AWS Kinesis and Firehose
The AWS Kinesis connector provides flows for streaming data to and from Kinesis Data streams and to Kinesis Firehose streams.
For more information about Kinesis please visit the Kinesis documentation.
Project Info: Apache Pekko Connectors Kinesis | |
Artifact | org.apache.pekko
JDK versions | OpenJDK 8 OpenJDK 11 OpenJDK 17 OpenJDK 21 |
Scala versions | 2.13.16, 2.12.20, 3.3.5 |
JPMS module name | |
License | |
API documentation | |
Forums | |
Release notes | GitHub releases |
Issues | Github issues |
Sources | |
- sbt
val PekkoVersion = "1.1.3" val PekkoHttpVersion = "1.1.0" libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "org.apache.pekko" %% "pekko-connectors-kinesis" % "1.1.0+58-401cb12e-SNAPSHOT", "org.apache.pekko" %% "pekko-stream" % PekkoVersion, "org.apache.pekko" %% "pekko-http" % PekkoHttpVersion )
- Maven
<properties> <pekko.version>1.1.3</pekko.version> <pekko.http.version>1.1.0</pekko.http.version> <scala.binary.version>2.13</scala.binary.version> </properties> <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.pekko</groupId> <artifactId>pekko-connectors-kinesis_${scala.binary.version}</artifactId> <version>1.1.0+58-401cb12e-SNAPSHOT</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.pekko</groupId> <artifactId>pekko-stream_${scala.binary.version}</artifactId> <version>${pekko.version}</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.pekko</groupId> <artifactId>pekko-http_${scala.binary.version}</artifactId> <version>${pekko.http.version}</version> </dependency> </dependencies>
- Gradle
def versions = [ PekkoVersion: "1.1.3", PekkoHttpVersion: "1.1.0", ScalaBinary: "2.13" ] dependencies { implementation "org.apache.pekko:pekko-connectors-kinesis_${versions.ScalaBinary}:1.1.0+58-401cb12e-SNAPSHOT" implementation "org.apache.pekko:pekko-stream_${versions.ScalaBinary}:${versions.PekkoVersion}" implementation "org.apache.pekko:pekko-http_${versions.ScalaBinary}:${versions.PekkoHttpVersion}" }
The table below shows direct dependencies of this module and the second tab shows all libraries it depends on transitively.
Kinesis Data Streams
Create the Kinesis client
Sources and Flows provided by this connector need a KinesisAsyncClient
instance to consume messages from a shard.
The KinesisAsyncClient
instance you supply is thread-safe and can be shared amongst multiple GraphStages
. As a result, individual GraphStages
will not automatically shutdown the supplied client when they complete. It is recommended to shut the client instance down on Actor system termination.
- Scala
import import implicit val system: ActorSystem = ActorSystem() implicit val amazonKinesisAsync: = KinesisAsyncClient .builder() .httpClient(PekkoHttpClient.builder().withActorSystem(system).build()) // Possibility to configure the retry policy // see // .overrideConfiguration(...) .build() system.registerOnTermination(amazonKinesisAsync.close())
- Java
import; final ActorSystem system = ActorSystem.create(); final amazonKinesisAsync = KinesisAsyncClient.builder() .httpClient(PekkoHttpClient.builder().withActorSystem(system).build()) // Possibility to configure the retry policy // see // .overrideConfiguration(...) .build(); system.registerOnTermination(amazonKinesisAsync::close);
The example above uses Apache Pekko HTTP as the default HTTP client implementation. For more details about the HTTP client, configuring request retrying and best practices for credentials, see AWS client configuration for more details.
Kinesis as Source
The KinesisSource
creates one GraphStage
per shard. Reading from a shard requires an instance of ShardSettings
- Scala
val settings = ShardSettings(streamName = "myStreamName", shardId = "shard-id") .withRefreshInterval(1.second) .withLimit(500) .withShardIterator(ShardIterator.TrimHorizon) - Java
final ShardSettings settings = ShardSettings.create("streamName", "shard-id") .withRefreshInterval(Duration.ofSeconds(1)) .withLimit(500) .withShardIterator(ShardIterators.trimHorizon());
You have the choice of reading from a single shard, or reading from multiple shards. In the case of multiple shards the results of running a separate GraphStage
for each shard will be merged together.
The GraphStage
associated with a shard will remain open until the graph is stopped, or a GetRecords result returns an empty shard iterator indicating that the shard has been closed. This means that if you wish to continue processing records after a merge or reshard, you will need to recreate the source with the results of a new DescribeStream request, which can be done by simply creating a new KinesisSource
. You can read more about adapting to a reshard in the AWS documentation.
For a single shard you simply provide the settings for a single shard.
- Scala
val source: Source[, NotUsed] = KinesisSource.basic(settings, amazonKinesisAsync)
- Java
final Source<, NotUsed> source = KinesisSource.basic(settings, amazonKinesisAsync);
You can merge multiple shards by providing a list settings.
- Scala
val mergeSettings = List( ShardSettings("myStreamName", "shard-id-1"), ShardSettings("myStreamName", "shard-id-2")) val mergedSource: Source[Record, NotUsed] = KinesisSource.basicMerge(mergeSettings, amazonKinesisAsync)
- Java
final List<ShardSettings> mergeSettings = Arrays.asList( ShardSettings.create("streamName", "shard-id-1"), ShardSettings.create("streamName", "shard-id-2")); final Source<Record, NotUsed> two = KinesisSource.basicMerge(mergeSettings, amazonKinesisAsync);
The constructed Source
will return Record objects by calling GetRecords at the specified interval and according to the downstream demand.
Kinesis Put via Flow or as Sink
The KinesisFlow
(or KinesisSink
) KinesisFlow
(or KinesisSink
) publishes messages into a Kinesis stream using its partition key and message body. It uses dynamic size batches, can perform several requests in parallel and retries failed records. These features are necessary to achieve the best possible write throughput to the stream. The Flow outputs the result of publishing each record.
Batching has a drawback: message order cannot be guaranteed, as some records within a single batch may fail to be published. That also means that the Flow output may not match the same input order.
More information can be found in the AWS documentation and the AWS API reference.
In order to correlate the results with the original message, an optional user context object of arbitrary type can be associated with every message and will be returned with the corresponding result. This allows keeping track of which messages have been successfully sent to Kinesis even if the message order gets mixed up.
Publishing to a Kinesis stream requires an instance of KinesisFlowSettings
, although a default instance with sane values and a method that returns settings based on the stream shard number are also available:
- Scala
val flowSettings = KinesisFlowSettings .create() .withParallelism(1) .withMaxBatchSize(500) .withMaxRecordsPerSecond(1000) .withMaxBytesPerSecond(1000000) val defaultFlowSettings = KinesisFlowSettings.Defaults val fourShardFlowSettings = KinesisFlowSettings.byNumberOfShards(4)
- Java
final KinesisFlowSettings flowSettings = KinesisFlowSettings.create() .withParallelism(1) .withMaxBatchSize(500) .withMaxRecordsPerSecond(1_000) .withMaxBytesPerSecond(1_000_000) .withMaxRecordsPerSecond(5); final KinesisFlowSettings defaultFlowSettings = KinesisFlowSettings.create(); final KinesisFlowSettings fourShardFlowSettings = KinesisFlowSettings.byNumberOfShards(4);
Note that throughput settings maxRecordsPerSecond
and maxBytesPerSecond
are vital to minimize server errors (like ProvisionedThroughputExceededException
) and retries, and thus achieve a higher publication rate.
The Flow/Sink can now be created.
- Scala
val flow1: Flow[PutRecordsRequestEntry, PutRecordsResultEntry, NotUsed] = KinesisFlow("myStreamName") val flow2: Flow[PutRecordsRequestEntry, PutRecordsResultEntry, NotUsed] = KinesisFlow("myStreamName", flowSettings) val flow3: FlowWithContext[PutRecordsRequestEntry, String, PutRecordsResultEntry, String, NotUsed] = KinesisFlow.withContext("myStreamName") val flow4: FlowWithContext[PutRecordsRequestEntry, String, PutRecordsResultEntry, String, NotUsed] = KinesisFlow.withContext("myStreamName", flowSettings) val flow5: Flow[(String, ByteString), PutRecordsResultEntry, NotUsed] = KinesisFlow.byPartitionAndBytes("myStreamName") val flow6: Flow[(String, ByteBuffer), PutRecordsResultEntry, NotUsed] = KinesisFlow.byPartitionAndData("myStreamName") val sink1: Sink[PutRecordsRequestEntry, NotUsed] = KinesisSink("myStreamName") val sink2: Sink[PutRecordsRequestEntry, NotUsed] = KinesisSink("myStreamName", flowSettings) val sink3: Sink[(String, ByteString), NotUsed] = KinesisSink.byPartitionAndBytes("myStreamName") val sink4: Sink[(String, ByteBuffer), NotUsed] = KinesisSink.byPartitionAndData("myStreamName")
- Java
final Flow<PutRecordsRequestEntry, PutRecordsResultEntry, NotUsed> flow = KinesisFlow.create("streamName", flowSettings, amazonKinesisAsync); final Flow<PutRecordsRequestEntry, PutRecordsResultEntry, NotUsed> defaultSettingsFlow = KinesisFlow.create("streamName", amazonKinesisAsync); final FlowWithContext<PutRecordsRequestEntry, String, PutRecordsResultEntry, String, NotUsed> flowWithStringContext = KinesisFlow.createWithContext("streamName", flowSettings, amazonKinesisAsync); final FlowWithContext<PutRecordsRequestEntry, String, PutRecordsResultEntry, String, NotUsed> defaultSettingsFlowWithStringContext = KinesisFlow.createWithContext("streamName", flowSettings, amazonKinesisAsync); final Sink<PutRecordsRequestEntry, NotUsed> sink = KinesisSink.create("streamName", flowSettings, amazonKinesisAsync); final Sink<PutRecordsRequestEntry, NotUsed> defaultSettingsSink = KinesisSink.create("streamName", amazonKinesisAsync);
As of version 2, the library will not retry failed requests: this is handled by the underlying KinesisAsyncClient
(see client configuration). This means that you may have to inspect individual responses to make sure they have been successful:
- Scala
val flowWithErrors: Flow[PutRecordsRequestEntry, PutRecordsResultEntry, NotUsed] = KinesisFlow("myStreamName") .map { response => if (response.errorCode() ne null) { throw new RuntimeException(response.errorCode()) } response }
- Java
final Flow<PutRecordsRequestEntry, PutRecordsResultEntry, NotUsed> flowWithErrors = KinesisFlow.create("streamName", flowSettings, amazonKinesisAsync) .map( response -> { if (response.errorCode() != null) { throw new RuntimeException(response.errorCode()); } return response; });
The default behavior of the KinesisFlow
and KinesisSink
is to batch according to the KinesisFlowSettings
provided and to throw any error the Kinesis client throws. If it is necessary to have special handling for batching or of errors and successful results the methods KinesisFlow.batchingFlow
& KinesisFlow.batchWritingFlow
can be used and combined in other ways than the default.
AWS KCL Scheduler Source & checkpointer
The KCL Source can read from several shards and rebalance automatically when other Schedulers are started or stopped. It also handles record sequence checkpoints.
For more information about KCL please visit the official documentation.
The KCL Scheduler Source needs to create and manage Scheduler instances in order to consume records from Kinesis Streams.
In order to use it, you need to provide a Scheduler builder and the Source settings:
- Scala
val schedulerSourceSettings = KinesisSchedulerSourceSettings(bufferSize = 1000, backpressureTimeout = 1.minute) val builder: ShardRecordProcessorFactory => Scheduler = recordProcessorFactory => { val streamName = "myStreamName" val configsBuilder = new ConfigsBuilder( streamName, "myApp", kinesisClient, dynamoClient, cloudWatchClient, s"${ import scala.sys.process._ "hostname".!!.trim() }:${UUID.randomUUID()}", recordProcessorFactory) new Scheduler( configsBuilder.checkpointConfig, configsBuilder.coordinatorConfig, configsBuilder.leaseManagementConfig, configsBuilder.lifecycleConfig, configsBuilder.metricsConfig, configsBuilder.processorConfig, configsBuilder.retrievalConfig) }
- Java
final KinesisSchedulerSource.SchedulerBuilder schedulerBuilder = new KinesisSchedulerSource.SchedulerBuilder() { @Override public Scheduler build(ShardRecordProcessorFactory r) { return null; // build your own Scheduler here } }; final KinesisSchedulerSourceSettings schedulerSettings = KinesisSchedulerSourceSettings.create(1000, Duration.of(1L, ChronoUnit.SECONDS));
Then the Source can be created as usual:
- Scala
val source = KinesisSchedulerSource(builder, schedulerSourceSettings) .log("kinesis-records", "Consumed record " + _.sequenceNumber)
- Java
final Source<CommittableRecord, CompletionStage<Scheduler>> schedulerSource = KinesisSchedulerSource.create(schedulerBuilder, schedulerSettings);
Committing records
The KCL Scheduler Source publishes messages downstream that can be committed in order to mark progression of consumers by shard. This process can be done manually or using the provided checkpointer Flow/Sink.
In order to use the Flow/Sink you must provide additional checkpoint settings:
- Scala
val checkpointSettings = KinesisSchedulerCheckpointSettings(100, 30.seconds) source .via(KinesisSchedulerSource.checkpointRecordsFlow(checkpointSettings)) .to(Sink.ignore) source .to(KinesisSchedulerSource.checkpointRecordsSink(checkpointSettings))
- Java
final KinesisSchedulerCheckpointSettings checkpointSettings = KinesisSchedulerCheckpointSettings.create(1000, Duration.of(30L, ChronoUnit.SECONDS)); final Flow<CommittableRecord, KinesisClientRecord, NotUsed> checkpointFlow = KinesisSchedulerSource.checkpointRecordsFlow(checkpointSettings);
Note that checkpointer Flow may not maintain the input order of records of different shards.
Kinesis Firehose Streams
Create the Kinesis Firehose client
Flows provided by this connector need a FirehoseAsyncClient
instance to publish messages.
The FirehoseAsyncClient
instance you supply is thread-safe and can be shared amongst multiple GraphStages
. As a result, individual GraphStages
will not automatically shutdown the supplied client when they complete. It is recommended to shut the client instance down on Actor system termination.
- Scala
import import implicit val system: ActorSystem = ActorSystem() implicit val amazonKinesisFirehoseAsync: = FirehoseAsyncClient .builder() .httpClient(PekkoHttpClient.builder().withActorSystem(system).build()) // Possibility to configure the retry policy // see // .overrideConfiguration(...) .build() system.registerOnTermination(amazonKinesisFirehoseAsync.close())
- Java
import; import; final ActorSystem system = ActorSystem.create(); final amazonFirehoseAsync = FirehoseAsyncClient.builder() .httpClient(PekkoHttpClient.builder().withActorSystem(system).build()) // Possibility to configure the retry policy // see // .overrideConfiguration(...) .build(); system.registerOnTermination(amazonFirehoseAsync::close);
The example above uses Apache Pekko HTTP as the default HTTP client implementation. For more details about the HTTP client, configuring request retrying and best practices for credentials, see AWS client configuration for more details.
Kinesis Firehose Put via Flow or as Sink
The KinesisFirehoseFlow
(or KinesisFirehoseSink
) KinesisFirehoseFlow
(or KinesisFirehoseSink
) publishes messages into a Kinesis Firehose stream using its message body. It uses dynamic size batches and can perform several requests in parallel. These features are necessary to achieve the best possible write throughput to the stream. The Flow outputs the result of publishing each record.
Batching has a drawback: message order cannot be guaranteed, as some records within a single batch may fail to be published. That also means that the Flow output may not match the same input order.
More information can be found in the AWS API reference.
Publishing to a Kinesis Firehose stream requires an instance of KinesisFirehoseFlowSettings
, although a default instance with sane values is available:
- Scala
val flowSettings = KinesisFirehoseFlowSettings .create() .withParallelism(1) .withMaxBatchSize(500) .withMaxRecordsPerSecond(5000) .withMaxBytesPerSecond(4000000) val defaultFlowSettings = KinesisFirehoseFlowSettings.Defaults
- Java
final KinesisFirehoseFlowSettings flowSettings = KinesisFirehoseFlowSettings.create() .withParallelism(1) .withMaxBatchSize(500) .withMaxRecordsPerSecond(1_000) .withMaxBytesPerSecond(1_000_000) .withMaxRecordsPerSecond(5); final KinesisFirehoseFlowSettings defaultFlowSettings = KinesisFirehoseFlowSettings.create();
Note that throughput settings maxRecordsPerSecond
and maxBytesPerSecond
are vital to minimize server errors (like ProvisionedThroughputExceededException
) and retries, and thus achieve a higher publication rate.
The Flow/Sink can now be created.
- Scala
val flow1: Flow[Record, PutRecordBatchResponseEntry, NotUsed] = KinesisFirehoseFlow("myStreamName") val flow2: Flow[Record, PutRecordBatchResponseEntry, NotUsed] = KinesisFirehoseFlow("myStreamName", flowSettings) val sink1: Sink[Record, NotUsed] = KinesisFirehoseSink("myStreamName") val sink2: Sink[Record, NotUsed] = KinesisFirehoseSink("myStreamName", flowSettings)
- Java
final Flow<Record, PutRecordBatchResponseEntry, NotUsed> flow = KinesisFirehoseFlow.apply("streamName", flowSettings, amazonFirehoseAsync); final Flow<Record, PutRecordBatchResponseEntry, NotUsed> defaultSettingsFlow = KinesisFirehoseFlow.apply("streamName", amazonFirehoseAsync); final Sink<Record, NotUsed> sink = KinesisFirehoseSink.apply("streamName", flowSettings, amazonFirehoseAsync); final Sink<Record, NotUsed> defaultSettingsSink = KinesisFirehoseSink.apply("streamName", amazonFirehoseAsync);
As of version 2, the library will not retry failed requests. See AWS Retry Configuration how to configure it for the FirehoseAsyncClient
This means that you may have to inspect individual responses to make sure they have been successful:
- Scala
val flowWithErrors: Flow[Record, PutRecordBatchResponseEntry, NotUsed] = KinesisFirehoseFlow("streamName") .map { response => if (response.errorCode() != null) { throw new RuntimeException(response.errorCode()) } response }
- Java
final Flow<Record, PutRecordBatchResponseEntry, NotUsed> flowWithErrors = KinesisFirehoseFlow.apply("streamName", flowSettings, amazonFirehoseAsync) .map( response -> { if (response.errorCode() != null) { throw new RuntimeException(response.errorCode()); } return response; });