Google Cloud Storage
Google Cloud Storage allows world-wide storage and retrieval of any amount of data at any time.
Further information at the official Google Cloud Storage documentation website. This connector communicates to Cloud Storage via HTTP requests.
Project Info: Apache Pekko Connectors Google Cloud Storage | |
Artifact | org.apache.pekko
JDK versions | OpenJDK 8 OpenJDK 11 OpenJDK 17 OpenJDK 21 |
Scala versions | 2.13.16, 2.12.20, 3.3.5 |
JPMS module name | |
License | |
API documentation | |
Forums | |
Release notes | GitHub releases |
Issues | Github issues |
Sources | |
- sbt
val PekkoVersion = "1.1.3" val PekkoHttpVersion = "1.1.0" libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "org.apache.pekko" %% "pekko-connectors-google-cloud-storage" % "1.1.0+58-401cb12e-SNAPSHOT", "org.apache.pekko" %% "pekko-stream" % PekkoVersion, "org.apache.pekko" %% "pekko-http" % PekkoHttpVersion, "org.apache.pekko" %% "pekko-http-spray-json" % PekkoHttpVersion )
- Maven
<properties> <pekko.version>1.1.3</pekko.version> <pekko.http.version>1.1.0</pekko.http.version> <scala.binary.version>2.13</scala.binary.version> </properties> <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.pekko</groupId> <artifactId>pekko-connectors-google-cloud-storage_${scala.binary.version}</artifactId> <version>1.1.0+58-401cb12e-SNAPSHOT</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.pekko</groupId> <artifactId>pekko-stream_${scala.binary.version}</artifactId> <version>${pekko.version}</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.pekko</groupId> <artifactId>pekko-http_${scala.binary.version}</artifactId> <version>${pekko.http.version}</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.pekko</groupId> <artifactId>pekko-http-spray-json_${scala.binary.version}</artifactId> <version>${pekko.http.version}</version> </dependency> </dependencies>
- Gradle
def versions = [ PekkoVersion: "1.1.3", PekkoHttpVersion: "1.1.0", ScalaBinary: "2.13" ] dependencies { implementation "org.apache.pekko:pekko-connectors-google-cloud-storage_${versions.ScalaBinary}:1.1.0+58-401cb12e-SNAPSHOT" implementation "org.apache.pekko:pekko-stream_${versions.ScalaBinary}:${versions.PekkoVersion}" implementation "org.apache.pekko:pekko-http_${versions.ScalaBinary}:${versions.PekkoHttpVersion}" implementation "org.apache.pekko:pekko-http-spray-json_${versions.ScalaBinary}:${versions.PekkoHttpVersion}" }
The table below shows direct dependencies of this module and the second tab shows all libraries it depends on transitively.
The Storage connector shares its basic configuration with all the Google connectors in Apache Pekko Connectors. Additional Storage-specific configuration settings can be found in its own reference.conf.
Store a file in Google Cloud Storage
A file can be uploaded to Google Cloud Storage by creating a source of ByteString
and running that with a sink created from GCStorage.resumableUpload
- Scala
val sink = GCStorage.resumableUpload(bucketName, fileName, ContentTypes.`text/plain(UTF-8)`, chunkSize, metadata) val source = Source( List(ByteString(firstChunkContent), ByteString(secondChunkContent))) val result: Future[StorageObject] = source.runWith(sink)
- Java
final Sink<ByteString, CompletionStage<StorageObject>> sink = GCStorage.resumableUpload( bucketName(), fileName(), ContentTypes.TEXT_PLAIN_UTF8, chunkSize); final Source<ByteString, NotUsed> source = Source.from( Arrays.asList( ByteString.fromString(firstChunkContent), ByteString.fromString(secondChunkContent))); final CompletionStage<StorageObject> result = source.runWith(sink, system());
Download a file from Google Cloud Storage
A source for downloading a file can be created by calling
. It will emit an Option
that will hold file’s data or will be empty if no such file can be found.
If you need to download the specific version of the object in a bucket where object versioning is enabled, you can specify the generation
- Scala
val downloadSource: Source[Option[Source[ByteString, NotUsed]], NotUsed] =, fileName) val downloadGenerationSource: Source[Option[Source[ByteString, NotUsed]], NotUsed] =, fileName, Some(generation)) - Java
final Source<Optional<Source<ByteString, NotUsed>>, NotUsed> downloadSource =, fileName()); final Source<Optional<Source<ByteString, NotUsed>>, NotUsed> downloadGenerationSource =, fileName(), generation());
Access object metadata without downloading object from Google Cloud Storage
If you do not need object itself, you can query for only object metadata using a source from GCStorage.getObject
If you need the specific version of the object metadata in a bucket where object versioning is enabled, you can specify the generation
- Scala
val getObjectSource: Source[Option[StorageObject], NotUsed] = GCStorage.getObject(bucketName, fileName) val getObjectGenerationSource: Source[Option[StorageObject], NotUsed] = GCStorage.getObject(bucketName, fileName, Some(generation)) - Java
final Source<Optional<StorageObject>, NotUsed> getObjectSource = GCStorage.getObject(bucketName(), fileName()); final Source<Optional<StorageObject>, NotUsed> getObjectGenerationSource = GCStorage.getObject(bucketName(), fileName(), generation());
List bucket contents
To get a list of all objects in a bucket, use GCStorage.listBucket
. When run, this will give a stream of StorageObject
To get a list of both live and archived versions of all objects in a bucket where object versioning is enabled, the versions
has to be set to true
- Scala
val listSource: Source[StorageObject, NotUsed] = GCStorage.listBucket(bucketName, Some(folder)) val listVersionsSource: Source[StorageObject, NotUsed] = GCStorage.listBucket(bucketName, Some(folder), versions) - Java
final Source<StorageObject, NotUsed> listSource = GCStorage.listBucket(bucketName(), folder); final Source<StorageObject, NotUsed> listVersionsSource = GCStorage.listBucket(bucketName(), folder, versions);
Rewrite (multi part)
Copy an Google Clouds Storage object from source bucket to target bucket using GCStorage.rewrite
. When run, this will emit a single StorageObject
with the information about the copied object.
- Scala
val result: Future[StorageObject] = GCStorage.rewrite(bucketName, fileName, rewriteBucketName, fileName).run() - Java
final CompletionStage<StorageObject> result = GCStorage.rewrite(bucketName(), fileName(), rewriteBucketName, fileName()).run(system());
Apply Google Cloud Storage settings to a part of the stream
It is possible to make one part of the stream use different GoogleSettings
from the rest of the graph. This can be useful, when one stream is used to copy files across regions with different service accounts. You can attach a custom GoogleSettings
instance or a custom config path to a graph using attributes from GoogleAttributes
- Scala
val newSettings = GoogleSettings(system).withProjectId("projectId") val listSource: Source[StorageObject, NotUsed] = GCStorage.listBucket(bucketName, None).withAttributes(GoogleAttributes.settings(newSettings)) - Java
final GoogleSettings newSettings = GoogleSettings.create(system()).withProjectId("projectId"); final Source<StorageObject, NotUsed> listSource = GCStorage.listBucket(bucketName()).withAttributes(GoogleAttributes.settings(newSettings));
Bucket management
Bucket management API provides functionality for both Sources and Futures / CompletionStages. In case of the Future API user can specify attributes to the request in the method itself and as for Sources it can be done via method .withAttributes
. For more information about attributes see: GCStorageAttributes
and Attributes
Make bucket
In order to create a bucket in Google Cloud Storage you need to specify it’s unique name. This value has to be set accordingly to the requirements. The bucket will be created in the given location.
- Scala
implicit val sampleAttributes: Attributes = GoogleAttributes.settings(sampleSettings) val createBucketResponse: Future[Bucket] = GCStorage.createBucket(bucketName, location) val createBucketSourceResponse: Source[Bucket, NotUsed] = GCStorage.createBucketSource(bucketName, location) - Java
final Attributes sampleAttributes = GoogleAttributes.settings(sampleSettings); final CompletionStage<Bucket> createBucketResponse = GCStorage.createBucket(bucketName(), location, actorSystem, sampleAttributes); final Source<Bucket, NotUsed> createBucketSourceResponse = GCStorage.createBucketSource(bucketName(), location);
Delete bucket
To delete a bucket you need to specify its name and the bucket needs to be empty.
- Scala
implicit val sampleAttributes: Attributes = GoogleAttributes.settings(sampleSettings) val deleteBucketResponse: Future[Done] = GCStorage.deleteBucket(bucketName) val deleteBucketSourceResponse: Source[Done, NotUsed] = GCStorage.deleteBucketSource(bucketName) - Java
final Attributes sampleAttributes = GoogleAttributes.settings(sampleSettings); final CompletionStage<Done> deleteBucketResponse = GCStorage.deleteBucket(this.bucketName(), actorSystem, sampleAttributes); final Source<Done, NotUsed> deleteBucketSourceResponse = GCStorage.deleteBucketSource(this.bucketName());
Get bucket
To get a bucket you need to specify its name.
- Scala
implicit val sampleAttributes: Attributes = GoogleAttributes.settings(sampleSettings) val getBucketResponse: Future[Option[Bucket]] = GCStorage.getBucket(bucketName) val getBucketSourceResponse: Source[Option[Bucket], NotUsed] = GCStorage.getBucketSource(bucketName) - Java
final Attributes sampleAttributes = GoogleAttributes.settings(sampleSettings); final CompletionStage<Optional<Bucket>> getBucketResponse = GCStorage.getBucket(this.bucketName(), actorSystem, sampleAttributes); final Source<Optional<Bucket>, NotUsed> getBucketSourceResponse = GCStorage.getBucketSource(this.bucketName());
Running the example code
The code in this guide is part of runnable tests of this project. You are welcome to edit the code and run it in sbt.
- Scala
sbt > google-cloud-storage/test
- Java
sbt > google-cloud-storage/test
Some test code requires access to Google cloud storage, to run them you will need to configure a project and pub/sub in google cloud and provide your own credentials.