Style Guide
Event handlers in the state¶
The section about Changing Behavior described how commands and events can be handled differently depending on the state. One can take that one step further and define the event handler inside the state classes. In the next section the command handlers are also defined in the state.
The state can be seen as your domain object and it should contain the core business logic. Then it’s a matter of taste if event handlers and command handlers should be defined in the state or be kept outside of it.
Here we are using a bank account as the example domain. It has 3 state classes that are representing the lifecycle of the account; EmptyAccount
, OpenedAccount
, and ClosedAccount
sourceobject AccountEntity {
// Command
sealed trait Command extends CborSerializable
final case class CreateAccount(replyTo: ActorRef[StatusReply[Done]]) extends Command
final case class Deposit(amount: BigDecimal, replyTo: ActorRef[StatusReply[Done]]) extends Command
final case class Withdraw(amount: BigDecimal, replyTo: ActorRef[StatusReply[Done]]) extends Command
final case class GetBalance(replyTo: ActorRef[CurrentBalance]) extends Command
final case class CloseAccount(replyTo: ActorRef[StatusReply[Done]]) extends Command
// Reply
final case class CurrentBalance(balance: BigDecimal) extends CborSerializable
// Event
sealed trait Event extends CborSerializable
case object AccountCreated extends Event
case class Deposited(amount: BigDecimal) extends Event
case class Withdrawn(amount: BigDecimal) extends Event
case object AccountClosed extends Event
val Zero = BigDecimal(0)
// State
sealed trait Account extends CborSerializable {
def applyEvent(event: Event): Account
case object EmptyAccount extends Account {
override def applyEvent(event: Event): Account = event match {
case AccountCreated => OpenedAccount(Zero)
case _ => throw new IllegalStateException(s"unexpected event [$event] in state [EmptyAccount]")
case class OpenedAccount(balance: BigDecimal) extends Account {
require(balance >= Zero, "Account balance can't be negative")
override def applyEvent(event: Event): Account =
event match {
case Deposited(amount) => copy(balance = balance + amount)
case Withdrawn(amount) => copy(balance = balance - amount)
case AccountClosed => ClosedAccount
case AccountCreated => throw new IllegalStateException(s"unexpected event [$event] in state [OpenedAccount]")
def canWithdraw(amount: BigDecimal): Boolean = {
balance - amount >= Zero
case object ClosedAccount extends Account {
override def applyEvent(event: Event): Account =
throw new IllegalStateException(s"unexpected event [$event] in state [ClosedAccount]")
// when used with sharding, this TypeKey can be used in `sharding.init` and `sharding.entityRefFor`:
val TypeKey: EntityTypeKey[Command] =
// Note that after defining command, event and state classes you would probably start here when writing this.
// When filling in the parameters of EventSourcedBehavior.apply you can use IntelliJ alt+Enter > createValue
// to generate the stub with types for the command and event handlers.
def apply(accountNumber: String, persistenceId: PersistenceId): Behavior[Command] = {
EventSourcedBehavior.withEnforcedReplies(persistenceId, EmptyAccount, commandHandler(accountNumber), eventHandler)
private def commandHandler(accountNumber: String): (Account, Command) => ReplyEffect[Event, Account] = {
(state, cmd) =>
state match {
case EmptyAccount =>
cmd match {
case c: CreateAccount => createAccount(c)
case _ => Effect.unhandled.thenNoReply() // CreateAccount before handling any other commands
case acc @ OpenedAccount(_) =>
cmd match {
case c: Deposit => deposit(c)
case c: Withdraw => withdraw(acc, c)
case c: GetBalance => getBalance(acc, c)
case c: CloseAccount => closeAccount(acc, c)
case c: CreateAccount =>
Effect.reply(c.replyTo)(StatusReply.Error(s"Account $accountNumber is already created"))
case ClosedAccount =>
cmd match {
case c: Deposit =>
replyClosed(accountNumber, c.replyTo)
case c: Withdraw =>
replyClosed(accountNumber, c.replyTo)
case GetBalance(replyTo) =>
case CloseAccount(replyTo) =>
replyClosed(accountNumber, replyTo)
case CreateAccount(replyTo) =>
replyClosed(accountNumber, replyTo)
private def replyClosed(
accountNumber: String,
replyTo: ActorRef[StatusReply[Done]]): ReplyEffect[Event, Account] = {
Effect.reply(replyTo)(StatusReply.Error(s"Account $accountNumber is closed"))
private val eventHandler: (Account, Event) => Account = { (state, event) =>
private def createAccount(cmd: CreateAccount): ReplyEffect[Event, Account] = {
Effect.persist(AccountCreated).thenReply(cmd.replyTo)(_ => StatusReply.Ack)
private def deposit(cmd: Deposit): ReplyEffect[Event, Account] = {
Effect.persist(Deposited(cmd.amount)).thenReply(cmd.replyTo)(_ => StatusReply.Ack)
private def withdraw(acc: OpenedAccount, cmd: Withdraw): ReplyEffect[Event, Account] = {
if (acc.canWithdraw(cmd.amount))
Effect.persist(Withdrawn(cmd.amount)).thenReply(cmd.replyTo)(_ => StatusReply.Ack)
StatusReply.Error(s"Insufficient balance ${acc.balance} to be able to withdraw ${cmd.amount}"))
private def getBalance(acc: OpenedAccount, cmd: GetBalance): ReplyEffect[Event, Account] = {
private def closeAccount(acc: OpenedAccount, cmd: CloseAccount): ReplyEffect[Event, Account] = {
if (acc.balance == Zero)
Effect.persist(AccountClosed).thenReply(cmd.replyTo)(_ => StatusReply.Ack)
Effect.reply(cmd.replyTo)(StatusReply.Error("Can't close account with non-zero balance"))
sourcepublic class AccountEntity
extends EventSourcedBehaviorWithEnforcedReplies<
AccountEntity.Command, AccountEntity.Event, AccountEntity.Account> {
public static final EntityTypeKey<Command> ENTITY_TYPE_KEY =
EntityTypeKey.create(Command.class, "Account");
// Command
interface Command extends CborSerializable {}
public static class CreateAccount implements Command {
public final ActorRef<StatusReply<Done>> replyTo;
public CreateAccount(ActorRef<StatusReply<Done>> replyTo) {
this.replyTo = replyTo;
public static class Deposit implements Command {
public final BigDecimal amount;
public final ActorRef<StatusReply<Done>> replyTo;
public Deposit(BigDecimal amount, ActorRef<StatusReply<Done>> replyTo) {
this.replyTo = replyTo;
this.amount = amount;
public static class Withdraw implements Command {
public final BigDecimal amount;
public final ActorRef<StatusReply<Done>> replyTo;
public Withdraw(BigDecimal amount, ActorRef<StatusReply<Done>> replyTo) {
this.amount = amount;
this.replyTo = replyTo;
public static class GetBalance implements Command {
public final ActorRef<CurrentBalance> replyTo;
public GetBalance(ActorRef<CurrentBalance> replyTo) {
this.replyTo = replyTo;
public static class CloseAccount implements Command {
public final ActorRef<StatusReply<Done>> replyTo;
public CloseAccount(ActorRef<StatusReply<Done>> replyTo) {
this.replyTo = replyTo;
// Reply
public static class CurrentBalance implements CborSerializable {
public final BigDecimal balance;
public CurrentBalance(BigDecimal balance) {
this.balance = balance;
// Event
interface Event extends CborSerializable {}
public enum AccountCreated implements Event {
public static class Deposited implements Event {
public final BigDecimal amount;
Deposited(BigDecimal amount) {
this.amount = amount;
public static class Withdrawn implements Event {
public final BigDecimal amount;
Withdrawn(BigDecimal amount) {
this.amount = amount;
public static class AccountClosed implements Event {}
// State
interface Account extends CborSerializable {}
public static class EmptyAccount implements Account {
OpenedAccount openedAccount() {
return new OpenedAccount(BigDecimal.ZERO);
public static class OpenedAccount implements Account {
final BigDecimal balance;
public OpenedAccount(BigDecimal balance) {
this.balance = balance;
OpenedAccount makeDeposit(BigDecimal amount) {
return new OpenedAccount(balance.add(amount));
boolean canWithdraw(BigDecimal amount) {
return (balance.subtract(amount).compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) >= 0);
OpenedAccount makeWithdraw(BigDecimal amount) {
if (!canWithdraw(amount))
throw new IllegalStateException("Account balance can't be negative");
return new OpenedAccount(balance.subtract(amount));
ClosedAccount closedAccount() {
return new ClosedAccount();
public static class ClosedAccount implements Account {}
public static AccountEntity create(String accountNumber, PersistenceId persistenceId) {
return new AccountEntity(accountNumber, persistenceId);
private final String accountNumber;
private AccountEntity(String accountNumber, PersistenceId persistenceId) {
this.accountNumber = accountNumber;
public Account emptyState() {
return new EmptyAccount();
public CommandHandlerWithReply<Command, Event, Account> commandHandler() {
CommandHandlerWithReplyBuilder<Command, Event, Account> builder =
builder.forStateType(EmptyAccount.class).onCommand(CreateAccount.class, this::createAccount);
.onCommand(Deposit.class, this::deposit)
.onCommand(Withdraw.class, this::withdraw)
.onCommand(GetBalance.class, this::getBalance)
.onCommand(CloseAccount.class, this::closeAccount);
.onAnyCommand(() -> Effect().unhandled().thenNoReply());
private ReplyEffect<Event, Account> createAccount(EmptyAccount account, CreateAccount command) {
return Effect()
.thenReply(command.replyTo, account2 -> StatusReply.ack());
private ReplyEffect<Event, Account> deposit(OpenedAccount account, Deposit command) {
return Effect()
.persist(new Deposited(command.amount))
.thenReply(command.replyTo, account2 -> StatusReply.ack());
private ReplyEffect<Event, Account> withdraw(OpenedAccount account, Withdraw command) {
if (!account.canWithdraw(command.amount)) {
return Effect()
StatusReply.error("not enough funds to withdraw " + command.amount));
} else {
return Effect()
.persist(new Withdrawn(command.amount))
.thenReply(command.replyTo, account2 -> StatusReply.ack());
private ReplyEffect<Event, Account> getBalance(OpenedAccount account, GetBalance command) {
return Effect().reply(command.replyTo, new CurrentBalance(account.balance));
private ReplyEffect<Event, Account> closeAccount(OpenedAccount account, CloseAccount command) {
if (account.balance.equals(BigDecimal.ZERO)) {
return Effect()
.persist(new AccountClosed())
.thenReply(command.replyTo, account2 -> StatusReply.ack());
} else {
return Effect()
.reply(command.replyTo, StatusReply.error("balance must be zero for closing account"));
public EventHandler<Account, Event> eventHandler() {
EventHandlerBuilder<Account, Event> builder = newEventHandlerBuilder();
.onEvent(AccountCreated.class, (account, created) -> account.openedAccount());
.onEvent(Deposited.class, (account, deposited) -> account.makeDeposit(deposited.amount))
.onEvent(Withdrawn.class, (account, withdrawn) -> account.makeWithdraw(withdrawn.amount))
.onEvent(AccountClosed.class, (account, closed) -> account.closedAccount());
Notice how the eventHandler
delegates to the applyEvent
in the Account
(state), which is implemented in the concrete EmptyAccount
, OpenedAccount
, and ClosedAccount
Command handlers in the state¶
We can take the previous bank account example one step further by handling the commands in the state too.
sourceobject AccountEntity {
// Command
sealed trait Command extends CborSerializable
final case class CreateAccount(replyTo: ActorRef[StatusReply[Done]]) extends Command
final case class Deposit(amount: BigDecimal, replyTo: ActorRef[StatusReply[Done]]) extends Command
final case class Withdraw(amount: BigDecimal, replyTo: ActorRef[StatusReply[Done]]) extends Command
final case class GetBalance(replyTo: ActorRef[CurrentBalance]) extends Command
final case class CloseAccount(replyTo: ActorRef[StatusReply[Done]]) extends Command
// Reply
final case class CurrentBalance(balance: BigDecimal)
// Event
sealed trait Event extends CborSerializable
case object AccountCreated extends Event
case class Deposited(amount: BigDecimal) extends Event
case class Withdrawn(amount: BigDecimal) extends Event
case object AccountClosed extends Event
val Zero = BigDecimal(0)
// type alias to reduce boilerplate
type ReplyEffect = pekko.persistence.typed.scaladsl.ReplyEffect[Event, Account]
// State
sealed trait Account extends CborSerializable {
def applyCommand(cmd: Command): ReplyEffect
def applyEvent(event: Event): Account
case object EmptyAccount extends Account {
override def applyCommand(cmd: Command): ReplyEffect =
cmd match {
case CreateAccount(replyTo) =>
Effect.persist(AccountCreated).thenReply(replyTo)(_ => StatusReply.Ack)
case _ =>
// CreateAccount before handling any other commands
override def applyEvent(event: Event): Account =
event match {
case AccountCreated => OpenedAccount(Zero)
case _ => throw new IllegalStateException(s"unexpected event [$event] in state [EmptyAccount]")
case class OpenedAccount(balance: BigDecimal) extends Account {
require(balance >= Zero, "Account balance can't be negative")
override def applyCommand(cmd: Command): ReplyEffect =
cmd match {
case Deposit(amount, replyTo) =>
Effect.persist(Deposited(amount)).thenReply(replyTo)(_ => StatusReply.Ack)
case Withdraw(amount, replyTo) =>
if (canWithdraw(amount))
Effect.persist(Withdrawn(amount)).thenReply(replyTo)(_ => StatusReply.Ack)
Effect.reply(replyTo)(StatusReply.Error(s"Insufficient balance $balance to be able to withdraw $amount"))
case GetBalance(replyTo) =>
case CloseAccount(replyTo) =>
if (balance == Zero)
Effect.persist(AccountClosed).thenReply(replyTo)(_ => StatusReply.Ack)
Effect.reply(replyTo)(StatusReply.Error("Can't close account with non-zero balance"))
case CreateAccount(replyTo) =>
Effect.reply(replyTo)(StatusReply.Error("Account is already created"))
override def applyEvent(event: Event): Account =
event match {
case Deposited(amount) => copy(balance = balance + amount)
case Withdrawn(amount) => copy(balance = balance - amount)
case AccountClosed => ClosedAccount
case AccountCreated => throw new IllegalStateException(s"unexpected event [$event] in state [OpenedAccount]")
def canWithdraw(amount: BigDecimal): Boolean = {
balance - amount >= Zero
case object ClosedAccount extends Account {
override def applyCommand(cmd: Command): ReplyEffect =
cmd match {
case c: Deposit =>
case c: Withdraw =>
case GetBalance(replyTo) =>
case CloseAccount(replyTo) =>
case CreateAccount(replyTo) =>
private def replyClosed(replyTo: ActorRef[StatusReply[Done]]): ReplyEffect =
Effect.reply(replyTo)(StatusReply.Error(s"Account is closed"))
override def applyEvent(event: Event): Account =
throw new IllegalStateException(s"unexpected event [$event] in state [ClosedAccount]")
// when used with sharding, this TypeKey can be used in `sharding.init` and `sharding.entityRefFor`:
val TypeKey: EntityTypeKey[Command] =
def apply(persistenceId: PersistenceId): Behavior[Command] = {
EventSourcedBehavior.withEnforcedReplies[Command, Event, Account](
(state, cmd) => state.applyCommand(cmd),
(state, event) => state.applyEvent(event))
Notice how the command handler is delegating to applyCommand
in the Account
(state), which is implemented in the concrete EmptyAccount
, OpenedAccount
, and ClosedAccount
Optional initial state¶
Sometimes, it’s not desirable to use a separate state class for the empty initial state, but rather treat that as there is no state yet. Option[State]
can be used as the state type and None
as the emptyState
. Pattern matching is then used in command and event handlers at the outer layer before delegating to the state or other methods.
sourceobject AccountEntity {
// Command
sealed trait Command extends CborSerializable
final case class CreateAccount(replyTo: ActorRef[StatusReply[Done]]) extends Command
final case class Deposit(amount: BigDecimal, replyTo: ActorRef[StatusReply[Done]]) extends Command
final case class Withdraw(amount: BigDecimal, replyTo: ActorRef[StatusReply[Done]]) extends Command
final case class GetBalance(replyTo: ActorRef[CurrentBalance]) extends Command
final case class CloseAccount(replyTo: ActorRef[StatusReply[Done]]) extends Command
// Reply
final case class CurrentBalance(balance: BigDecimal) extends CborSerializable
// Event
sealed trait Event extends CborSerializable
case object AccountCreated extends Event
case class Deposited(amount: BigDecimal) extends Event
case class Withdrawn(amount: BigDecimal) extends Event
case object AccountClosed extends Event
val Zero = BigDecimal(0)
// type alias to reduce boilerplate
type ReplyEffect = pekko.persistence.typed.scaladsl.ReplyEffect[Event, Option[Account]]
// State
sealed trait Account extends CborSerializable {
def applyCommand(cmd: Command): ReplyEffect
def applyEvent(event: Event): Account
case class OpenedAccount(balance: BigDecimal) extends Account {
require(balance >= Zero, "Account balance can't be negative")
override def applyCommand(cmd: Command): ReplyEffect =
cmd match {
case Deposit(amount, replyTo) =>
Effect.persist(Deposited(amount)).thenReply(replyTo)(_ => StatusReply.Ack)
case Withdraw(amount, replyTo) =>
if (canWithdraw(amount))
Effect.persist(Withdrawn(amount)).thenReply(replyTo)(_ => StatusReply.Ack)
Effect.reply(replyTo)(StatusReply.Error(s"Insufficient balance $balance to be able to withdraw $amount"))
case GetBalance(replyTo) =>
case CloseAccount(replyTo) =>
if (balance == Zero)
Effect.persist(AccountClosed).thenReply(replyTo)(_ => StatusReply.Ack)
Effect.reply(replyTo)(StatusReply.Error("Can't close account with non-zero balance"))
case CreateAccount(replyTo) =>
Effect.reply(replyTo)(StatusReply.Error("Account is already created"))
override def applyEvent(event: Event): Account =
event match {
case Deposited(amount) => copy(balance = balance + amount)
case Withdrawn(amount) => copy(balance = balance - amount)
case AccountClosed => ClosedAccount
case AccountCreated => throw new IllegalStateException(s"unexpected event [$event] in state [OpenedAccount]")
def canWithdraw(amount: BigDecimal): Boolean = {
balance - amount >= Zero
case object ClosedAccount extends Account {
override def applyCommand(cmd: Command): ReplyEffect =
cmd match {
case c: Deposit =>
case c: Withdraw =>
case GetBalance(replyTo) =>
case CloseAccount(replyTo) =>
case CreateAccount(replyTo) =>
private def replyClosed(replyTo: ActorRef[StatusReply[Done]]): ReplyEffect =
Effect.reply(replyTo)(StatusReply.Error(s"Account is closed"))
override def applyEvent(event: Event): Account =
throw new IllegalStateException(s"unexpected event [$event] in state [ClosedAccount]")
// when used with sharding, this TypeKey can be used in `sharding.init` and `sharding.entityRefFor`:
val TypeKey: EntityTypeKey[Command] =
def apply(persistenceId: PersistenceId): Behavior[Command] = {
EventSourcedBehavior.withEnforcedReplies[Command, Event, Option[Account]](
(state, cmd) =>
state match {
case None => onFirstCommand(cmd)
case Some(account) => account.applyCommand(cmd)
(state, event) =>
state match {
case None => Some(onFirstEvent(event))
case Some(account) => Some(account.applyEvent(event))
def onFirstCommand(cmd: Command): ReplyEffect = {
cmd match {
case CreateAccount(replyTo) =>
Effect.persist(AccountCreated).thenReply(replyTo)(_ => StatusReply.Ack)
case _ =>
// CreateAccount before handling any other commands
def onFirstEvent(event: Event): Account = {
event match {
case AccountCreated => OpenedAccount(Zero)
case _ => throw new IllegalStateException(s"unexpected event [$event] in state [EmptyAccount]")
sourcepublic class AccountEntity
extends EventSourcedBehaviorWithEnforcedReplies<
AccountEntity.Command, AccountEntity.Event, AccountEntity.Account> {
public static final EntityTypeKey<Command> ENTITY_TYPE_KEY =
EntityTypeKey.create(Command.class, "Account");
// Command
interface Command extends CborSerializable {}
public static class CreateAccount implements Command {
public final ActorRef<StatusReply<Done>> replyTo;
public CreateAccount(ActorRef<StatusReply<Done>> replyTo) {
this.replyTo = replyTo;
public static class Deposit implements Command {
public final BigDecimal amount;
public final ActorRef<StatusReply<Done>> replyTo;
public Deposit(BigDecimal amount, ActorRef<StatusReply<Done>> replyTo) {
this.replyTo = replyTo;
this.amount = amount;
public static class Withdraw implements Command {
public final BigDecimal amount;
public final ActorRef<StatusReply<Done>> replyTo;
public Withdraw(BigDecimal amount, ActorRef<StatusReply<Done>> replyTo) {
this.amount = amount;
this.replyTo = replyTo;
public static class GetBalance implements Command {
public final ActorRef<CurrentBalance> replyTo;
public GetBalance(ActorRef<CurrentBalance> replyTo) {
this.replyTo = replyTo;
public static class CloseAccount implements Command {
public final ActorRef<StatusReply<Done>> replyTo;
public CloseAccount(ActorRef<StatusReply<Done>> replyTo) {
this.replyTo = replyTo;
// Reply
public static class CurrentBalance implements CborSerializable {
public final BigDecimal balance;
public CurrentBalance(BigDecimal balance) {
this.balance = balance;
// Event
interface Event extends CborSerializable {}
public enum AccountCreated implements Event {
public static class Deposited implements Event {
public final BigDecimal amount;
Deposited(BigDecimal amount) {
this.amount = amount;
public static class Withdrawn implements Event {
public final BigDecimal amount;
Withdrawn(BigDecimal amount) {
this.amount = amount;
public static class AccountClosed implements Event {}
// State
interface Account extends CborSerializable {}
public static class OpenedAccount implements Account {
public final BigDecimal balance;
public OpenedAccount() {
this.balance = BigDecimal.ZERO;
public OpenedAccount(BigDecimal balance) {
this.balance = balance;
OpenedAccount makeDeposit(BigDecimal amount) {
return new OpenedAccount(balance.add(amount));
boolean canWithdraw(BigDecimal amount) {
return (balance.subtract(amount).compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) >= 0);
OpenedAccount makeWithdraw(BigDecimal amount) {
if (!canWithdraw(amount))
throw new IllegalStateException("Account balance can't be negative");
return new OpenedAccount(balance.subtract(amount));
ClosedAccount closedAccount() {
return new ClosedAccount();
public static class ClosedAccount implements Account {}
public static AccountEntity create(String accountNumber, PersistenceId persistenceId) {
return new AccountEntity(accountNumber, persistenceId);
private final String accountNumber;
private AccountEntity(String accountNumber, PersistenceId persistenceId) {
this.accountNumber = accountNumber;
public Account emptyState() {
return null;
public CommandHandlerWithReply<Command, Event, Account> commandHandler() {
CommandHandlerWithReplyBuilder<Command, Event, Account> builder =
builder.forNullState().onCommand(CreateAccount.class, this::createAccount);
.onCommand(Deposit.class, this::deposit)
.onCommand(Withdraw.class, this::withdraw)
.onCommand(GetBalance.class, this::getBalance)
.onCommand(CloseAccount.class, this::closeAccount);
.onAnyCommand(() -> Effect().unhandled().thenNoReply());
private ReplyEffect<Event, Account> createAccount(CreateAccount command) {
return Effect()
.thenReply(command.replyTo, account2 -> StatusReply.ack());
private ReplyEffect<Event, Account> deposit(OpenedAccount account, Deposit command) {
return Effect()
.persist(new Deposited(command.amount))
.thenReply(command.replyTo, account2 -> StatusReply.ack());
private ReplyEffect<Event, Account> withdraw(OpenedAccount account, Withdraw command) {
if (!account.canWithdraw(command.amount)) {
return Effect()
StatusReply.error("not enough funds to withdraw " + command.amount));
} else {
return Effect()
.persist(new Withdrawn(command.amount))
.thenReply(command.replyTo, account2 -> StatusReply.ack());
private ReplyEffect<Event, Account> getBalance(OpenedAccount account, GetBalance command) {
return Effect().reply(command.replyTo, new CurrentBalance(account.balance));
private ReplyEffect<Event, Account> closeAccount(OpenedAccount account, CloseAccount command) {
if (account.balance.equals(BigDecimal.ZERO)) {
return Effect()
.persist(new AccountClosed())
.thenReply(command.replyTo, account2 -> StatusReply.ack());
} else {
return Effect()
.reply(command.replyTo, StatusReply.error("balance must be zero for closing account"));
public EventHandler<Account, Event> eventHandler() {
EventHandlerBuilder<Account, Event> builder = newEventHandlerBuilder();
builder.forNullState().onEvent(AccountCreated.class, () -> new OpenedAccount());
.onEvent(Deposited.class, (account, deposited) -> account.makeDeposit(deposited.amount))
.onEvent(Withdrawn.class, (account, withdrawn) -> account.makeWithdraw(withdrawn.amount))
.onEvent(AccountClosed.class, (account, closed) -> account.closedAccount());