


class NameUnmarshallerReceptacle[T] extends AnyRef

Linear Supertypes
Type Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. NameUnmarshallerReceptacle
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. by any2stringadd
  2. by StringFormat
  3. by Ensuring
  4. by ArrowAssoc
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Instance Constructors

  1. new NameUnmarshallerReceptacle(name: String, um: FromStringUnmarshaller[T])

Value Members

  1. def !(requiredValue: T): RequiredValueUnmarshallerReceptacle[T]

    Require the given value and extract nothing.

    Require the given value and extract nothing. Reject if it is missing or has a different value. Symbolic alias for requiredValue.

  2. def *: RepeatedValueUnmarshallerReceptacle[T]

    Extract multiple occurrences as Iterable[String].

    Extract multiple occurrences as Iterable[String]. Symbolic alias for repeated.

  3. def ?(default: T): NameDefaultUnmarshallerReceptacle[T]

    Extract the optional value as T, if it is missing use the given default value.

    Extract the optional value as T, if it is missing use the given default value. Symbolic alias for withDefault.

  4. def ?: NameOptionUnmarshallerReceptacle[T]

    Extract the optional value as Option[T].

    Extract the optional value as Option[T]. Symbolic alias for optional.

  5. def as[B](implicit unmarshaller: Unmarshaller[T, B]): NameUnmarshallerReceptacle[B]

    Extract the value as the specified type.

    Extract the value as the specified type. You need a matching pekko.http.scaladsl.unmarshalling.Unmarshaller in scope for that to work.

  6. val name: String
  7. def optional: NameOptionUnmarshallerReceptacle[T]

    Extract the optional value as Option[T].

    Extract the optional value as Option[T]. Symbolic alias for optional.

  8. def repeated: RepeatedValueUnmarshallerReceptacle[T]

    Extract multiple occurrences as Iterable[String].

  9. def requiredValue(requiredValue: T): RequiredValueUnmarshallerReceptacle[T]

    Require the given value and extract nothing.

    Require the given value and extract nothing. Reject if it is missing or has a different value.

  10. val um: FromStringUnmarshaller[T]
  11. def withDefault(default: T): NameDefaultUnmarshallerReceptacle[T]

    Extract the optional value as T, if it is missing use the given default value.