
Defers creation and materialization of a Flow until there is a first element.

Simple operators


When the first element comes from upstream the actual CompletionStage<Flow> is created and when that completes it is materialized and inserted in the stream. The internal Flow will not be created if there are no elements on completion or failure of up or downstream.

The materialized value of the Flow will be the materialized value of the created internal flow if it is materialized and failed with a org.apache.pekko.stream.NeverMaterializedException if the stream fails or completes without the flow being materialized.

See also lazyFlow.

Can be combined with prefixAndTail(1) to base the flow construction on the initial element triggering creation. See lazyFlow for sample.

Reactive Streams semantics

emits when the internal flow is successfully created and it emits

backpressures when the internal flow is successfully created and it backpressures

completes when upstream completes and all elements have been emitted from the internal flow

completes when upstream completes and all futures have been completed and all elements have been emitted