive1[Try[T]]

    "Unwraps" a Future[T] and runs the inner route after future completion with the future's value as an extraction of type T if the supplied CircuitBreaker is closed.

    "Unwraps" a Future[T] and runs the inner route after future completion with the future's value as an extraction of type T if the supplied CircuitBreaker is closed.

    If the supplied CircuitBreaker is open the request is rejected with a CircuitBreakerOpenRejection.

    Definition Classes
  208. def onSuccess(magnet: OnSuccessMagnet): Directive[Out]

    "Unwraps" a Future[T] and runs the inner route after future completion with the future's value as an extraction of type T.

    "Unwraps" a Future[T] and runs the inner route after future completion with the future's value as an extraction of type T. If the future fails its failure Throwable is bubbled up to the nearest ExceptionHandler. If type T is already a Tuple it is directly expanded into the respective number of extractions.

    Definition Classes
  209. def optionalAttribute[T](key: AttributeKey[T]): Directive1[Option[T]]

    Extracts an optional request attribute for the given key.

    Extracts an optional request attribute for the given key.

    Definition Classes
  210. def optionalCookie(name: String): Directive1[Option[HttpCookiePair]]

    Extracts the HttpCookiePair with the given name as an Option[HttpCookiePair].

    Extracts the HttpCookiePair with the given name as an Option[HttpCookiePair]. If the cookie is not present a value of None is extracted.

    Definition Classes
  211. def optionalHeaderValue[T](f: (HttpHeader) => Option[T]): Directive1[Option[T]]

    Extracts an optional HTTP header value using the given function.

    Extracts an optional HTTP header value using the given function. If the given function throws an exception the request is rejected with a pekko.http.scaladsl.server.MalformedHeaderRejection.

    Definition Classes
  212. def optionalHeaderValueByName(headerName: String): Directive1[Option[String]]

    Extracts the value of the optional HTTP request header with the given name.

    Extracts the value of the optional HTTP request header with the given name.

    Definition Classes
  213. def optionalHeaderValueByType[T <: HttpHeader](magnet: HeaderMagnet[T]): Directive1[Option[T]]

    Extract the header value of the optional HTTP request header with the given type.

    Extract the header value of the optional HTTP request header with the given type.

    Custom headers will only be matched by this directive if they extend ModeledCustomHeader and provide a companion extending ModeledCustomHeaderCompanion.

    Definition Classes
  214. def optionalHeaderValuePF[T](pf: PartialFunction[HttpHeader, T]): Directive1[Option[T]]

    Extracts an optional HTTP header value using the given partial function.

    Extracts an optional HTTP header value using the given partial function. If the given function throws an exception the request is rejected with a pekko.http.scaladsl.server.MalformedHeaderRejection.

    Definition Classes
  215. def options: Directive0

    Rejects all non-OPTIONS requests.

    Rejects all non-OPTIONS requests.

    Definition Classes
  216. def overrideMethodWithParameter(paramName: String): Directive0

    Changes the HTTP method of the request to the value of the specified query string parameter.

    Changes the HTTP method of the request to the value of the specified query string parameter. If the query string parameter is not specified this directive has no effect. If the query string is specified as something that is not a HTTP method, then this directive completes the request with a 501 Not Implemented response.

    This directive is useful for:

    • Use in combination with JSONP (JSONP only supports GET)
    • Supporting older browsers that lack support for certain HTTP methods. E.g. IE8 does not support PATCH
    Definition Classes
  217. def parameter(pdef1: ParamSpec, pdef2: ParamSpec, pdef3: ParamSpec, pdef4: ParamSpec, pdef5: ParamSpec, pdef6: ParamSpec, pdef7: ParamSpec, pdef8: ParamSpec, pdef9: ParamSpec, pdef10: ParamSpec, pdef11: ParamSpec, pdef12: ParamSpec, pdef13: ParamSpec, pdef14: ParamSpec, pdef15: ParamSpec, pdef16: ParamSpec, pdef17: ParamSpec, pdef18: ParamSpec, pdef19: ParamSpec, pdef20: ParamSpec, pdef21: ParamSpec, pdef22: ParamSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  218. def parameter(pdef1: ParamSpec, pdef2: ParamSpec, pdef3: ParamSpec, pdef4: ParamSpec, pdef5: ParamSpec, pdef6: ParamSpec, pdef7: ParamSpec, pdef8: ParamSpec, pdef9: ParamSpec, pdef10: ParamSpec, pdef11: ParamSpec, pdef12: ParamSpec, pdef13: ParamSpec, pdef14: ParamSpec, pdef15: ParamSpec, pdef16: ParamSpec, pdef17: ParamSpec, pdef18: ParamSpec, pdef19: ParamSpec, pdef20: ParamSpec, pdef21: ParamSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  219. def parameter(pdef1: ParamSpec, pdef2: ParamSpec, pdef3: ParamSpec, pdef4: ParamSpec, pdef5: ParamSpec, pdef6: ParamSpec, pdef7: ParamSpec, pdef8: ParamSpec, pdef9: ParamSpec, pdef10: ParamSpec, pdef11: ParamSpec, pdef12: ParamSpec, pdef13: ParamSpec, pdef14: ParamSpec, pdef15: ParamSpec, pdef16: ParamSpec, pdef17: ParamSpec, pdef18: ParamSpec, pdef19: ParamSpec, pdef20: ParamSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  220. def parameter(pdef1: ParamSpec, pdef2: ParamSpec, pdef3: ParamSpec, pdef4: ParamSpec, pdef5: ParamSpec, pdef6: ParamSpec, pdef7: ParamSpec, pdef8: ParamSpec, pdef9: ParamSpec, pdef10: ParamSpec, pdef11: ParamSpec, pdef12: ParamSpec, pdef13: ParamSpec, pdef14: ParamSpec, pdef15: ParamSpec, pdef16: ParamSpec, pdef17: ParamSpec, pdef18: ParamSpec, pdef19: ParamSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  221. def parameter(pdef1: ParamSpec, pdef2: ParamSpec, pdef3: ParamSpec, pdef4: ParamSpec, pdef5: ParamSpec, pdef6: ParamSpec, pdef7: ParamSpec, pdef8: ParamSpec, pdef9: ParamSpec, pdef10: ParamSpec, pdef11: ParamSpec, pdef12: ParamSpec, pdef13: ParamSpec, pdef14: ParamSpec, pdef15: ParamSpec, pdef16: ParamSpec, pdef17: ParamSpec, pdef18: ParamSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  222. def parameter(pdef1: ParamSpec, pdef2: ParamSpec, pdef3: ParamSpec, pdef4: ParamSpec, pdef5: ParamSpec, pdef6: ParamSpec, pdef7: ParamSpec, pdef8: ParamSpec, pdef9: ParamSpec, pdef10: ParamSpec, pdef11: ParamSpec, pdef12: ParamSpec, pdef13: ParamSpec, pdef14: ParamSpec, pdef15: ParamSpec, pdef16: ParamSpec, pdef17: ParamSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  223. def parameter(pdef1: ParamSpec, pdef2: ParamSpec, pdef3: ParamSpec, pdef4: ParamSpec, pdef5: ParamSpec, pdef6: ParamSpec, pdef7: ParamSpec, pdef8: ParamSpec, pdef9: ParamSpec, pdef10: ParamSpec, pdef11: ParamSpec, pdef12: ParamSpec, pdef13: ParamSpec, pdef14: ParamSpec, pdef15: ParamSpec, pdef16: ParamSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  224. def parameter(pdef1: ParamSpec, pdef2: ParamSpec, pdef3: ParamSpec, pdef4: ParamSpec, pdef5: ParamSpec, pdef6: ParamSpec, pdef7: ParamSpec, pdef8: ParamSpec, pdef9: ParamSpec, pdef10: ParamSpec, pdef11: ParamSpec, pdef12: ParamSpec, pdef13: ParamSpec, pdef14: ParamSpec, pdef15: ParamSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  225. def parameter(pdef1: ParamSpec, pdef2: ParamSpec, pdef3: ParamSpec, pdef4: ParamSpec, pdef5: ParamSpec, pdef6: ParamSpec, pdef7: ParamSpec, pdef8: ParamSpec, pdef9: ParamSpec, pdef10: ParamSpec, pdef11: ParamSpec, pdef12: ParamSpec, pdef13: ParamSpec, pdef14: ParamSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  226. def parameter(pdef1: ParamSpec, pdef2: ParamSpec, pdef3: ParamSpec, pdef4: ParamSpec, pdef5: ParamSpec, pdef6: ParamSpec, pdef7: ParamSpec, pdef8: ParamSpec, pdef9: ParamSpec, pdef10: ParamSpec, pdef11: ParamSpec, pdef12: ParamSpec, pdef13: ParamSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  227. def parameter(pdef1: ParamSpec, pdef2: ParamSpec, pdef3: ParamSpec, pdef4: ParamSpec, pdef5: ParamSpec, pdef6: ParamSpec, pdef7: ParamSpec, pdef8: ParamSpec, pdef9: ParamSpec, pdef10: ParamSpec, pdef11: ParamSpec, pdef12: ParamSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  228. def parameter(pdef1: ParamSpec, pdef2: ParamSpec, pdef3: ParamSpec, pdef4: ParamSpec, pdef5: ParamSpec, pdef6: ParamSpec, pdef7: ParamSpec, pdef8: ParamSpec, pdef9: ParamSpec, pdef10: ParamSpec, pdef11: ParamSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  229. def parameter(pdef1: ParamSpec, pdef2: ParamSpec, pdef3: ParamSpec, pdef4: ParamSpec, pdef5: ParamSpec, pdef6: ParamSpec, pdef7: ParamSpec, pdef8: ParamSpec, pdef9: ParamSpec, pdef10: ParamSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  230. def parameter(pdef1: ParamSpec, pdef2: ParamSpec, pdef3: ParamSpec, pdef4: ParamSpec, pdef5: ParamSpec, pdef6: ParamSpec, pdef7: ParamSpec, pdef8: ParamSpec, pdef9: ParamSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  231. def parameter(pdef1: ParamSpec, pdef2: ParamSpec, pdef3: ParamSpec, pdef4: ParamSpec, pdef5: ParamSpec, pdef6: ParamSpec, pdef7: ParamSpec, pdef8: ParamSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  232. def parameter(pdef1: ParamSpec, pdef2: ParamSpec, pdef3: ParamSpec, pdef4: ParamSpec, pdef5: ParamSpec, pdef6: ParamSpec, pdef7: ParamSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  233. def parameter(pdef1: ParamSpec, pdef2: ParamSpec, pdef3: ParamSpec, pdef4: ParamSpec, pdef5: ParamSpec, pdef6: ParamSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  234. def parameter(pdef1: ParamSpec, pdef2: ParamSpec, pdef3: ParamSpec, pdef4: ParamSpec, pdef5: ParamSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  235. def parameter(pdef1: ParamSpec, pdef2: ParamSpec, pdef3: ParamSpec, pdef4: ParamSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  236. def parameter(pdef1: ParamSpec, pdef2: ParamSpec, pdef3: ParamSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  237. def parameter(pdef1: ParamSpec, pdef2: ParamSpec): Directive[(Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  238. def parameter(pdef1: ParamSpec): Directive[(Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  239. def parameterMap: Directive1[Map[String, String]]

    Extracts the request's query parameters as a Map[String, String].

    Extracts the request's query parameters as a Map[String, String].

    Definition Classes
  240. def parameterMultiMap: Directive1[Map[String, List[String]]]

    Extracts the request's query parameters as a Map[String, List[String]].

    Extracts the request's query parameters as a Map[String, List[String]].

    Definition Classes
  241. def parameterSeq: Directive1[Seq[(String, String)]]

    Extracts the request's query parameters as a Seq[(String, String)].

    Extracts the request's query parameters as a Seq[(String, String)].

    Definition Classes
  242. def parameters(pdef1: ParamSpec, pdef2: ParamSpec, pdef3: ParamSpec, pdef4: ParamSpec, pdef5: ParamSpec, pdef6: ParamSpec, pdef7: ParamSpec, pdef8: ParamSpec, pdef9: ParamSpec, pdef10: ParamSpec, pdef11: ParamSpec, pdef12: ParamSpec, pdef13: ParamSpec, pdef14: ParamSpec, pdef15: ParamSpec, pdef16: ParamSpec, pdef17: ParamSpec, pdef18: ParamSpec, pdef19: ParamSpec, pdef20: ParamSpec, pdef21: ParamSpec, pdef22: ParamSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  243. def parameters(pdef1: ParamSpec, pdef2: ParamSpec, pdef3: ParamSpec, pdef4: ParamSpec, pdef5: ParamSpec, pdef6: ParamSpec, pdef7: ParamSpec, pdef8: ParamSpec, pdef9: ParamSpec, pdef10: ParamSpec, pdef11: ParamSpec, pdef12: ParamSpec, pdef13: ParamSpec, pdef14: ParamSpec, pdef15: ParamSpec, pdef16: ParamSpec, pdef17: ParamSpec, pdef18: ParamSpec, pdef19: ParamSpec, pdef20: ParamSpec, pdef21: ParamSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  244. def parameters(pdef1: ParamSpec, pdef2: ParamSpec, pdef3: ParamSpec, pdef4: ParamSpec, pdef5: ParamSpec, pdef6: ParamSpec, pdef7: ParamSpec, pdef8: ParamSpec, pdef9: ParamSpec, pdef10: ParamSpec, pdef11: ParamSpec, pdef12: ParamSpec, pdef13: ParamSpec, pdef14: ParamSpec, pdef15: ParamSpec, pdef16: ParamSpec, pdef17: ParamSpec, pdef18: ParamSpec, pdef19: ParamSpec, pdef20: ParamSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  245. def parameters(pdef1: ParamSpec, pdef2: ParamSpec, pdef3: ParamSpec, pdef4: ParamSpec, pdef5: ParamSpec, pdef6: ParamSpec, pdef7: ParamSpec, pdef8: ParamSpec, pdef9: ParamSpec, pdef10: ParamSpec, pdef11: ParamSpec, pdef12: ParamSpec, pdef13: ParamSpec, pdef14: ParamSpec, pdef15: ParamSpec, pdef16: ParamSpec, pdef17: ParamSpec, pdef18: ParamSpec, pdef19: ParamSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  246. def parameters(pdef1: ParamSpec, pdef2: ParamSpec, pdef3: ParamSpec, pdef4: ParamSpec, pdef5: ParamSpec, pdef6: ParamSpec, pdef7: ParamSpec, pdef8: ParamSpec, pdef9: ParamSpec, pdef10: ParamSpec, pdef11: ParamSpec, pdef12: ParamSpec, pdef13: ParamSpec, pdef14: ParamSpec, pdef15: ParamSpec, pdef16: ParamSpec, pdef17: ParamSpec, pdef18: ParamSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  247. def parameters(pdef1: ParamSpec, pdef2: ParamSpec, pdef3: ParamSpec, pdef4: ParamSpec, pdef5: ParamSpec, pdef6: ParamSpec, pdef7: ParamSpec, pdef8: ParamSpec, pdef9: ParamSpec, pdef10: ParamSpec, pdef11: ParamSpec, pdef12: ParamSpec, pdef13: ParamSpec, pdef14: ParamSpec, pdef15: ParamSpec, pdef16: ParamSpec, pdef17: ParamSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  248. def parameters(pdef1: ParamSpec, pdef2: ParamSpec, pdef3: ParamSpec, pdef4: ParamSpec, pdef5: ParamSpec, pdef6: ParamSpec, pdef7: ParamSpec, pdef8: ParamSpec, pdef9: ParamSpec, pdef10: ParamSpec, pdef11: ParamSpec, pdef12: ParamSpec, pdef13: ParamSpec, pdef14: ParamSpec, pdef15: ParamSpec, pdef16: ParamSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  249. def parameters(pdef1: ParamSpec, pdef2: ParamSpec, pdef3: ParamSpec, pdef4: ParamSpec, pdef5: ParamSpec, pdef6: ParamSpec, pdef7: ParamSpec, pdef8: ParamSpec, pdef9: ParamSpec, pdef10: ParamSpec, pdef11: ParamSpec, pdef12: ParamSpec, pdef13: ParamSpec, pdef14: ParamSpec, pdef15: ParamSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  250. def parameters(pdef1: ParamSpec, pdef2: ParamSpec, pdef3: ParamSpec, pdef4: ParamSpec, pdef5: ParamSpec, pdef6: ParamSpec, pdef7: ParamSpec, pdef8: ParamSpec, pdef9: ParamSpec, pdef10: ParamSpec, pdef11: ParamSpec, pdef12: ParamSpec, pdef13: ParamSpec, pdef14: ParamSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  251. def parameters(pdef1: ParamSpec, pdef2: ParamSpec, pdef3: ParamSpec, pdef4: ParamSpec, pdef5: ParamSpec, pdef6: ParamSpec, pdef7: ParamSpec, pdef8: ParamSpec, pdef9: ParamSpec, pdef10: ParamSpec, pdef11: ParamSpec, pdef12: ParamSpec, pdef13: ParamSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  252. def parameters(pdef1: ParamSpec, pdef2: ParamSpec, pdef3: ParamSpec, pdef4: ParamSpec, pdef5: ParamSpec, pdef6: ParamSpec, pdef7: ParamSpec, pdef8: ParamSpec, pdef9: ParamSpec, pdef10: ParamSpec, pdef11: ParamSpec, pdef12: ParamSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  253. def parameters(pdef1: ParamSpec, pdef2: ParamSpec, pdef3: ParamSpec, pdef4: ParamSpec, pdef5: ParamSpec, pdef6: ParamSpec, pdef7: ParamSpec, pdef8: ParamSpec, pdef9: ParamSpec, pdef10: ParamSpec, pdef11: ParamSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  254. def parameters(pdef1: ParamSpec, pdef2: ParamSpec, pdef3: ParamSpec, pdef4: ParamSpec, pdef5: ParamSpec, pdef6: ParamSpec, pdef7: ParamSpec, pdef8: ParamSpec, pdef9: ParamSpec, pdef10: ParamSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  255. def parameters(pdef1: ParamSpec, pdef2: ParamSpec, pdef3: ParamSpec, pdef4: ParamSpec, pdef5: ParamSpec, pdef6: ParamSpec, pdef7: ParamSpec, pdef8: ParamSpec, pdef9: ParamSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  256. def parameters(pdef1: ParamSpec, pdef2: ParamSpec, pdef3: ParamSpec, pdef4: ParamSpec, pdef5: ParamSpec, pdef6: ParamSpec, pdef7: ParamSpec, pdef8: ParamSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  257. def parameters(pdef1: ParamSpec, pdef2: ParamSpec, pdef3: ParamSpec, pdef4: ParamSpec, pdef5: ParamSpec, pdef6: ParamSpec, pdef7: ParamSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  258. def parameters(pdef1: ParamSpec, pdef2: ParamSpec, pdef3: ParamSpec, pdef4: ParamSpec, pdef5: ParamSpec, pdef6: ParamSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  259. def parameters(pdef1: ParamSpec, pdef2: ParamSpec, pdef3: ParamSpec, pdef4: ParamSpec, pdef5: ParamSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  260. def parameters(pdef1: ParamSpec, pdef2: ParamSpec, pdef3: ParamSpec, pdef4: ParamSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  261. def parameters(pdef1: ParamSpec, pdef2: ParamSpec, pdef3: ParamSpec): Directive[(Out, Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  262. def parameters(pdef1: ParamSpec, pdef2: ParamSpec): Directive[(Out, Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  263. def parameters(pdef1: ParamSpec): Directive[(Out)]

    Extracts query parameter values from the request.

    Extracts query parameter values from the request. Rejects the request if the defined query parameter matcher(s) don't match.

    Definition Classes
  264. def pass: Directive0

    A Directive0 that always passes the request on to its inner route (i.e.

    A Directive0 that always passes the request on to its inner route (i.e. does nothing with the request or the response).

    Definition Classes
  265. def patch: Directive0

    Rejects all non-PATCH requests.

    Rejects all non-PATCH requests.

    Definition Classes
  266. def path[L](pm: PathMatcher[L]): Directive[L]

    Applies the given PathMatcher to the remaining unmatched path after consuming a leading slash.

    Applies the given PathMatcher to the remaining unmatched path after consuming a leading slash. The matcher has to match the remaining path completely. If matched the value extracted by the PathMatcher is extracted on the directive level.

    Definition Classes
  267. def pathEnd: Directive0

    Rejects the request if the unmatchedPath of the RequestContext is non-empty, or said differently: only passes on the request to its inner route if the request path has been matched completely.

    Rejects the request if the unmatchedPath of the RequestContext is non-empty, or said differently: only passes on the request to its inner route if the request path has been matched completely.

    Definition Classes
  268. def pathEndOrSingleSlash: Directive0

    Only passes on the request to its inner route if the request path has been matched completely or only consists of exactly one remaining slash.

    Only passes on the request to its inner route if the request path has been matched completely or only consists of exactly one remaining slash.

    Note that trailing slash and non-trailing slash URLs are not the same, although they often serve the same content. It is recommended to serve only one URL version and make the other redirect to it using redirectToTrailingSlashIfMissing or redirectToNoTrailingSlashIfPresent directive.

    For example:

    def route = {
      // redirect '/users/' to '/users', '/users/:userId/' to '/users/:userId'
      redirectToNoTrailingSlashIfPresent(Found) {
        pathPrefix("users") {
            pathEnd {
              // user list ...
            path(UUID) { userId =>
              // user profile ...

    For further information, refer to:

    Definition Classes
    See also

  269. def pathPrefix[L](pm: PathMatcher[L]): Directive[L]

    Applies the given PathMatcher to a prefix of the remaining unmatched path after consuming a leading slash.

    Applies the given PathMatcher to a prefix of the remaining unmatched path after consuming a leading slash. The matcher has to match a prefix of the remaining path. If matched the value extracted by the PathMatcher is extracted on the directive level.

    Definition Classes
  270. def pathPrefixTest[L](pm: PathMatcher[L]): Directive[L]

    Checks whether the unmatchedPath of the RequestContext has a prefix matched by the given PathMatcher.

    Checks whether the unmatchedPath of the RequestContext has a prefix matched by the given PathMatcher. In analogy to the pathPrefix directive a leading slash is implied.

    Definition Classes
  271. def pathSingleSlash: Directive0

    Only passes on the request to its inner route if the request path consists of exactly one remaining slash.

    Only passes on the request to its inner route if the request path consists of exactly one remaining slash.

    Definition Classes
  272. def pathSuffix[L](pm: PathMatcher[L]): Directive[L]

    Applies the given PathMatcher to a suffix of the remaining unmatchedPath of the RequestContext.

    Applies the given PathMatcher to a suffix of the remaining unmatchedPath of the RequestContext. If matched the value extracted by the PathMatcher is extracted and the matched parts of the path are consumed. Note that, for efficiency reasons, the given PathMatcher must match the desired suffix in reversed-segment order, i.e. pathSuffix("baz" / "bar") would match /foo/bar/baz!

    Definition Classes
  273. def pathSuffixTest[L](pm: PathMatcher[L]): Directive[L]

    Checks whether the unmatchedPath of the RequestContext has a suffix matched by the given PathMatcher.

    Checks whether the unmatchedPath of the RequestContext has a suffix matched by the given PathMatcher. However, as opposed to the pathSuffix directive the matched path is not actually "consumed". Note that, for efficiency reasons, the given PathMatcher must match the desired suffix in reversed-segment order, i.e. pathSuffixTest("baz" / "bar") would match /foo/bar/baz!

    Definition Classes
  274. def post: Directive0

    Rejects all non-POST requests.

    Rejects all non-POST requests.

    Definition Classes
  275. def postHttpBinding(binding: ServerBinding): Unit

    Hook that will be called just after the Http server binding is done.

    Hook that will be called just after the Http server binding is done. Override this method if you want to perform some actions after the server is up.

  276. def postHttpBindingFailure(cause: Throwable): Unit

    Hook that will be called in case the Http server binding fails.

    Hook that will be called in case the Http server binding fails. Override this method if you want to perform some actions after the server binding failed.

  277. def postServerShutdown(attempt: Try[Done], system: ActorSystem): Unit

    Hook that will be called just after the server termination.

    Hook that will be called just after the server termination. Override this method if you want to perform some cleanup actions after the server is stopped. The attempt parameter is represented with a Try type that is successful only if the server was successfully shut down.

  278. def provide[T](value: T): Directive1[T]

    Injects the given value into a directive.

    Injects the given value into a directive.

    Definition Classes
  279. def put: Directive0

    Rejects all non-PUT requests.

    Rejects all non-PUT requests.

    Definition Classes
  280. def rawPathPrefix[L](pm: PathMatcher[L]): Directive[L]

    Applies the given matcher directly to a prefix of the unmatched path of the RequestContext (i.e.

    Applies the given matcher directly to a prefix of the unmatched path of the RequestContext (i.e. without implicitly consuming a leading slash). The matcher has to match a prefix of the remaining path. If matched the value extracted by the PathMatcher is extracted on the directive level.

    Definition Classes
  281. def rawPathPrefixTest[L](pm: PathMatcher[L]): Directive[L]

    Checks whether the unmatchedPath of the RequestContext has a prefix matched by the given PathMatcher.

    Checks whether the unmatchedPath of the RequestContext has a prefix matched by the given PathMatcher. However, as opposed to the pathPrefix directive the matched path is not actually "consumed".

    Definition Classes
  282. def recoverRejections(f: (Seq[Rejection]) => RouteResult): Directive0

    Definition Classes
  283. def recoverRejectionsWith(f: (Seq[Rejection]) => Future[RouteResult]): Directive0

    Definition Classes
  284. def redirect(uri: Uri, redirectionType: Redirection): StandardRoute

    Completes the request with redirection response of the given type to the given URI.

    Completes the request with redirection response of the given type to the given URI.

    Definition Classes
  285. def redirectToNoTrailingSlashIfPresent(redirectionType: Redirection): Directive0

    If the request path ends with a slash, redirect to the same uri without trailing slash in the path.

    If the request path ends with a slash, redirect to the same uri without trailing slash in the path.

    Note, however, that this directive doesn't apply to a URI consisting of just a single slash. HTTP does not support empty target paths, so that browsers will convert a URI such as to adding the trailing slash.

    Redirecting the single slash path URI would lead to a redirection loop.

    Caveat: pathSingleSlash directive will only match on the root path level inside of this directive.

    Definition Classes
  286. def redirectToTrailingSlashIfMissing(redirectionType: Redirection): Directive0

    If the request path doesn't end with a slash, redirect to the same uri with trailing slash in the path.

    If the request path doesn't end with a slash, redirect to the same uri with trailing slash in the path.

    Caveat: path without trailing slash and pathEnd directives will not match inside of this directive.

    Definition Classes
  287. def reject(rejections: Rejection*): StandardRoute

    Rejects the request with the given rejections.

    Rejects the request with the given rejections.

    Definition Classes
  288. def reject: StandardRoute

    Rejects the request with an empty set of rejections.

    Rejects the request with an empty set of rejections.

    Definition Classes
  289. def rejectEmptyResponse: Directive0

    Converts responses with an empty entity into (empty) rejections.

    Converts responses with an empty entity into (empty) rejections. This way you can, for example, have the marshalling of a None option be treated as if the request could not be matched.

    Definition Classes
  290. def requestEncodedWith(encoding: HttpEncoding): Directive0

    Rejects the request with an UnsupportedRequestEncodingRejection if its encoding doesn't match the given one.

    Rejects the request with an UnsupportedRequestEncodingRejection if its encoding doesn't match the given one.

    Definition Classes
  291. def requestEntityEmpty: Directive0

    Rejects if the request entity is non-empty.

    Rejects if the request entity is non-empty.

    Definition Classes
  292. def requestEntityPresent: Directive0

    Rejects with a RequestEntityExpectedRejection if the request entity is empty.

    Rejects with a RequestEntityExpectedRejection if the request entity is empty. Non-empty requests are passed on unchanged to the inner route.

    Definition Classes
  293. def respondWithDefaultHeader(responseHeader: HttpHeader): Directive0

    Adds the given response header to all HTTP responses of its inner Route, if the response from the inner Route doesn't already contain a header with the same name.

    Adds the given response header to all HTTP responses of its inner Route, if the response from the inner Route doesn't already contain a header with the same name.

    Definition Classes
  294. def respondWithDefaultHeaders(firstHeader: HttpHeader, otherHeaders: HttpHeader*): Directive0
    Definition Classes
  295. def respondWithDefaultHeaders(responseHeaders: Seq[HttpHeader]): Directive0

    Adds the given response headers to all HTTP responses of its inner Route, if a header already exists it is not added again.

    Adds the given response headers to all HTTP responses of its inner Route, if a header already exists it is not added again.

    Definition Classes
  296. def respondWithHeader(responseHeader: HttpHeader): Directive0

    Unconditionally adds the given response header to all HTTP responses of its inner Route.

    Unconditionally adds the given response header to all HTTP responses of its inner Route.

    Definition Classes
  297. def respondWithHeaders(firstHeader: HttpHeader, otherHeaders: HttpHeader*): Directive0
    Definition Classes
  298. def respondWithHeaders(responseHeaders: Seq[HttpHeader]): Directive0

    Unconditionally adds the given response headers to all HTTP responses of its inner Route.

    Unconditionally adds the given response headers to all HTTP responses of its inner Route.

    Definition Classes
  299. def responseEncodingAccepted(encoding: HttpEncoding): Directive0

    Rejects the request with an UnacceptedResponseEncodingRejection if the given response encoding is not accepted by the client.

    Rejects the request with an UnacceptedResponseEncodingRejection if the given response encoding is not accepted by the client.

    Definition Classes
  300. def scheme(name: String): Directive0

    Rejects all requests whose Uri scheme does not match the given one.

    Rejects all requests whose Uri scheme does not match the given one.

    Definition Classes
  301. def selectPreferredLanguage(first: Language, more: Language*): Directive1[Language]

    Inspects the request's Accept-Language header and determines, which of the given language alternatives is preferred by the client.

    Inspects the request's Accept-Language header and determines, which of the given language alternatives is preferred by the client. (See for more details on the negotiation logic.) If there are several best language alternatives that the client has equal preference for (even if this preference is zero!) the order of the arguments is used as a tie breaker (First one wins).

    Definition Classes
  302. def separateOnSlashes(string: String): PathMatcher0

    Converts a path string containing slashes into a PathMatcher that interprets slashes as path segment separators.

    Converts a path string containing slashes into a PathMatcher that interprets slashes as path segment separators.

    Definition Classes
  303. def setCookie(first: HttpCookie, more: HttpCookie*): Directive0

    Adds a Set-Cookie response header with the given cookies.

    Adds a Set-Cookie response header with the given cookies.

    Definition Classes
  304. def startServer(host: String, port: Int, settings: ServerSettings, system: Option[ActorSystem]): Unit

    Start a server on the specified host and port, using the provided settings and ActorSystem if present.

    Start a server on the specified host and port, using the provided settings and ActorSystem if present. Note that this method is blocking.


    ActorSystem to use for starting the app, if None is passed in a new default ActorSystem will be created instead, which will be terminated when the server is stopped.

  305. def startServer(host: String, port: Int, settings: ServerSettings, system: ActorSystem): Unit

    Start a server on the specified host and port, using the provided settings and ActorSystem.

    Start a server on the specified host and port, using the provided settings and ActorSystem. Note that this method is blocking.


    ActorSystem to use for starting the app, if null is passed in a new default ActorSystem will be created instead, which will be terminated when the server is stopped.

  306. def startServer(host: String, port: Int, settings: ServerSettings): Unit

    Start a server on the specified host and port, using the provided settings.

    Start a server on the specified host and port, using the provided settings. Note that this method is blocking.

  307. def startServer(host: String, port: Int, system: ActorSystem): Unit

    Start a server on the specified host and port, using the provided ActorSystem.

    Start a server on the specified host and port, using the provided ActorSystem. Note that this method is blocking


    ActorSystem to use for starting the app, if null is passed in a new default ActorSystem will be created instead, which will be terminated when the server is stopped.

  308. def startServer(host: String, port: Int): Unit

    Start a server on the specified host and port.

    Start a server on the specified host and port. Note that this method is blocking

  309. def storeUploadedFile(fieldName: String, destFn: (FileInfo) => File): Directive[(FileInfo, File)]

    Streams the bytes of the file submitted using multipart with the given file name into a designated file on disk.

    Streams the bytes of the file submitted using multipart with the given file name into a designated file on disk. If there is an error writing to disk the request will be failed with the thrown exception, if there is no such field the request will be rejected, if there are multiple file parts with the same name, the first one will be used and the subsequent ones ignored.

    Definition Classes
  310. def storeUploadedFiles(fieldName: String, destFn: (FileInfo) => File): Directive1[Seq[(FileInfo, File)]]

    Streams the bytes of the file submitted using multipart with the given field name into designated files on disk.

    Streams the bytes of the file submitted using multipart with the given field name into designated files on disk. If there is an error writing to disk the request will be failed with the thrown exception, if there is no such field the request will be rejected. Stored files are cleaned up on exit but not on failure.

    Definition Classes
  311. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: => T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  312. val systemReference: AtomicReference[ActorSystem]

    ActorSystem used to start this server.

    ActorSystem used to start this server. Stopping this system will interfere with the proper functioning condition of the server.

  313. def textract[L](f: (RequestContext) => L)(implicit arg0: Tuple[L]): Directive[L]

    Extracts a number of values using the given function.

    Extracts a number of values using the given function.

    Definition Classes
  314. def toStrictEntity(timeout: FiniteDuration, maxBytes: Long): Directive0

    WARNING: This will read the entire request entity into memory and effectively disable streaming.

    WARNING: This will read the entire request entity into memory and effectively disable streaming.

    To help protect against excessive memory use, the request will be aborted if the request is larger than allowed by the pekko.http.parsing.max-to-strict-bytes configuration setting.

    Extracts the pekko.http.scaladsl.server.RequestContext itself with the strict HTTP entity, or fails the route if unable to drain the entire request body within the timeout.


    The directive is failed if the stream isn't completed after the given timeout.

    Definition Classes
  315. def toStrictEntity(timeout: FiniteDuration): Directive0

    WARNING: This will read the entire request entity into memory and effectively disable streaming.

    WARNING: This will read the entire request entity into memory and effectively disable streaming.

    To help protect against excessive memory use, the request will be aborted if the request is larger than allowed by the pekko.http.parsing.max-to-strict-bytes configuration setting.

    Extracts the pekko.http.scaladsl.server.RequestContext itself with the strict HTTP entity, or fails the route if unable to drain the entire request body within the timeout.


    The directive is failed if the stream isn't completed after the given timeout.

    Definition Classes
  316. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  317. def tprovide[L](values: L)(implicit arg0: Tuple[L]): Directive[L]

    Injects the given values into a directive.

    Injects the given values into a directive.

    Definition Classes
  318. def validate(check: => Boolean, errorMsg: String): Directive0

    Checks the given condition before running its inner route.

    Checks the given condition before running its inner route. If the condition fails the route is rejected with a ValidationRejection.

    Definition Classes
  319. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  320. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
  321. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException]) @native()
  322. def waitForShutdownSignal(system: ActorSystem)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Done]

    Hook that lets the user specify the future that will signal the shutdown of the server whenever completed.

    Hook that lets the user specify the future that will signal the shutdown of the server whenever completed.

  323. def withExecutionContext(ec: ExecutionContextExecutor): Directive0

    Runs its inner route with the given alternative scala.concurrent.ExecutionContextExecutor.

    Runs its inner route with the given alternative scala.concurrent.ExecutionContextExecutor.

    Definition Classes
  324. def withLog(log: LoggingAdapter): Directive0

    Runs its inner route with the given alternative pekko.event.LoggingAdapter.

    Runs its inner route with the given alternative pekko.event.LoggingAdapter.

    Definition Classes
  325. def withMaterializer(materializer: Materializer): Directive0

    Runs its inner route with the given alternative

    Runs its inner route with the given alternative

    Definition Classes
  326. def withPrecompressedMediaTypeSupport: Directive0

    Inspects the response entity and adds a Content-Encoding: gzip response header if the entity's media-type is precompressed with gzip and no Content-Encoding header is present yet.

    Inspects the response entity and adds a Content-Encoding: gzip response header if the entity's media-type is precompressed with gzip and no Content-Encoding header is present yet.

    Definition Classes
  327. def withRangeSupport: Directive0

    Answers GET requests with an Accept-Ranges: bytes header and converts HttpResponses coming back from its inner route into partial responses if the initial request contained a valid Range request header.

    Answers GET requests with an Accept-Ranges: bytes header and converts HttpResponses coming back from its inner route into partial responses if the initial request contained a valid Range request header. The requested byte-ranges may be coalesced. This directive is transparent to non-GET requests Rejects requests with unsatisfiable ranges UnsatisfiableRangeRejection. Rejects requests with too many expected ranges.

    Note: if you want to combine this directive with conditional(...) you need to put it on the *inside* of the conditional(...) directive, i.e. conditional(...) must be on a higher level in your route structure in order to function correctly.

    Definition Classes
    See also

  328. def withRequestTimeout(timeout: Duration, handler: Option[(HttpRequest) => HttpResponse]): Directive0

    Tries to set a new request timeout and handler (if provided) at the same time.

    Tries to set a new request timeout and handler (if provided) at the same time.

    Due to the inherent raciness it is not guaranteed that the update will be applied before the previously set timeout has expired!


    optional custom "timeout response" function. If left None, the default timeout HttpResponse will be used.

    Definition Classes
  329. def withRequestTimeout(timeout: Duration, handler: (HttpRequest) => HttpResponse): Directive0

    Tries to set a new request timeout and handler (if provided) at the same time.

    Tries to set a new request timeout and handler (if provided) at the same time.

    Due to the inherent raciness it is not guaranteed that the update will be applied before the previously set timeout has expired!


    optional custom "timeout response" function. If left None, the default timeout HttpResponse will be used.

    Definition Classes
  330. def withRequestTimeout(timeout: Duration): Directive0

    Tries to set a new request timeout and handler (if provided) at the same time.

    Tries to set a new request timeout and handler (if provided) at the same time.

    Due to the inherent raciness it is not guaranteed that the update will be applied before the previously set timeout has expired!

    Definition Classes
  331. def withRequestTimeoutResponse(handler: (HttpRequest) => HttpResponse): Directive0

    Tries to set a new request timeout handler, which produces the timeout response for a given request.

    Tries to set a new request timeout handler, which produces the timeout response for a given request. Note that the handler must produce the response synchronously and shouldn't block!

    Due to the inherent raciness it is not guaranteed that the update will be applied before the previously set timeout has expired!

    Definition Classes
  332. def withSettings(settings: RoutingSettings): Directive0

    Runs its inner route with the given alternative RoutingSettings.

    Runs its inner route with the given alternative RoutingSettings.

    Definition Classes
  333. def withSizeLimit(maxBytes: Long): Directive0

    Fails the stream with pekko.http.scaladsl.model.EntityStreamSizeException if its request entity size exceeds given limit.

    Fails the stream with pekko.http.scaladsl.model.EntityStreamSizeException if its request entity size exceeds given limit. Limit given as parameter overrides limit configured with pekko.http.parsing.max-content-length.

    Beware that request entity size check is executed when entity is consumed.

    Definition Classes
  334. def withoutRequestTimeout: Directive0

    Definition Classes
  335. def withoutSizeLimit: Directive0

    Disables the size limit (configured by pekko.http.parsing.max-content-length by default) checking on the incoming HttpRequest entity.

    Disables the size limit (configured by pekko.http.parsing.max-content-length by default) checking on the incoming HttpRequest entity. Can be useful when handling arbitrarily large data uploads in specific parts of your routes.

    Definition Classes

    Usage of withoutSizeLimit is not recommended as it turns off the too large payload protection. Therefore, we highly encourage using withSizeLimit instead, providing it with a value high enough to successfully handle the route in need of big entities.

  336. object HexIntNumber extends NumberMatcher[Int]

    A PathMatcher that efficiently matches a number of hex-digits and extracts their (non-negative) Int value.

    A PathMatcher that efficiently matches a number of hex-digits and extracts their (non-negative) Int value. The matcher will not match 0 digits or a sequence of digits that would represent an Int value larger than Int.MaxValue.

    Definition Classes
  337. object HexLongNumber extends NumberMatcher[Long]

    A PathMatcher that efficiently matches a number of hex-digits and extracts their (non-negative) Long value.

    A PathMatcher that efficiently matches a number of hex-digits and extracts their (non-negative) Long value. The matcher will not match 0 digits or a sequence of digits that would represent an Long value larger than Long.MaxValue.

    Definition Classes
  338. object IntNumber extends NumberMatcher[Int]

    A PathMatcher that efficiently matches a number of digits and extracts their (non-negative) Int value.

    A PathMatcher that efficiently matches a number of digits and extracts their (non-negative) Int value. The matcher will not match 0 digits or a sequence of digits that would represent an Int value larger than Int.MaxValue.

    Definition Classes
  339. object LongNumber extends NumberMatcher[Long]

    A PathMatcher that efficiently matches a number of digits and extracts their (non-negative) Long value.

    A PathMatcher that efficiently matches a number of digits and extracts their (non-negative) Long value. The matcher will not match 0 digits or a sequence of digits that would represent an Long value larger than Long.MaxValue.

    Definition Classes
  340. object PathEnd extends PathMatcher0

    A PathMatcher that matches the very end of the requests URI path.

    A PathMatcher that matches the very end of the requests URI path.

    Definition Classes
  341. object Remaining extends PathMatcher1[String]

    A PathMatcher that matches and extracts the complete remaining, unmatched part of the request's URI path as an (encoded!) String.

    A PathMatcher that matches and extracts the complete remaining, unmatched part of the request's URI path as an (encoded!) String. If you need access to the remaining unencoded elements of the path use the RemainingPath matcher!

    Definition Classes
  342. object RemainingPath extends PathMatcher1[Path]

    A PathMatcher that matches and extracts the complete remaining, unmatched part of the request's URI path.

    A PathMatcher that matches and extracts the complete remaining, unmatched part of the request's URI path.

    Definition Classes
  343. object Segment extends PathMatcher1[String]

    A PathMatcher that matches if the unmatched path starts with a path segment.

    A PathMatcher that matches if the unmatched path starts with a path segment. If so the path segment is extracted as a String.

    Definition Classes
  344. object Slash extends PathMatcher0

    A PathMatcher that matches a single slash character ('/').

    A PathMatcher that matches a single slash character ('/').

    Definition Classes

Deprecated Value Members

  1. def extractUpgradeToWebSocket: Directive1[UpgradeToWebSocket]

    Extract the UpgradeToWebSocket header if existent.

    Extract the UpgradeToWebSocket header if existent. Rejects with an ExpectedWebSocketRequestRejection, otherwise.

    Definition Classes

    (Since version Akka HTTP 10.2.0) use extractWebSocketUpgrade instead

  2. def formatted(fmtstr: String): String
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from HttpApp toStringFormat[HttpApp] performed by method StringFormat in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
    @deprecated @inline()

    (Since version 2.12.16) Use formatString.format(value) instead of value.formatted(formatString), or use the f"" string interpolator. In Java 15 and later, formatted resolves to the new method in String which has reversed parameters.

  3. def headerValueByName(headerName: Symbol): Directive1[String]

    Extracts the value of the first HTTP request header with the given name.

    Extracts the value of the first HTTP request header with the given name. If no header with a matching name is found the request is rejected with a pekko.http.scaladsl.server.MissingHeaderRejection.

    Definition Classes

    (Since version Akka HTTP 10.2.0) Use string argument version or headerValueByType, e.g. instead of headerValueByName('Referer) use headerValueByType(Referer)

  4. def optionalHeaderValueByName(headerName: Symbol): Directive1[Option[String]]

    Extracts the value of the optional HTTP request header with the given name.

    Extracts the value of the optional HTTP request header with the given name.

    Definition Classes

    (Since version Akka HTTP 10.2.0) Use string argument version or headerValueByType, e.g. instead of optionalHeaderValueByName('Referer) use optionalHeaderValueByType(Referer)

  5. def [B](y: B): (HttpApp, B)
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from HttpApp toArrowAssoc[HttpApp] performed by method ArrowAssoc in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use -> instead. If you still wish to display it as one character, consider using a font with programming ligatures such as Fira Code.

Inherited from Directives

Inherited from AttributeDirectives

Inherited from WebSocketDirectives

Inherited from SecurityDirectives

Inherited from SchemeDirectives

Inherited from RouteDirectives

Inherited from RespondWithDirectives

Inherited from RangeDirectives

Inherited from PathDirectives

Inherited from PathMatchers

Inherited from TimeoutDirectives

Inherited from ParameterDirectives

Inherited from MiscDirectives

Inherited from MethodDirectives

Inherited from MarshallingDirectives

Inherited from HostDirectives

Inherited from HeaderDirectives

Inherited from FutureDirectives

Inherited from FormFieldDirectives

Inherited from ToNameReceptacleEnhancements

Inherited from FileUploadDirectives

Inherited from ExecutionDirectives

Inherited from CodingDirectives

Inherited from DebuggingDirectives

Inherited from CookieDirectives

Inherited from BasicDirectives

Inherited from RouteConcatenation

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any

Inherited by implicit conversion any2stringadd fromHttpApp to any2stringadd[HttpApp]

Inherited by implicit conversion StringFormat fromHttpApp to StringFormat[HttpApp]

Inherited by implicit conversion Ensuring fromHttpApp to Ensuring[HttpApp]

Inherited by implicit conversion ArrowAssoc fromHttpApp to ArrowAssoc[HttpApp]

Basic directives

Cache condition directives

Cookie directives

Debugging directives

Coding directives

Execution directives

File and resource directives

File upload directives

Form field directives

Future directives

Header directives

Host directives

Attribute directives

Marshalling directives

Method directives

Miscellaneous directives

Parameter directives

Timeout directives

Path directives

Path matchers

Path matcher implicits

Range directives

Response directives

Route directives

Scheme directives

Security directives

WebSocket directives

Route concatenation
